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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic sleep problem

i have depression, anxiety since 8 years and has been taking treatment with a local homeopath now depression and anxiety cure 90% but my sleep is not improving please help me...

1. dont feel sleepy at night.
2. dont sleep until 12 or 1 am, i have to force my self to sleep.
3. dont feel relax during sleep, very light sleep, dont get proper position for sleep.
4. turn in bed, wake up after every 1 or 2 hrs.
5. dont get physically and mentally rest during sleep.
6. dont feel fresh and energetic after wake up.
7. body does not get relax during sleep.
8. whole day feel sleepy, burning is eyes, tired.
  mariz on 2018-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


MY EMAIL ID: drthoufeeequebhms at gmail.com
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
thank you i will update you.
mariz 7 years ago
You and your child both can't sleep soundly.

You should try psorinum 1M .. 4 drops once in life only. In a separate disposable glass with some water in it.

If nothing works.
healer21 7 years ago

you had already prescribed me Psorinum 1m before 3 months ago but no improvement.
mariz 7 years ago
Dilemma ..
healer21 7 years ago
mariz 7 years ago
Doesn't look like a medical case. Well you may email me once again for your problem ..
healer21 7 years ago
Google adrenal fatigue. Wired up late at night and unrestful sleep means you burnt out from chronic stress and your cortisol cycle got messed up.
You shouldnt drink coffee at all, even during the day. If you use computer a lot lot install program called f.lux - the light from pc can really mess your sleep up. If you are waking up feeling tired and all body aching with unrestful sleep I had the same problem and MSM made a difference for me. Take a teaspoon with lemon juice in the morning, it's really worth a try no supplement helped me to that extent. Some adaptogenic herb might help you too, ashwagandha or siberian ginseng. I started ashwagandha myself recently because homeopathy didnt help me with my own anxiety and depression (seems aswaghandha did well in trials, as good as medication, but obviously everyone is individual case)... I was delaying herbs and any other route because of homeopathy but since I'm having some results i see i was wrong about it. Homeopathy is ideal cure but hard to nail down. Psorinum did help me somewhat but I was relapsing too quickly. So keep trying homeopathy but try other things too, quality of life is most important. Healer mentioned your child, dont know if you can use herbs though because I dont know if you're breastfeeding. But you can safely take msm and remember take with lemon juice. Good luck,
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-02-02 20:24:28]
cosmicweaver 7 years ago
Dear all,

After taking valeriana officinalis Q yesterday night i slept little better and hope more will improve because drthoufeeque prescribed for 7 days.

sir as per psychiatrist i have depression, anxiety and insomnia, i have taken many antidepressant for my problem but no one could help me, i have been taking treatment with a local homeopath since 2 years and now he has cure my worry, fear, panic attack and depression about 80 to 90% which was main root of my disease. but even that i am not sleeping soundly, not getting rest during sleep, my mind continuous run with unnecessary thoughts so i don't feel relax and calm, always in hurry i do fast typing, i read very fast and miss many words even read wrong, i dont feel happy, lovely,and satisfied dont feel to do anything, i cant type or tell you how i feel, dont like to talk with anyone, irritation and anger etc.


you are right i have many symptoms of adenal fatigue

hope drthoufeeque and healer21 both will help me please also look adrenal fatigue.
[Edited by mariz on 2018-02-03 05:01:57]
mariz 7 years ago
You can email me for a detailed history review once again and in depth this time. Thank you for your writing ..
healer21 7 years ago

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