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Posts about ADD, ADHD

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

My son’s case of ADD, ADHD and associated disorders

My son nearing 6 years is having the following symptoms:
1) ADD - not able to sustain attention on anything
2) aimlessly roaming around the house climbing and jumping
3) he is more auditory doesn’t use visual sense that much, no visual learner
4) no sitting tolerance at all prefers to walk or roam around
Or climb or jump
5) has lot of self stimulation behaviors like hand clapping, flapping his hands
6) doesn’t do any productive play or study or anything of his interest just aimlessly roaming. Avoids learning or shows behaviors if forced to learn

I have tried tarentula hispanica but it caused twitching in the body and itching, aggressiveness, so stopped it. What else can be tried to calm him down? Any suggestions please
  Kingofwands on 2020-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
1. Thuja-200 6 pills at bed time for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 5 years ago

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