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Erectile DysfunctionStress



Posts about Erectile Dysfunction, Stress

Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Constant stress4Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4erectile dysfunction8Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10erectile dysfunction25Adult picky eater with emotional distress5Erectile dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Night fall, urination problem , mental problems, stress, erectile dysfunction

Because of the 4 years of masterbation habit I am suffering with the above problems for past three years. I went urologist, tried various homeopathy and herbal capsules. Nothing helped me to cure my problems. Can you please help me
  Rampitkal on 2018-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer carefully..
Do not edit in this, answer seperately

2.Date of birth:

3.Past history of health:

4.Family medical history:

5.Are you taking medication? If so,which one?

6.Have you taken medication in the past?
If so, which one?

7.Chief complaint?

8.Describe the symptoms?

10.When did the symptoms first occur?

11.When do the symptoms get worse?

morning __ evening __ night __ swallowing __ talking __ during sleep __ on rising __ before a storm __ after a storm __ in damp weather __ in cold weather _ wearing tight clothes __ in a warm room __ washing __ in bed __ moving __ in a closed room __ in crowded places __ in the winter __ summer __ spring __ autumn __ at the sea __ in the sun __ lying on your back __ lying on affected side __ while exercising __

12.When do the symptoms get better?

bend backwards __ doubled over __ eating __ with cold applications __ warm applications __ in the morning __ evening ___ night __ moving __ listening to music __ applying pressure __ during rest __ uncovering the feet__

13.How's your appetite?

good appetite ___ decreased appetite ___ never hungry___ capricious eater__ excessive hunger ___ hungry soon after a meal ___ you never finish a meal___

14.Aversion to

food ___ water___ meat ___ bread__ fish__ butter__ eggs ___ fruits__ milk__ onions __ pickles ___ wine ___vegetables ___ cabbage __ beans __ cold food __ warm food __meat __ sour things__ sweet things__ pork __ ___ soup __ ice cream __ company __ friends ___ family ___ music ___ noise ___ sun___ light ___ odors ___ exercise __

15.Desire for

alcohol ___ bread___ butter___ cheese__ warm food ___ cold food __ room temperature food__ chocolate__ lemon__ pickle__ potato __salty things ___ sweet things __ fatty things __ sour things __ bitter things __ oysters __ beer__ wine __ coffee __ tea __ __ eggs __ starches __ vegetable __drugs __fish __pastry __ fruits __

16.Thirst for

large quantities of water __ small quantities of water __ hot __ cold___ ice cold water ___ milk __ pop ___
Addiction to
alcohol ___ tobacco __ drugs ___ sex ___ coffee ___ chocolate ___


mania__ aversion to work__ aversion to company __ aversion to children__ confusion__ __ poor memory __ learning disability___ suicidal tendencies __suppressed anger ___ grief ___ broken heart ___ anxiety ___ emotional instability __ poor concentration __ hallucination __ repulsion for sex __
Sleep pattern
normal __ deep __ disturbed __restless __ interrupted__ short__ insomnia__ afraid of the dark__ night terrors __ bad mood on rising ___ sleep walk ___ sleep apnea ___ you uncover feet __
Do you have a recurrent dream? ___
Describe your dream: __________________

18.Body build

normal __ ___ underweight __ slender ___chubby ___tall stature __ short stature __ medium stature ___ flabby upper arms__ thin arms __ flabby thighs__thin legs___ broad shoulders __ wide hips __narrow shoulders ____ narrow hips___ flat abdomen ___big butt __ hourglass shaped body__ pear shaped body _


rumbling __colic __flatulence __ cramps __ bloated __ heartburn __ feeling of emptiness ___


regular __ frequent __ hard __ light coloured __ black ___ watery __ bloody __ loose __ constipated ___ colicky before stool ___an urge without success__

Shape of stool ____________

Colour of stool ____________


aluminous__ acrid __ alkaline __bloody __burning __increased __ scanty __ painful urination _

22.What is you disposition?

sweet __ affectionate ___ shy___ meticulous __ indifferent __ loquacious ___ jealous ___ happy __messy__ cheerful___ capricious ___ absent-minded___ quarrelsome ___ anxious __ destructive___ easily offended ___ generous __ people pleaser___ bully ___ argumentative ___the life of the party __ quick to do things ___ vain ___ slow learner ___ violent __ you never finish a project ___ obsessed with religion ___ verbally abusive ___ compulsive behavior ___ love the outdoors ___ love the rain ___ hate the sun ___ afraid of the dentist __hate to be consoled __ impatient ___ philosophical __ afraid to die __ leader ___ paradoxical __ love animals __ love to sing __ music makes you cry __ never stay still __ rude __ always crying __ hold a grudge __ hyper __ sad __
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-08-12 15:19:07]
Mister4 6 years ago
2.Date of birth: 15-2-1992

3.Past history of health: no serious history

4.Family medical history: no serious history

5.Are you taking medication? If so,which one?
Homeopathy for erectile dysfunction, night fall, over reactive bladder
6.Have you taken medication in the past?
If so, which one?
Overactive blader meds from pharmacy, homeopathy for night fall, herbal for over masterbation, overeactive baldder homeopathy, erectile dysfunction
7.Chief complaint?
stress, night falls , worst urination function
8.Describe the symptoms?
I am getting night falls on average 3 times per week.
Sperm quality liquidity
High erection in sleep during the nights
Erectile dysfunction
Fast erections
Not feeling strong in pelvic surrounded muscles, little pain also around it.
Frequent urination, very urge urination, bladder can hold only little quantity,
Always stress
Can’t concentrate
Nagative thoughts
Can’t make a proper decision
Confusion, fear
Feeling week
10.When did the symptoms first occur?
Night falls in the second year of masterbation, urination after quit masterbation,
Mental problems started after year of urination
11.When do the symptoms get worse?
Can’t give the answer it is everyday
morning _x_ evening x__ night __x swallowing __ talking __ during sleep _x_ on rising __ before a storm __ after a storm __ in damp weather __ in cold weather _ wearing tight clothes __ in a warm room __ washing __ in bed __ moving __ in a closed room __ in crowded places __ in the winter __ summer __ spring __ autumn __ at the sea __ in the sun __ lying on your back __ lying on affected side __ while exercising __

12.When do the symptoms get better?
Never better
bend backwards __ doubled over __ eating __ with cold applications __ warm applications __ in the morning __ evening ___ night __ moving __ listening to music __ applying pressure __ during rest __ uncovering the feet__

13.How's your appetite?

good appetite _x__ decreased appetite ___ never hungry___ capricious eater_ excessive hunger ___ hungry soon after a meal ___ you never finish a meal___

14.Aversion to

food ___ water___ meat ___ bread__ fish__ butter__ eggs ___ fruits__ milk__ onions __ pickles _x__ wine ___vegetables ___ cabbage __ beans __ cold food _x_ warm food __meat __ sour things__ sweet things__ pork __ _x__ soup __ ice cream __ company __ friends __x_ family ___ music ___ noise ___x sun___ light ___ odors _x__ exercise __

15.Desire for

alcohol _x__ bread___ butter___ cheese__ warm food _x__ cold food __ room temperature food__ chocolate__ lemon__ pickle__ potato __salty things ___x sweet things __ fatty things __ sour things __ bitter things __ oysters __ beer_x_ wine __ coffee __ tea __x __ eggs __ starches __ vegetable _x_drugs __fish __pastry __ fruits _x_

16.Thirst for

large quantities of water _x_ small quantities of water __ hot __ cold___ ice cold water ___ milk __ pop ___
Addiction to
alcohol ___ tobacco __ drugs ___ sex ___ coffee ___ chocolate ___


mania_x_ aversion to work__ aversion to company _x_ aversion to children__ confusion__ x__ poor memory _x_ learning disability__x_ suicidal tendencies _x_suppressed anger _x__ grief _x__ broken heart ___ anxiety _x__ emotional instability _x_ poor concentration __x hallucination _x_ repulsion for sex __
Sleep pattern
normal __ deep _x_ disturbed _x_restless __ interrupted__x_ short__ insomnia_x_ afraid of the dark__ night terrors __x bad mood on rising ___ sleep walk ___ sleep apnea ___ you uncover feet __
Do you have a recurrent dream? ___
Describe your dream: __________________

18.Body build

normal __ _x__ underweight __ slender ___chubby ___tall stature _x_ short stature __ medium stature ___ flabby upper arms__ thin arms __ flabby thighs__thin legs___ broad shoulders __x wide hips __narrow shoulders ____ narrow hips___ flat abdomen ___big butt __ hourglass shaped body__ pear shaped body _


rumbling __colic __flatulence _X_ cramps __ bloated __x_ heartburn __ feeling of emptiness ___


regular __ frequent __ hard __ light coloured __ black ___ watery __ bloody __ loose __ constipated _x__ colicky before stool ___an urge without success__

Shape of stool _____small pieces _______

Colour of stool ___yellow_________


aluminous__ acrid __ alkaline __bloody __burning __increased __ scanty _x_ painful urination _

22.What is you disposition?

sweet __ affectionate _x__ shy_x__ meticulous __ indifferent __ loquacious ___ jealous ___ happy __messy__ cheerful___ capricious __x_ absent-minded___x quarrelsome ___ anxious _x_ destructive___ easily offended __x_ generous __ people pleaser___ bully ___ argumentative ___the life of the party __ quick to do things ___ vain ___ slow learner ___ violent __ you never finish a project ___ obsessed with religion ___ verbally abusive ___ compulsive behavior __ _ love the outdoors ___ love the rain ___ hate the sun ___ afraid of the dentist __hate to be consoled _x_ impatient __x_ philosophical __ afraid to die __ leader ___ paradoxical __ love animals __ love to sing __ music makes you cry _x never stay still __ rude _x_ always crying __ hold a grudge _x_ hyper __ sad __
Rampitkal 6 years ago
Can you list all the homoeopathic medicines you have taken with potencies
Mister.4 6 years ago
I have no idea of all the medicines but I can give a few names staphysagaria, lycopodium, saphia, merc sol , it’s very hard for me to remember all the homeopathy names. I used nf cure and shailajith capsules.
Rampitkal 6 years ago
Take nux vomica 1M only one dose just before sleeping (2 drops directly on tongue)

No any medicine till 5 days

Till then arrange sepia 200c,i will tell you later how and when to take it..

Report back after 5 days

Please do not take anything 20 min before and after the medicine.
Avoid camphor, coffee, garlic, mint, perfumes..
Do not take any other homoeopathic medicine along with this.
[Edited by Dr.KR on 2018-08-14 02:46:24]
Mister.4 6 years ago
I am living in USA. How do I get these medicines? Especially when I searched online I cannot find the liquid items. Can you please suggest me where I can purchase all these?
Rampitkal 6 years ago
Have you tried on this website??
Mister.4 6 years ago
Is Sepia 200 liquid or pellets ? And one more thing I am doing every day morning pranayama for 15 mins. Like bastrika, kapalbati, bahya, anulom viloma, meditation. Does it helps to cure my problems. Or do I need to stop doing any of those. And if I go to gym and doing exercises also helps to cure my problems. Or do I need to don’t do gym at all? What are the other activities that I can do for this?
Rampitkal 6 years ago
Take sepia 200c in liquid form

And keep continue pranayam its good for overall health..
Mister4 6 years ago

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