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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Lycopodium new symptoms

Hello sir, i was less confident, less energy and all day feeling stress before taking Lycopodium 30.and this medicine is doing great work on these symptoms.
So i am happy with medicine but after 5 days i am feeling sitcking pain under right jaw near throat,dont know because of tonsillitis or teeth problem. Sometimes mild pain right rib again disappear, this medicine producing mild symptoms only in right side of body, What should i do ?? Please give me suggestion..
Age: 29
[Edited by nk111 on 2017-09-20 04:02:03]
  nk111 on 2017-09-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Who said you to take lycopodium and how long ? How many days and time ??

Do you feel thirsty ? Or do you need a glass of water every hour ?? Or you are thirst -less mostly ??

You feel cold in body or hot now a days ? Do you like or need a cotton sheet or blanket to cover you body or not ?

Tell your symptoms in detail ..

healer21 7 years ago

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