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Ulcer in mouth / tongue (continued) Page 14 of 18

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ok---let me know how father's sleep is tomorrow morning and if aggravtion reduced or not--
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Today morning at 6:30 hrs IST, the status are :
1. Throat pain & ulcer pain is much less. ******* However as usual while on bed, in the night, yesterday throat pain was more but compared to previous days, it was much less. *********
2. Swelling / lump of main ulcer on the left side of the tongue has further reduced with less pain.
3. Blisters on the inner cheek is also less with less pain.
Overall condition has improved. Feeling comfortable.

your attention :Pl. check point no. 1 ....
amitavam 2 decades ago
It is now 8:30 hrs IST, what is your next plan ??.
pl. reply ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
plan is to observe and see if reducing of aggravation continues.. so observation is answer ...keep close contact

what is current status of back/stool complaint ?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Stool quantity is less, as reported earlier. Urging of stool is there. Father is not satisfied with the quantity of the stool.
No back pain, as of now.

Will u give any remedy for this ... or to wait ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
still wait...and we observe as mentioned ..

how is father's ''spirits' at this time? any change you observe in his happiness?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
as of 13:30 hrs ist, status is same as what reported to you todat at 6:30 hrs IST.
No further improvement, no aggravation.
Father is comfortable, slightly relieved ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
as of 16:00 hrs IST, pain in ulcer & throat, has increased and it is going on increasing ...

pl. reply ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
hi john ...last posted message was due to panicky, what father has told to me. In the afternoon, while geeting up from the sleep, he felt , pain has increased. Then later on he told me, that it is ok . status is same as reported to you todat at 6:30 hrs IST ..

pl. advice ...
amitavam 2 decades ago
how was father's sleep last night as compared?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Last night sleep status, already sent to you:
Below i am sending again :
1. Throat pain & ulcer pain is much less. ******* However as usual while on bed, in the night, yesterday throat pain was more but compared to previous days, it was much less. *********
amitavam 2 decades ago
Status as on 22:00 HRS IST:
1. Throat & ulcer pain still present but slightly reduced state which is within bearable limit
2. Swelling / lump of main ulcer on the left side of the tongue remain the same as posted today morning at 6:30 hrs IST.
3. Pain on the throat & ulcer pain becomes more while on bed.
4. Blisters on the inner cheek with slight pain are still present.

****You attention to point no. 3 above. *****
Today also, in the afternoon, after getting from sleep, there was pain. SO my father got panicky and then i reported to you.

Pl. advice ...pain is not going completely. Pl.give remedy for complete cure.
amitavam 2 decades ago
still wait..we need see where this is going..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Today morning, 17/09/04, at 6:15 hrs IST, the status are :
1. Throat pain & ulcer pain is much less, same as yesterday. ******* However as usual while on bed, in the night, yesterday throat pain was present , same as yesterday night.*********
2. status of Swelling / lump of main ulcer on the left side of the tongue i same as yesterday.
3. Blisters on the inner cheek is also present with pain , same as yesterday.

Overall condition is same as yesterday morning, with no further improvement.
amitavam 2 decades ago
should one more dose be taken to eradicate the pain completely ??? Do u feel, Hepar Suph is the remedy ??? what do u suggest ??
pl. reply & advice.
amitavam 2 decades ago
mix hepar 200c /water solution as did hep 30c..single dose only..repeat in 4 hours only if NO cahnge at all in any way..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
single dose "only" hepar 200c in water solution (as directed before)---repeat after 4 hours --only if no change at all..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
should the left over solution, which we made 2 days back OR freshly prepare with 2 globules, as u have adviced earlier ???
Also, suppose if there is no change, then we have to continue doses every 4 hrs, and if there is any change, then stop ..am i right ???
amitavam 2 decades ago
pl. reply .,...
amitavam 2 decades ago
fresh prepared--repeat every 4 hours until change occur -then cease--no more than 4 doses this way...then stop even if no change..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
i did not get your reply for long time. Hence taken dose from the left over solution.
Hepar Sulph200 solution was taken yesterday at 15:00 hrs. Since no changes occured, another dose at 19:00 hrs taken. In the night while on bed, pain was more in the throat & ulcer as usual. Today morning (18/09/04)at 7:00 hrs, pain continued.
2 doses of Hepar sulph 200 solution at a interval of 4 hrs has not given any result, it seems.
amitavam 2 decades ago
no more hepar...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
ok ..

let me know, any change in remedy ...OR to wait !!!
amitavam 2 decades ago
wait---something troubling ---ameliorations and then stops --
John Stanton 2 decades ago
i did not understood your last reply.
Anyway, As of now, 12:00 noon, ulcer & throat pain has not increased, but stable, pain is in the lower side.
amitavam 2 decades ago
probably i have the feeling, that it may be due to right dose ??? remedy may be right .. but the amount of dose need to be rechecked ... what so u feel ???
amitavam 2 decades ago

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