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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe anxiety,constipation and gerd

hi my name is pearl 44 years old light skin coloured and medium brown haired light brown eyed woman. My height 164cm weight is 62 kilogram. I was born in Turkey but has been living for 19 years in canada, toronto. This is very cold country and also humidity. I dont like cold and humid. I am married and have 2 son 25 and 19 years old. When i was 19 and pregnant my father died from heart attack. Icould tell you that he was my life. When he died i started seeing spiders on the seiling while my eyes were openand 5 years later my mom died from breast cancer and i was pregnant for second son.Then i came to canada.5 years ago night time i had suddely heart palpatation, shot breath, dizziness and numbness all over my body. I felt that it was heart attack.In hospital they diognosed panik attack. 5 following day i had same problem then they put me on paxil and clonazepam but 3 months later i stopped them in cold turkey. I was like crazy person then i started taking serequel and too many different medication. then one of the doctor gave me only clonazepam.2 years ago in blood test i had h.pylori bakteria.Then doctor gave me 3 medicine to treat my stomach bug. Since than i have stomach problems.severe bloting,gas,acid reflux,severe constipation(i had constipation since 13 years old)but got worse.My mouth is burning 24 hours. Burping like a horse.For six months i have been seeing homeopath.I have been taking since than aconite nap 200ch,platina 200ch. They are for my severe anxiety and severe insomnia problem. For my stomach i took nux vomica 200ch. it helped for my gerd but not bloating and constipation.then i started suphur 200ch and helped my constipation but gerd and bloating didnt go away.And day time my anxiety very bad and my breath is too short.So last week i started argentum nut.200ch,sulphur 200ch,carb veg 200ch and also continue aconite and platino.But now my problem worse and having gas pain all over the stomach. My anxiety cause alot of problems. But the problems seem can not solved for 6 months. And also it is ok too take aconite for long term but stopped every 6 months for one week. Please help me doctor.Iam suffering alot.
  pearl on 2006-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You presented your detail in not enough or fit for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / so Gesture are required for homeopathic treatment. So please send me your following details given below.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
15. What exactly is happening ?
16. How do you feel ?
17. How does this affect you ?
18. How does it feel like ?
19. What comes to your mind ?
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
21. How did that feel like ?
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
24. current medicine you are taking
25. family back ground
26. qualification of patient
27. Nature of working
28. desire and aversion of food
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email.
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
my name is pearl,44 years old woman and married for 25 years.Iam 132 pound and 164 cm
live in canada, toronto.
Winter is very cold and windy,summer is hot and humidity.
My complain is severe anxiety since 2001.
Acid indegistion,belching,bloating,gas,chronic constipation,hemorroid.
Severe insomnia(under control with Aconite.
I have glucose intolarance problem and have to eat very often small meal. But doktor said it is not diabetic and for the future candidate for diabetic if i dont be carefull. Before my period i starve for sweet but not much. Iam not thirsty but i drink because i have to.My tounge burning and looks tender from acid. Morning there is white coat on that.
My blood pressure is low with anxiety remedies, with panic it is getting little high 130/90, other time 90/65.
My concantration is very poor. My stomach nervus is killing me. Iam hurry for everything.Must be done in time. But my dizziness and breatless i cannot do anything. It is better for me to be outside in fresh air and not see house messy.
Iam angry if i dont get help from my family.I am upset for my husband for not support me emotionally. I feel i am fighting this disorder with my self but nobody else from my family.
I also feel that i am under the water and try to get out. This is major problem.
I am hurry for to do everything. I can not be patient when i listen someone.
I am very sensetive person and help people alot.But i get hurt easly by them.
Big event is in my life, my father died 25 years agofrom heart attack. I thougt life was ended forme.
I also feel i had guilt too.
I have jelousy for my friend and my love not to share with some one else.
I have to do everything perfect.
Since my first panic attack i have fear of dying from heart attack.
I everyday walk 45 min.I love to dance. In public speking i am very panicky for if i am going to do mistakes.
I take aconite 200ch bed time for my sleep.
platina 200ch once
morning sulphur 200ch and nux vomica 200ch
night sulphur 200ch and carbo veg 200ch
and today i took argentim nit 200ch for my anxiety and breathing.
I was working in hotel as a supervisor in housekeeping department.
I like to eat vegetables more then eating meats. Yeast and milk products seems to bothering my stomach more. I eat very healthy. Passion flower tincture is helping for my anxiety and stomach problem. Sometimes i take that.
my mind is always in my breathing, and my health
condition. What ever i eat food doesnt go down. Little eat and big bloating, and burbing.i always wear loose clothes and no bras. I can not live without people, I hate to be alone.I always want to be with my friends.
I feel very depressed in winter time i feel better in warm weather. Humidity makes my all problems worse.
Every remedy helps some for something but other thing get worse. Please help me Dr. Sharma. Thanks...
pearl last decade
your problem is so similar to me.
pray you get well soon.
rdutt last decade
Dr Deoshlok Sharma
I been waiting respond from you. Please tell me what remedies are best for my condition.
pearl last decade
hi Dr Deoshlok,
My anxiety in my stomach is living me breathless. And my bloathing getting worse. I started having some kind of pain in upper stomach that the pain goes to my back and to my temples. It seems this pain is gas pain. Because of breatless i am very weak and dizzy.Please help. If you need more info please ask. thanks.
pearl last decade
Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) can help the bloating and pain in your stomach after a meal. It will also help your constipation and the bonus is that it will also reduce your weight by about 1-2 pounds per week.

Dose is 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner. Do not drink water after a meal other than a few sips. You may drink the water half hour before or after a meal.

You are advised to eat small meals and to avoid fats and red meat which are difficult to digest.

Report response in a few days.
Joe De Livera last decade
You sound like me too.

I had severe anxiety for many years also, but after seeing a homeopath most of the anxiety has dissapeared. Before I consulted with my homeopath I did not wear a bra for a least a year prior. As soon as I took the remedy for stress, I was able to wear a bra again.

However, I still have the bloating problems which I feel around my bra strap. I also have SEVERE very SEVERE problems with my throat. Joe has explained to me that my throat problems are coming from the juices in my stomach. It finally dawned on me that he is right ON!. My doctor also has been wanting me to have my stomach checked because he thinks my breathing/throat problems are coming from my stomach. However, I cannot do the test because the chemicals that are required I swallow will make my throat worst and then I won't be able to breath, eat or drink anything and my panic attacks will get worst also.

I also still have the panic attacks which I think will dissapear once I cure my stomach problems. The juices from the stomach seem to be causing the throat to become irritated and hot.

I also believe that all the acid that the stomach is over loaded with is getting into my other body parts and causing me to have pain.

I do take a remedy that helps with the bloating and the pain but it feels like the remedy is only maintaining my condition without actually curing it so now I am looking for other remedies to cure my stomach problems.

I did try some herbal colon cleanse, but I have not seen a sign of improvement.

I am waiting for the Nat Phos 6x to arrive. I will let you know how I do on it. I hope you try it too.

Please keep me posted as to how you finally cured your bloating problem. I would really appreciate it.
Pat2006 last decade
I sent you e-mail a couple of days ago. Hope you got it.

Please let us know when you finally find a cure for your stomach/throat problems. Keep track of everything you do and all the different remedies you try so you can share them with us. Thank you.

Take care and hope you get better also.
Pat2006 last decade
Currently, I am getting a lot of help from Arnica wet dose (daily) which is helping my throat and warming my very cold body.
Pat2006 last decade
Thank you pat and joe responding for my questions.
I still didnt bur nat phos 6x. I am taking sulphur 200ch
with nux vomica200ch in the morning. Night sulphur 200ch with Argentum nit 200ch. They work for acid reflux, burning sensation in my mouthbut blothing seems still there.
I didnt take argentum nit only one day and next day my bloathing, sleeping problem anxiety were worse than before. And i started again.My homeopath said continiue to take it. It seems Am i depending on remedies? What do you think? I also have been taking aconite 200ch for panik attac and fear. I was told that it is safe.I stop every 6 months for one week. What is your idea?
pearl last decade
joe thank you very much for your advise.
I been taking nat phos 6x for 2 weeks it helped me. But also i been seeing another homeopathy doctor for my all problems. I was given constitutional remedy (i was not told the name of the remedy) and kali phos 6x for anxiety. Since then my blothing, constipation and anxiety are better. I felt that nat phos6 started working on me when i started taking Kali Phos 6x biochemic. Any suggestion?
thanks again joe.
pearl last decade
Hello Pearl

Glad you are also taking something for stress.

In my experience using something for stress also helps the digestive system.

I think that is why Joe also suggest people take Nat Mur 6c which is for stress.

So glad that the Nat Phos 6x is working for you.

Keep in touch.
Pat2006 last decade

Make sure you do some form of exercise. We all know that excersises helps the nerves.

Take it slow and watch for signs of over doing it.

Try exercises in the water and yoga and walking and go easy. Check with your doctor also and always monitor yourself.
Pat2006 last decade
I am simply amazed at the drugs that some Americans use to merely stay alive.

I believe that their problems usually start when they notice that they feel uncomfortable after a meal. This condition increases in its intensity and the person consults a doctor and he feels that the problem is due to acidity and various powerful drugs are prescribed. One thing leads to another and on a subsequent visit to the doctor he feels that the digestion is caused by stress for which he prescribes other mind bending drugs which only serve to make a bad situation worse.

You ladies that read this short analysis may confirm my story of the progress of your illness which by now is acute and in some cases can be life threatening.

The patient then decides to see a homeopath and when he discovers that treating this case is virtually a gold mine, he continues the good work started by the MD and gives various remedies which are all calculated to only keep the patient mobile but ensures that he still continues to suffer from the problem for which he has to see the homeopath perhaps on a weekly basis when another remedy is given.

This vicious circle continues when the patient chances on the ABC or another forum and posts his/her problem on it and someone responds and prescribes the obvious remedy that should have been used originally even before the patient visited the doctor and he discovers that the simple remedy, which in my case I prescribe, Nat Phos 6x works like magic and the patient is usually cured in a few weeks.

I have treated so many cases of a similar nature without the usual case taking procedure that the classical school use to diagnose an ailment and have many grateful patients here in Sri Lanka and abroad who finally realize that they have been taken for a vast ride first by their MD's and later by their homeopaths.

I am sure that there are many homeopaths who like me are aware that the obvious remedy for GERD is Nat Phos 6x but how many will prescribe it on the first consultation ?
Joe De Livera last decade
I agree completely with what Joe is saying and that is why on occassion I come to this website to emphasize that whatever homeopath you consult with they better cure your stomach problems FAST!!!!

Joe here is a thread that you should answer. This person is not afraid of killer drugs but is of Nat Phos 6x.

Pat2006 last decade

Treating GERDS, acidity, acid reflux, heartburn, Dyspepsia is not rocket science with homeopathy.

Do a search engine for Tissue Salts:

(copy and past to your browser)

Pat2006 last decade
According to this website, Mag Phos, Nat Phos and Nat Sulph, and Silica or silicea are for these types of problems.

How many homeopaths out there are keeping us sick intentionally????????
Pat2006 last decade
all right guys,

it seems deoshlok has not responded after posting his case taking sheet.

i can take up the cases, one by one for constitutional treatments.

if anyone wants to go for it,please respond.

but dont ever say that homoeopaths want to keep patients sick intentionally !!
rishimba last decade
Pearl and others have been treating with homeopaths and since they are not getting the help they need they find it necessary to come here.

Joe also stated this in his posting prior to mine. I am just validating what he is saying with the link I provided.

I cannot complain about any homeopath who comes to this website as they are obviously helping for free. You know the saying. Don't look a gifted horse in the mouth. All homeoapths here are to be appreciated, respected and commanded.
Pat2006 last decade
if you use the featured

'forum search' for GERDS you will see that other homeopaths here also suggest these remedies for this sort of conditions.

So the homeoapths here know something that personals homeoapths don't?
Pat2006 last decade
i will take up pearl's case and i will get back to her after one day for further questions.
rishimba last decade

please answer the following questions.

1. describe, what do u actually feel when you say that you feel like being under water.

2. Does belching and flatulance relieve you?

3. how do u relieve yourself when there is gas? does the gas escape upwards or downwards or both.

4. do you have ineffectual desire for passing stool during constipation.

5. do you have the initial problems like seeing spiders, heart palpitation, dizzines and numbness now.

6. do you think you have not been able to overcome the grief which resulted from your father's and mother's death.

answer the above questions in details, i am trying to zero in on the remedy.
rishimba last decade
I was directed to this thread because I have such a similar case as Pearl. I agree that drs are making the problems worse, and think that because I have taking drugs for 5 years for GERD it is so hard to stop taking them.
I also get anxiety, dizzyness and depression..they all seem to go away once my stomach issues have resolved. I appreciate all the helpful homeopaths here, you are great for taking the time out to help us. Hopefully I can repost success in a few weeks.
bittersweet last decade
You are so kind in helping. We are all desperate.

We appreciate all you do for us.

Thank you.

You got yourself some help, girl. Go for it!!!!!!
Pat2006 last decade
thank you very much Rishimba
for responding. But i have question, i was given constitional remedy and we are waiting for respond. So what is your suggestion.These are the answers for your questions.
1. I feel under water means, my breathing too shallow and does move between my diagram and throat. I feel my stomach full and my breath can not go down to my belly. So than i am having havy breating and my shoulders are tight and up.
2. Belching and flatulance relieves me but not hundred pursend. I feel that my stomach is very hard full and every thing stuck in upper stomach. Nothing goes down. This feeling makes me hipervantilete. My tounge is burning and cruck from the sides. But most of the times i can not pass the gas out.
3. I go for walk to relieve the gas but it does not going away, just i feel better to take fresh air. I always eat small meal but having right away bloathing. Bloathing makes me dizzy and breathless.
Than i have to go outside for walk. My stomach and belly both getting bloating. But i feel my uncomfortable is in upper stomach. If i feel to go washroom, It makes me feel confusing and panicky. This is happening to me when stool is moving down.
4. I donnt understand exactly what you mean by if i have ineffectual desire for passing stool during constipation. My constipation is different the passing stool. Because most of the time i dont feel to go washroom. Every thing stuck upward and dont go to colon. And in the colon i feel nothing is moving. If have to go washroom stool is small, thin and looks like dead stool. Every body says what to eat. But i am also herbalist and nutrisionist and eat perfect. Also exercise every day. I also have in hemoroid. Most of the time i feel that my rectum is dry and tight.
5. Right now i dont see spiders as much as before. Palpatation is sometimes. But last night i had too much anxiety in my stomach. I feel that all the problems are in my stomach. I am having trembling and makes me tired. My nerves are very weak.
Dizziness is better because my stomach is better. Also i have polyps 1.5cm in my left sinus. Do you thing this can cause the dizziness. Numbness is also better but still having in my hand.
6. I think for my mother yes i did, but not for my father.
Every time i speak about my father i cried alot.
I was very special person for my father. But when i loved my husband, he was more special person than my father. And many years went by i saw that how special my husband for me was i was not the same special person for him. Then i started missing my father more because there is nobody treats me the same way he was treating me.
I feel unsecure and alone. I starve for love and protection. I always have fear about my health. I over protect my children and my self. I have anger to my husband too much. He was the only person who is protect and love me when i am ok and sick.

I hope these answers are okey for you. My english is not enough to explain everything. Thanks
pearl last decade

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