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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi dr I'm suffering from facial hair last 10 years but its remains.
I used different homeopathic medicine but with the passage of time it re appear.
I'm 28 year old now please help me with best suggestion ...
  Saira2 on 2019-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you have thyroid problem?
And how is your periods? Is it regular? Any pain during periods?
Are you taking any medication?
Tui 5 years ago
My thyroid test normal
Lipid profile is also normal
My periods are regular but always appear with severe pain but i don't have any cyst in my ovary
Saira2 5 years ago
Where are those excess hairs? just your face or other places like stomach, shoulder, chest, back as well?

And have you been diagnosed as Hirsutism by a doctor?
Tui 5 years ago

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