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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Procrastination, Lack of interest in any studies, forgetfulness, depression, ADD


I am 33 years old boy and working as a Marketing Manager in an IT company.

I have excess procrastination and loss of interest in any activities like studying any thing to upgrade for higher jobs.

I keep on delaying every activities and try to make a excuse for not doing it.

I have difficulty in remembering words while speaking to clients also if my wife say any work or anything to purchase I forget after sometime. and have problems in understanding what client is speaking I feel my mind is not able to capture what clients are saying which my juniors can understand easily, presence of mind doesn't work

I have lack of confidence and love to spend most of my time alone, I don't have a single friend as I am total cut off socially, before covid also.

I get unwanted negative thoughts and unable to sleep also.

I can't concentrate on one things suddenly gets distracted and irritated

earlier I was given sertaline tabs by some doctor and it worked well for some time but now I don't want to take that as it causes weakness
[Edited by sibananda2599 on 2021-06-02 18:36:53]
  sibananda2599 on 2021-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS  



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.



The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.  

While taking medicines the use common sense in diet avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.

To accomplish desirable results every case must be individualized, every symptom from head to feet, must be given, every variations from positive health must be known.

Local application in homeopathy is not allowed for treating skin ailments..

Most treatments for skin disorders suppress the real cause. They also aim at the surface, not in treating problems from deep within. Homeopathy, on the other hand, aims at the base; it treats the cause. It avoids suppression. It treats from ‘back to front.’

The effect of application is dramatic; but, do you know that you run the risk of exchanging your skin eruption with a serious, unrelated internal disorder? For example: asthma, migraine, tummy problems. Surprised? The fact is homeopathy has always highlighted the harmful effects of suppressed skin problems.

FOR FAQs visit u/m site


Dreams are an expression of the unconscious and of our personality. They are therefore of great significance for remedy selection in homeopathy.For more about dreams visit u/m site.

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Any other health issues
How is your personal hygiene do you postpone having a bath etc.
What do you tell your self to postpone the work
These questions need to be answered
Apil Mel 200 05drops in water/ 05 pills empty stomach ( wake up rinse your mouth and have the remedy no brushing teeth and nothing orally dor 20 minutes after taking the medicines ) for three days
Anacardium 30 3 drops in water / 03 pills thrice a day half an hour before meals
For three days
Revert after three days
Nothing can help you unless you try to change yourself make an effort the remedies will help to quick recovery you have a long life so wake up
Kaps 3 years ago
When I paired there was no reply
Now I see Anuj has replied before me
There is something wrong kindly have it checked
As I do not want to interfere in any post to cause confusion
Kindly follow Anuj Srivastava
Kaps 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Ha ha
Dil ko dil ki raah
Rather brain ko
Kaps 3 years ago
Let us leave it to
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi Kaps sir,

Any other health issues -no sir, but i am allergic to vitamin c, smoke, dust and have cough and asthama problem since childhood.

How is your personal hygiene do you postpone having a bath etc. - I want to take bath everyday, i only postpone activities where there is use of thinking, studying, anything related to my job.

What do you tell your self to postpone the work - i say myself to do it tomorrow or after sometime and the tomorrow never comes and i keeps on delaying

Also when i pressure myself to sit for work i get irritated, no interest and most of the time my mind becomes blank
[Edited by sibananda2599 on 2021-06-03 16:29:02]
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Kindly let me know which medicine i should continue

i have been suggested 5 medicines here

Nux vom 200

Alumina 30

Kali phos 6x, Silicea 6x

mel 200

Anacardium 30

It would be so nice if you can help if i have to use all 5 or which one for now?
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Apis Mel 200
Anacardium 30
Thuja 30
Aurum Metallicum 200
Start with
Apis Mel and Anacardium as posted earlier
Understand and make a note that it is YOU have to do whatever has to be done and the things can’t get done on their own
Even the Lion HQ sto go and hint the prey does not come into his mouth
Remedies can only help you as much the will and will to make effort has to come from your mind
You have to force yourself to start making effort
Get back after three days of medicine and earlier if you feel that you must tell me something
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi Kaps Sir,

Today is the 3rd day of taking both Apis Mell 200 in morning and Anacardium 30 thrice in a day as suggested.

1st day I noticed severe headache and my mood was very irritating may be because of Headache

2nd day the Headache was very mild

3rd day which is today i have taken 2 doses till now and i am not feeling any Headache.

Rest i am coughing a bit but no change in Mood as compared to earlier, yesterday i had a meeting with our office client i was blank while speaking and it didn't went well, I am trying to sit for the presentation and other stuffs to be made for the client, but soon after 20 or 30 minutes i feel like i can't sit for work i need to sleep and feel like exhausted and stressed

I want to improve my condition and i am trying hard also but need your help in medications to recover soon

Please let me know about the other 2 Thuja and Aurum Metallicum how to start.
sibananda2599 3 years ago
So you did sit for20-30 minutes
Going blank is very vague
Did you prepare for the meeting with the client please explain as to what happens did you forget or you again felt irritated or you just forgot as to where are you what are doing like you went away from the present to somewhere else ? We’re you still aware that you were in office and dealing with a client
How much of the presentation did you carry out well 10%40%
What triggered the so called blank
Stop Anacardium have Apis for another two days
Start Aurum 200 05 drops in water / 05 pills at bed time for four days
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi Kaps Sir,

Thank you for asking questions and considering my case so efficiently.

So you did sit for20-30 minutes - Yes Sir

Going blank is very vague - It means i was not able to tell the client what marketing ways or solutions we can give him such as paid ads, email marketing and so on. i was not able to explain the client according to his industry how we can address his pain points and provide solutions because i forgot what to say him, i was fumbling like a fresher and in frustration i repeat same words again and again which is not good

Did you prepare for the meeting with the client please explain as to what happens did you forget or you again felt irritated or you just forgot as to where are you what are doing like you went away from the present to somewhere else ?

I forgot what to say again like my company introduction lines, what solutions we can give the client, when the client was speaking i was not able to capture his words feels like i am having problem in right ear, like getting deaf and can't understand his words properly but my Director was also in the conference call and he was able to listen properly but i was not, so i felt very offended

Another problem is When i get emails from client i have enough time to answer, like you have asked questions here, i can answer properly without repeating any words as i have enough time to think, but if you were on call with me i may need much time in answering things properly. i must have needed much time to think for answering simple things and cant answer without repeating same words again and again, if client asks me what does your company does i still can't answer properly on call but can do well to maximum extent on email

We’re you still aware that you were in office and dealing with a client - Yes i am aware but very absent minded type always unnecessary thoughts going on my mind

Few more things i want to share are:

Since 2014 I always get negative thoughts and nonsense thoughts like some snake will come to my table then how will i run, getting images of negative things like someone died like images and that make be frightened sometimes that is not true that person for whom i get images of dying is my friend or relatives they are still alive

sometimes the person in family or friends who died few years back i get those images and this reminds to me that unhappy moment images i felt in past come to my mind and i get scared thinking if again this happens or may be this will happen soon, i get unnecessary thoughts like this and i gets irritated and scared, at nights also i get dreams of snakes, somebody is hitting me hard, i am crying, running on road in fear, somebody died i am seeing funeral images and i gets scared

This negative images coming to my mind gave born to another problem of washing hands, when i get negative thoughts during i am awake as mentioned earlier i used to wash hands and face frequently assuming negativity will go away and its very frequent in every 5-10 mins and this happened mostly when i am working and if i don't wash hands i feel like i feels like i missed something and i will get caught by the negative images which came to mind and my body starts shaking,

In office i wash hands very little thinking my colleagues will know i have some disorder so i am not able to concentrate on work at office, but at home this is very frequent as here nobody sees me except my wife, My parents are staying at my native place. My wife gets angry on me asking what's wrong with you why are you washing hands so frequently but i can't tell her my problem what images i am getting always, even writing this email also i have washed hands several times, please help me in getting out of this negative images from my mind it is becoming a habit and if this continues i can't go outside meet people

How much of the presentation did you carry out well 10%40% - i can say only 20% i made and felt like don't know what to do, confused, irritated and so i went to sleep to feel better and again after getting awake i completed another amount of 20% so for a simple 10 page presentation i took 2 days yesterday and today in 5-6 slots i anyhow completed which not as tough for anybody, The problem is i gets puzzled in my mind and gets stressed out with outburst of anger

What triggered the so called blank - when i use to create the presentation i try to find the right words and appropriate lines to impress the client and this caused the confusion and blank like darkness in mind

Ok, i will continue Apis for another two days and
Start Aurum as suggested for next 4 days from today
[Edited by sibananda2599 on 2021-06-07 07:36:24]
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Continue the protocol revert once you have finished with Apis Mel
Specifically on postponing habit and cough
After you finish with Apis Mel next morning onwards thuja 30 05 drops in water empty stomach and half an hour before lunch for three days
I tho k by that time you will finish with Aurum too
Revert then too
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi Kaps Sir,

I have seen a bit improvement in postponing habit and coughing, concentration is also improved a bit. Now I don't cough at all.
sleep is also improved

but the memory weakness is still there may be it will take more time after continuing the medicine

Please let me know how to continue with these 4 medicines and for how long

Thank you for your help
[Edited by sibananda2599 on 2021-06-11 11:46:30]
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Sorry for late response
In your opinion what %age of improvement do you notice
Buy Avena Sativa Mother tincture Argentum Nitricum 200 and Argentum Metallicum 200 and Aconite aN 200 all liquid
No remedies for two days
If you feel bad during these two days post it ASAP though I feel ur symptoms shud keep on improving for these two days
And revert after two days or as and when you feel like I ll tell you the protocol of other remedies later after you update on your symptoms

Good news that you are better be a bit more patient
[Edited by Kaps on 2021-06-11 15:15:54]
Kaps 3 years ago
how much improvement in the imagination or thoughts that sankes May land up on you table and planning the evasive action
You know u r just to avoid the fangs rest ther is nothing to a poisonous snake and if it has used up the venom in the sac once ther is no venom for quite a no of days
Google and read it
Kaps 3 years ago
Hi Kaps Sir,

I feel i have improved 30% of my concentration, now when i sit for my work i can concentrate easily, earlier it used to take time or i get stressed and go to sleep to feel better.

Coughing has improved to 80%, earlier i had cough if i take 1 tab of vitamin c or 1 lemon, but now if i take 1 lemon i didn't cough at all and i am shocked with this improvement

Also i get only 60% negative and unnecessary thoughts just because my mind is engaged to some extent on my work

i believe if i can improve my concentration to more extent such as 80-90% i can get rid of the unwanted thoughts as my mind will be engaged in work only not in other thoughts.

snake imagination reduced to 30%

one more thing i have noticed in me i do a spelling mistakes a lot while writing although i know the spelling. and i am in hurry always and sometimes i skip lines while writing but i think i have written. Only when i do proof reading i point out that i made a spelling mistake or i have skipped few lines but i thought i have written those lines while writing

Should I buy the 4 medicines you mentioned now or after 2 days?

Also I have bought all the earlier medicines of German made and liquid form to work better for me and this time also i will use German made and all liquid form as advised by you.
[Edited by sibananda2599 on 2021-06-11 15:39:27]
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Nice to know
There is no difference in Indian and German other than cost and a drain on foreign exchange from India to Germany trust me on this
Dr Wilmar Schwabe is manufacturing in India anyway that is your choice
You will need those four remedies unfortunately I’m a Mech Engineer maybe an experienced homeopath would have given only one remedy but this is my limitation getting you cured is not a limitation
Buy liquid as it has no shelf life
Two days when you are not taking any remedy keep Aconite N with you and when you feel very bad about your surroundings or people irritate you Just rake 05 drops directly on your tongue and as and when you take it let me know the effect Immediately it is must
Kaps 3 years ago
Sure sir i will buy aconite N if i may need in these 2 days i will use it and will let you know the symptoms
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Use it only if you must when things become intolerable which doctors call SOS
Kaps 3 years ago
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Hi Kaps Sir,

I have observed myself for 2 days, everything was fine.

Please let me know if i have to start new medicines and how to use them.
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Does everything was mean that all the symptoms which you posted are gone
Confirm it symptom by symptom
Kaps 3 years ago
Cough - 80% improved
Forgetness - Still there
Anger - Still there
Concentration level - 30% improved
Loss of interest - 30% improved
Procrastination - 20% improved
Negative thoughts - 30% improved
Washing hands problem - still there
public speaking or speaking with client fear - still there
sibananda2599 3 years ago
Argentum Niticum 200 05 drops in water half an hour before Breakfast for four days
Avena Sativa MT 10 drops in half a glass of warm water half and hour after dinner for a week
Kaps 3 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.