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...or Create an Account create a new combined account for the forum, the shop, and the remedy finder.
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This should be something anonymous - if you post to the forum, you may be asked personal questions in the search for the right remedy. It is not a good idea to use the same name on other forums where people know you.
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This information will be used to guide you to the supplier that can send you remedies most efficiently.

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Tip: Add to your address book to ensure the registration email makes it.

Why create an account?

It's completely free of charge. Neither will we subscribe you to a mailing list.

In the Remedy Finder and materia medica you can:

  • Save and recall cases
  • Notify us of your professional status (if applicable).
  • Choose which materia medica(s) you see by default.
  • Bookmark and / or make notes on individual remedies.

In the shop you can:

  • See which of our suppliers can ship to your stated country.
  • Save your shipping and billing addresses at checkout
  • View your previous orders, and add previously ordered items to your current basket

In the forum you can:

  • Post questions or answers.
  • View the profiles of other members, by clicking their names.