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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have been sick since Sunday. I can feel the pressure on sinuses.
The left nostril is ok, sometimes just clear water comes out. But the right nostril and sinus feels heavy and blocked. Mucus is yellow and greenish and doesn't come out easily.

From Monday till Tuesday noon I took kali bi 30 c and Merc Sol 30 c three times.
I was really sick on Tuesday morning (temperature, weak, tired), but I got better towards the evening. I thought it must be the Kali Bic.

But now, on Wednesday I feel worse again. The right nostril is blocked, head is heavy, slight headache on the back of the head. I just have the feeling I know where the sinusis start and where they end. Sometimes I feel the pain on my cheek close to the ear.

So I figured out that the potency of Kali bic was too low (because this sickness is a heavy one). I started taking Kali bic 30 c more often. Now I have taken 4 dozes in 12 hours, but I don't feel better what it comes to sinusitis (besides I don't have fever or the terrible headache anymore).

Please advise me what have I done wrong!

  Maria&boys on 2006-04-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi again,

It is the next morning, Thursday morning. My general condition is good, much better than in several days.

But my nose is blocked. I try to rinse it, the water doesn't come through. When I sneeze, not much comes out. The mucus is sticker and more clear than before.

The sinuses feel "heavy". No other symptoms.

I'd appriciate if someone could help me.

Maria&boys last decade

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