Iberis Amara
Bitter Candy Tuft, Iberis, Iber.Have you ever used Iberis Amara? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Iberis Amara in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
State of nervous excitement. Has marked action upon the heart. Possesses great efficacy in cardiac diseases. Controls vascular excitement in hypertrophy with thickening of the heart’s walls. Cardiac debility after influenza. Liver region full and painful. White stools.
Tincture and first potency.
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WORSE, lying down; on left side; motion, exertion; warm room.
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Compare: Cactus Grandiflorus Cact.; Digitalis Purpurea Dig.; AMYL.; Belladonna Bell.
⥄ Show reverse lookup of Iberis Amara relationships from all sources▲ MIND
Sad and sighing; fearful and trembling
Insecure, uncertain, scared; fear; of taking too much medicine
≡ show all authors ...▲ VERTIGO, DIZZINESS
Vertigo and pains around heart
Vertigo, As if occiput were turning around; eyes feel forced outwards.
≡ show all authors ...▲ HEAD
Constant hawking of thick, stringy mucus until after a meal
Hot, flushed face
Pain, headache
afternoon; 3 p.m.
in forehead; morning; on rising
in forehead; evening
in forehead; after rising
temples; afternoon
≡ show all authors ...▲ CHEST
Heart; Conscious of heart’s action
On turning on left side, stitching pain as of needles through ventricles felt at each systole
Palpitation, With vertigo and choking in throat
Stitching pains in cardiac region
Pulse full, irregular, intermittent
Worse, least motion and in warm room Sensation of weight and pressure, with occasional sharp, stinging pains
Dropsy, with enlarged heart
Violent palpitation Induced by slightest exertion, or by laughing, or coughing
darting pains through heart
cardiac dyspnoea
Dilation of heart
Wakes with palpitation about 2 a.m
Throat and trachea fills up with mucus
Cough causes redness of face
hypertrophy of heart
palpitations; on movement; slightest
heart; when lying down; on left side
stitching, sudden, sharp; heart
≡ show all authors ...▲ EXTREMITIES, LIMBS
Extremities, limbs
Numbness and tingling in left hand and arm
Whole body sore, lame and trembling.
Coldness; lower limbs; foot
Pain; upper limbs; left; with heart symptoms
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