The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Vitiligo treatment
I have been a vtiligo patient for the last 15 yrs,tried allopathy and ayurveda but the spreading never stopped.My symptoms match with sulphur and to some extent with Cal Carb.Can I take sulphur ,cal carb,lyco one after another? If it is feasible,what would be potency and how long I shall have to take these medicines to see positive results?Kindly guide me and oblige.Currently I am under Ayurvedic treatment.
N.P.Mishra on 2017-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What are the symptoms ? where is this vitiligo ? which part of body ?
and what kind of sensation you have over there ? when aggravates ad when ameliorates symptoms ?
You feel thirsty or you are mostly thirst less ?? you feel cold in body usually or you feel hot ?
What other ailments you have other than this vitiligo ?? explain.
Do not forget to answer every question I asked ..
What are the symptoms ? where is this vitiligo ? which part of body ?
and what kind of sensation you have over there ? when aggravates ad when ameliorates symptoms ?
You feel thirsty or you are mostly thirst less ?? you feel cold in body usually or you feel hot ?
What other ailments you have other than this vitiligo ?? explain.
Do not forget to answer every question I asked ..
♡ healer21 7 years ago
If you have Vitiligo, I would suggest you to go for homeopathy treatment. It is one of the effective and safest way to treat homeopathy. My sister had vitiligo so she took homeopathy treatment from Lifeforce homeopathy and you know what it was very effective. All the marks just vanished from her body but it took sometime.To read more on homeopathy treatment visit
spatel 7 years ago
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