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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Autism & Fabry's - 4 year boy (remedy finder + causation)

Hello experts,
I need your help with identifying a remedy for my 4 year old boy. We have stopped all the past remedies and want to start fresh. Please see current Remedy Finder grid attached. Below is the list of possible causation's that we can think of since birth -

- Unplanned pregnancy
- Mild alcohol consumption before pregnancy was confirmed
- Stress in the beginning of pregnancy
- Mother worried if we can handle the responsibility
- Estrogen externally administered
- Mother used Amoxicillin tabs in the first 3 months
- Mother used cold medicine in first 3 months - combination of Tylenol, Dextromethorphan HBr 10 mg, Phenylephrine HCl 5 mg
- Mother used Oxymetazoline HCl 0.05% nasal spray for cold
- Air travel in second trimester
- C section birth
- Lot of baby's skin shedding after birth for 2 weeks
- Combination of mothers milk and baby formula given since birth
- Fabry disease diagnosis in new born testing. Genetic disease from maternal side. Further tests showed a mild intensity of the disease.
- Vaccines since birth
- Multiples vaccines on the same day (list below)
- Normal growth and response until 3 months
- Older sister jealous of attention to baby. She used to pull his hair or do something to make him cry.
- Continued formula milk in plastic bottles. Microwave used to heat water in plastic bottle.
- Solid food in 5 months
- Speech and cognition delay noticed after 7 months of birth
- Skin rash and mild eczema since birth
- Mother lost job in 1 month after birth. Lot of stress immediately after that.
- Quite child with no social attention and involved in repetitive activities until 1 year
- Normal physical growth
- Food crushed in mixer to form a paste. Still eats like that. Cannot chew.
- Cerelac used for 2 years
- Cow milk after 1 year. Heated in a plastic bottle in microwave.

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  kalegaur on 2020-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It need long time treatment
First please start with TUBERCULINUM 200 one dose only
Give one dose report after 2 weeks

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago

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