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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pain in the Side!

Well, I'll give this a try. I've had a pain in my left side for just about 10 years now. I've had so many tests that I've lost count! The pain seems to be aggrevated when I stand for long periods of time and some times even sit for a long period of time also. I notice that when I am fatigued that the pain is worse or when I am sick. The pain is there all the the time.

If I hold my daughter on my hip for a while it aggrevates the pain. I've had MRI, (2) CT Scans, X-Ray, bloodwork, IVP, (3) laproscopies, clonoscopy and other tests I just forget. They have ruled out that it is GYN related because I went on Lupron therapy for 3 months and it did not eliminate the pain.

Has anyone every experienced anything like this and if so how are you taking care of the pain!

God bless!
  KJandKT on 2006-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Which part of the body is painful?

Can you describe the pain like:


tearing/continous/dull aching all the time etc. etc.

relief when you press the body part when it pains etc. ???

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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