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Homeopathic Remedies - I

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in remedy finder - Used in the remedy finder

Top 4 single remedies - I

In order of popularity (scroll down for full alphabetical listing)

Ignatia AmaraRank: 🛒20 ✚35
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

AKA: St. Ignatius Bean, Ignat, Ignatia, Iamara 📖 used in remedy finder

IodiumRank: 🛒69 ✚53
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

AKA: Iodine, Iodum, Iodinum 📖 used in remedy finder

Iris VersicolorRank: 🛒83 ✚139
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

AKA: Blue Flag, Iris vers, Iris v 📖 📷 used in remedy finder

IpecacuanhaRank: 🛒99 ✚68
AKA: Ipecac-root, Ipecac, Ipec, Ipeca 📖 used in remedy finder

All Available Single Remedies - I

Iberis Amara Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: Bitter Candy Tuft, Iberis 📖 used in remedy finder

Ichthyolum - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Ictodes Foetida - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Ignatia Amara Available
  Class: Beans
  AKA: St. Ignatius Bean, Ignat, Ignatia, Iamara 📖 used in remedy finder

Il 4 - not available. No information listed

Il 7 - not available. No information listed

Il2 - not available. No information listed

Ilex Aquifolium Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: American Holly 📖 📷

Ilex paraguariensis - not available. No information listed

Ilex Paraguayensis - not available. No information listed

Illicium Anisatum Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: Illicium Verum, Illicium 📖 used in remedy finder

Imperatoria Ostruthium - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Indigo - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Indium Metallicum Available
  Class: Metals
  AKA: The Metal Indium 📖 used in remedy finder

Indolum Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies

Influenzinum Available
  Class: Nosodes
  AKA: Influenza nosode 📖

Ingluvin - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Insulinum Available
  Class: Sarcodes

Inula Helenium Available
  Class: Herbal based remedies
  AKA: Scab Wort, Inula 📖 used in remedy finder

Iodargyrite Available
  Class: Minerals
  AKA: Silver Iodide

Iodium Available
  Class: Drugs etc
  AKA: Iodine, Iodum, Iodinum 📖 used in remedy finder

Iodoformum - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Ipecacuanha Available
  Class: Roots and tubers
  AKA: Ipecac-root, Ipecac, Ipec, Ipeca 📖 used in remedy finder

Ipomia Purpurea - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Iridium - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Iris Factissima - not available. No information listed

Iris Florentina - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Iris Foetidissima - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Iris Germanica - not available. Materia medica information for members only.

Iris Tenax Available
  Class: Iris remedies
  AKA: Iris Minor 📖

Iris Versicolor Available
  Class: Iris remedies
  AKA: Blue Flag, Iris vers, Iris v 📖 📷 used in remedy finder

Itu - not available. No information listed








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