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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Autism- hep b vaccine & antibiotics


My daughter is 28 months old. She has signs of autism; no speech, lines things up, obsessed with similar things like crayons, pencils, etc.

Her diet is good, all organic (she wont eat veggies and we are reducing consumption of high sugar fruits) She takes lots of supplements; methyl folate, b6, b12, chlorella, vit D & k, L carnitine, MCT oil, coconut oil, and some more.

She recently started giving kisses BACK and that is huge progress for her as she never would before.

Here are some feelings I had while pregnant:
Fear, fear of the hospital, fear that they would make me vaccinate her which is what happened. (Hep B)

I also did not avoid my allergies (wheat, rice, black pepper, beef, rye) and her and I both were adminstered antibiotics because my doctor forgot to do some routine testing. !! Which I blieve caused candida.

When she was younger I felt guilty, without going into detail this guilt was probably located in sacral and maybe root or heart chakras. If that makes sense. I did cherish her being a baby but another part of me wanted her to grow up fast so that she could participate in more of the things we do. sports, etc.

I also felt paranoid. I didn't yet realize just how horrible antibiotics were and I would use them topical on her on any little scratch.

I want to order the Hep B Vaccine Homeopathy from helios I just need help choosing form, size, and potency. As for the form I would like to use something that disolves easily. She dosent tolerate milk well. (We have eliminated that from her diet.) Also how long should I do this for?

I only want to do one remedy at a time.

Any suggestions for what remedy to use after that so I can order all at one? Once again I need help with the Form, size and potency.

Thanks so much for any help.
  hellogoodbye1 on 2017-10-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
She is not on any homeopathy right now
hellogoodbye1 7 years ago
She is not on any medications. The other remedy I am interested is Thuja. Please somebody tell me form, size and potency and when I should give her both. Please and thank you!!!! Or if their is one that helps after antibiotics that may be better than thuja.
[Edited by hellogoodbye1 on 2017-10-29 16:10:45]
hellogoodbye1 7 years ago
Her personality: She is sweet, does not have much interest in animals (pulls dogs fur out and looks at it) , obsessed with water, runs away from me if I put her down, will hold my hand, good eye contact, will engage in activities with others but not that great at passing ball back and forth, etc. More interest in the ball itself. Does not like to share her toys. Obsessed with like objects, crayons, colorful hair ties, etc. good motor skills but doesnt jump.
hellogoodbye1 7 years ago

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