The ABC Homeopathy Forum
mouth taste bitter
dr.deoshlok sharma/OTHERS1. Name : Beerankunju
2. Age : 51
3. Sex : MALE
5. weight : 53 KGS
6. Height .: 5 FT 3 INCHES
8. Residing in Dubai Very Humid and High temperature during summer and Cold and dry in winter
9. Bitter Taste in while waking up in the morning or during sleep, tend to sip water whenever wakes up. It disappear after brushing the teeth or drinking water.
11. NO desire to sweet, salt or sour
12. Thirst : Not fell thirsty (but drinks water whether thirsty or not)
13. Touge normal
14. BP normal, but have variation occassionaly, takes Kali Phose 6x or earlier taken Raulfia Q
15. If stressed mouth become dry and feel bitter taste whether stressed or not every day whenever wakes up during sleep MOUTH TASTE BITTER.
16. Medically feels fit but always disturbed
17. Mentally normal, but some times afraid/stressed for unfounded reasons, feels life is not stable, even though I am a middle class person living in not very bad situation.
18. Had Jaundice at the age of 10/12 and treated by Homeopathy.
this question.
19. Normally takes Homeopathy as first priority for any illness and took Brayonia Alb for above as advise by an Homeopath, but no result.
Please advise some medecines
kunjukb on 2006-03-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
well jus from info given--bitter taste in morning better by drinking---there is ---bar-c,bry,carb-a,ip,lyc,sil,sul....if water is only thing that helps --then bry,lyc,puls---if warm water then only lyc...
yet if causation exist to account for such symtomology then --that changes remedy selection----if taking mineral supplements--this give such-particularly iron --if given to coffee use or alcohol---need consider--as what allopath/over counter meds taking (anything at all)?
yet if causation exist to account for such symtomology then --that changes remedy selection----if taking mineral supplements--this give such-particularly iron --if given to coffee use or alcohol---need consider--as what allopath/over counter meds taking (anything at all)?
♡ John Stanton last decade
if symptoms are unadultrated by any substance/medicine or such...
dry with abscence of thirst -bitter taste is puls...particularly if made also better by eating...aggravtion on waking also indicative of puls...
BUT again this depends on circumstances of life that may not be revealed yet--so as to ascertain proper remedy choosing..perhaps sulpur if alcohol usage in health history---or psorinum
much depends on when started and what was occuring (or had occurred) just prior?
if symptoms are unadultrated by any substance/medicine or such...
dry with abscence of thirst -bitter taste is puls...particularly if made also better by eating...aggravtion on waking also indicative of puls...
BUT again this depends on circumstances of life that may not be revealed yet--so as to ascertain proper remedy choosing..perhaps sulpur if alcohol usage in health history---or psorinum
much depends on when started and what was occuring (or had occurred) just prior?
♡ John Stanton last decade
You are advise to take Sulpher 200C every alternate day early in the morning empty stomach ,for a week and report to me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
dr.deoshlok sharma
Thank u Dr. D Sharma, at present I have Sulpher 30c, this will do, if yes, how many pills, how often it should be taken, pls advise.
Thank u Dr. D Sharma, at present I have Sulpher 30c, this will do, if yes, how many pills, how often it should be taken, pls advise.
kunjukb last decade
Hello John Stanton
Thank u for ur advise. I am not using/taking any alopath or other medc. now or any time in the past (i.e may last 4/5 years). No coffee, no alcohol, mineral supplements, only drinks tea, even any soft drinks, such as Pepsi etc... Food habit mainly 70% vegetarian 30% fish and meat items. The symtoms started for long time. Pls ask any specific information u may require to choose the medc. However, as Dr. Deshlok advised I will try for sulpher and will report.
Thank u for ur advise. I am not using/taking any alopath or other medc. now or any time in the past (i.e may last 4/5 years). No coffee, no alcohol, mineral supplements, only drinks tea, even any soft drinks, such as Pepsi etc... Food habit mainly 70% vegetarian 30% fish and meat items. The symtoms started for long time. Pls ask any specific information u may require to choose the medc. However, as Dr. Deshlok advised I will try for sulpher and will report.
kunjukb last decade
what thoughts ocur during " ....times afraid/stressed for unfounded reasons, feels life is not stable..."?
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hello John Stanton
I feel moody and some times get angry for silly things, I feel some thing bad going to happen to me during the time, unless otherwise I am alright.
I feel moody and some times get angry for silly things, I feel some thing bad going to happen to me during the time, unless otherwise I am alright.
kunjukb last decade
if taking suplhur ,then stop taking WHEN any new symptom occur OR ANY aggravtion /amelioration occur with any of symptomology....AND report back with such information---NO needless dosing...
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hello John Stanton
I didn't start with sulpher yet. So, pls advise what to do, shall I proceed with sulpher or not.
I didn't start with sulpher yet. So, pls advise what to do, shall I proceed with sulpher or not.
kunjukb last decade
please explain your family life circumstances and such--as thorough as possible...
how many white spots on/under fingernails? what condition of around nails?
any other complaints at all ? no matter how seemingly small or unimportant?
how many white spots on/under fingernails? what condition of around nails?
any other complaints at all ? no matter how seemingly small or unimportant?
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hello John Stanton
When I say I am alright, it means generally I am ok. But, ofcourse there are some sort of disturbances are there:
1. I had a fall and get head injury, treated (stiched). Later I was suffering from Vertigo like sytoms. I was treated by Homeopathy + Magnetic Therapy. This is three years before and the symtoms didn't come back. But still the fear of fallig down during prayer or walking still disturbing me.So, always during prayer I prefer to stay near to a wall or any where I may get a support or otherwise I will feel that I will fell down now, when feeling comes it start to beat the heart heavily, but I never fell down yet.
2. I have an itching in the buttock or say between the nates. Some boils will appear and start itching, if washed with hot water (very hot) i feel better. When I sit for long time, this occur more.
3. At present no white spots on/under finger nails, my nails are seemingly healthy.
4. Family life, I am married for 19 years and have two children. Generally having a good life, u can say comparitively stress free. I am an Indian working abroad ie. Dubai for the last 29 years and staying with my wife and children.
5. I have a tendency of Palpitation. I used to walk about 1 hour 5 days in a week (for the last one/two months I stop it as the whether condition is not suitable for walking). Normally in the early morning, during walking I never felt palpitation, if run yes, strangely after finishing walking I run to the 2nd floor of my flat through the stair case, but I never felt palpitation.
6. Usually wake up at around 5:30 am, pray and go for walking, come back take rest and take shower. But, one thing after waking up and brushing the teeth I must go to the toilet and it is regular. Stool is not hard or loose. At noon must take a nap for half an hour at around 2 pm. Then at night go to bed around 11 pm. This routine is very much followed.
I don't know the above is helpful, please dear Stanton do u have any specific questionaire I may answer it specifically.
Thanking u for taking care of my problems.
Best Regards/Kunju
When I say I am alright, it means generally I am ok. But, ofcourse there are some sort of disturbances are there:
1. I had a fall and get head injury, treated (stiched). Later I was suffering from Vertigo like sytoms. I was treated by Homeopathy + Magnetic Therapy. This is three years before and the symtoms didn't come back. But still the fear of fallig down during prayer or walking still disturbing me.So, always during prayer I prefer to stay near to a wall or any where I may get a support or otherwise I will feel that I will fell down now, when feeling comes it start to beat the heart heavily, but I never fell down yet.
2. I have an itching in the buttock or say between the nates. Some boils will appear and start itching, if washed with hot water (very hot) i feel better. When I sit for long time, this occur more.
3. At present no white spots on/under finger nails, my nails are seemingly healthy.
4. Family life, I am married for 19 years and have two children. Generally having a good life, u can say comparitively stress free. I am an Indian working abroad ie. Dubai for the last 29 years and staying with my wife and children.
5. I have a tendency of Palpitation. I used to walk about 1 hour 5 days in a week (for the last one/two months I stop it as the whether condition is not suitable for walking). Normally in the early morning, during walking I never felt palpitation, if run yes, strangely after finishing walking I run to the 2nd floor of my flat through the stair case, but I never felt palpitation.
6. Usually wake up at around 5:30 am, pray and go for walking, come back take rest and take shower. But, one thing after waking up and brushing the teeth I must go to the toilet and it is regular. Stool is not hard or loose. At noon must take a nap for half an hour at around 2 pm. Then at night go to bed around 11 pm. This routine is very much followed.
I don't know the above is helpful, please dear Stanton do u have any specific questionaire I may answer it specifically.
Thanking u for taking care of my problems.
Best Regards/Kunju
kunjukb last decade
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hello John Santon
The boils and itching is quite some time now. I don't remember when it started, it started may be 4/5 years and was treaed homepathically. That time it was gone. But now a days it is coming and going. When it is very severe I used to apply pure Coconut Oil, it gives some relief and as I said before washing with very hot water, I feel ok. Apart from the beginig I don't take any medc.
With regards/Kunju
The boils and itching is quite some time now. I don't remember when it started, it started may be 4/5 years and was treaed homepathically. That time it was gone. But now a days it is coming and going. When it is very severe I used to apply pure Coconut Oil, it gives some relief and as I said before washing with very hot water, I feel ok. Apart from the beginig I don't take any medc.
With regards/Kunju
kunjukb last decade
when exactly head injury occur?
how much dizziness envolved when feel like to fall?which direction do you feel to fall?how often it occur when walking?what body position when prayer?what effect when eyes closed?
again when (years ago?) exactly remember metallic taste occurring?
how much dizziness envolved when feel like to fall?which direction do you feel to fall?how often it occur when walking?what body position when prayer?what effect when eyes closed?
again when (years ago?) exactly remember metallic taste occurring?
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hello John Stanton
1. Head injury occured 3/4 years back.
2. Diziness felt turning the head to right side while laying, as if i am going down and he the whole room is moving and will stop in few second. The same thing was happening stooping and puting the forehead on floor, in this case it will be like I am going to deep in to a cave, also after few second it will stop. While walking or standing suddenly I will felt to tilt for a second to the frong right side. During these time times the heart beat will be high out of fear.
3. While standing for the prayer in the mosque, I feel insecure and will think that I will felldown, when this feeling starts, 1st my body start to tremble and heart start to beat uncontrolable, and you may know as custom, once we start the pray we cannot stop in the middle. May be this feeling is only mental and there is nothing to happen, since I undergone the treatment (homeo+megneti)vertigo/dizziness not occurd but the fear is there.
4. When eyes closed feel better, but the position has to be changed.
5. Bitter taste (not mettalic) starts may be before the head injury, I don't remember exactly.
6. Further I have some time acidity, Gas Bloating, on these occassion I used to take Natrum Sulph 6x or Carbo Veg 200c single dose.
Dear Stanton, it is realy make me crasy when I am waking up with severe taste (bitter)some time with excessive saliva some times with dry mouth.
Hope the above information may help u to find a solution or should u need any furhter details, please feel free to ask.
Thansk and best regards
1. Head injury occured 3/4 years back.
2. Diziness felt turning the head to right side while laying, as if i am going down and he the whole room is moving and will stop in few second. The same thing was happening stooping and puting the forehead on floor, in this case it will be like I am going to deep in to a cave, also after few second it will stop. While walking or standing suddenly I will felt to tilt for a second to the frong right side. During these time times the heart beat will be high out of fear.
3. While standing for the prayer in the mosque, I feel insecure and will think that I will felldown, when this feeling starts, 1st my body start to tremble and heart start to beat uncontrolable, and you may know as custom, once we start the pray we cannot stop in the middle. May be this feeling is only mental and there is nothing to happen, since I undergone the treatment (homeo+megneti)vertigo/dizziness not occurd but the fear is there.
4. When eyes closed feel better, but the position has to be changed.
5. Bitter taste (not mettalic) starts may be before the head injury, I don't remember exactly.
6. Further I have some time acidity, Gas Bloating, on these occassion I used to take Natrum Sulph 6x or Carbo Veg 200c single dose.
Dear Stanton, it is realy make me crasy when I am waking up with severe taste (bitter)some time with excessive saliva some times with dry mouth.
Hope the above information may help u to find a solution or should u need any furhter details, please feel free to ask.
Thansk and best regards
kunjukb last decade
Again I read all your detail and sulpher is your quite suitable for cure of bitterness of your mouth try it and inform me if 200c is not there then you can take 30c one dose early in the monring on alternate day.
♡ deoshlok last decade
Hello Dr. Deshlok/John Stanton
I had Sulpher 30 one dose every alternate days for the last two weeks, but no improvement noticed. Further, my itching in the nate area is aggravated now. Pls advise what I wld do next.
Thanks and b/regards
I had Sulpher 30 one dose every alternate days for the last two weeks, but no improvement noticed. Further, my itching in the nate area is aggravated now. Pls advise what I wld do next.
Thanks and b/regards
kunjukb last decade
i didnt recommend sulph in this case...itching nates--well sulphur evry other day fo rtwoweeks is stimuli that cause this---no other remedies and allow to settle.
ever have itching in nate area before this in life?
ever have itching in nate area before this in life?
♡ John Stanton last decade
John Stanton
I am sorry, it was not u who reccommend Sulpher for my Bitter Taste, but Dr. Deshlok. I thought u were following my thread and u know about it. i would appreciate if u could advise me for my itching and the Bitter Taste.
Thanks and best regards
I am sorry, it was not u who reccommend Sulpher for my Bitter Taste, but Dr. Deshlok. I thought u were following my thread and u know about it. i would appreciate if u could advise me for my itching and the Bitter Taste.
Thanks and best regards
kunjukb last decade
kunjukb last decade
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