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anal fissure, pleas help Page 2 of 3
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7 days feed back
preety much the same as week before, the pain went down for maybe 5%
no more pain when I take i walk actualy.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-01-10 19:18:25]
preety much the same as week before, the pain went down for maybe 5%
no more pain when I take i walk actualy.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-01-10 19:18:25]
GmariA 4 years ago
same as week before,
pain but not intense, i think is more common when I sit or do some streach exercie (so this kind of movement)
otherwise pretty much same as before.
pain but not intense, i think is more common when I sit or do some streach exercie (so this kind of movement)
otherwise pretty much same as before.
GmariA 4 years ago
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-02-01 15:18:12]
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-02-01 15:18:12]
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
hej Anju, i got covid and i have that painful headaches, i find out that nux vom helped me whit that, but don't know how much or how often should i get for the pain. thanks for help.
othervise i'm ok, just mild for of desease.
i will report abaut fissure next week as we agreed.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-02-10 09:35:44]
othervise i'm ok, just mild for of desease.
i will report abaut fissure next week as we agreed.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-02-10 09:35:44]
GmariA 4 years ago
Nux at night before dinner five drops in an ounce of water alternate days.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
fissure 15 days feedback:
intensitiy of pain is pretty much same but it is less often.
also have some hard bowl movemand one day, but it seems like fissure is healing fine. There was no reopening or any other difficulties
intensitiy of pain is pretty much same but it is less often.
also have some hard bowl movemand one day, but it seems like fissure is healing fine. There was no reopening or any other difficulties
GmariA 4 years ago
Have Sulphur 200 early morning empty stomach for three days.Rest no change.Feedback after 15 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
got a sulphur finnaly, how much pils should i take at onece? 1?
GmariA 3 years ago
hej it's a little bit late update. i hade some light reopening of fissure, because of stres, food and constipation in that time.
but conditions after two days get back to "normal", so it is preety much the same - like before the reopening.
pain just when i streach but not always (sometimes in the morning i'm complitely pain free).
i also start to take some probiotics now.
but conditions after two days get back to "normal", so it is preety much the same - like before the reopening.
pain just when i streach but not always (sometimes in the morning i'm complitely pain free).
i also start to take some probiotics now.
GmariA 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
little constipation again, have some fissure bleading. I think fissure from weak before reopen, because it was not heald properly. should i continue the same protocole?
Pain is not as hard as when I had fissures for first time. its hurt me a little but not much. also there is mucus in stool.
also pain only when i streach up, streach down fissure is I suppose heald because that motion doesnt hurt me any more.
would use some suppositories at night, hope it would help.
also have a great craving for sweets, and simmilar kind of food. it's a little better because of probiotics now.
p.s. can't get yalo at local shops in my country so i got some other laxatives and that kind of food, but it does't work always for me I guess.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-04-12 21:00:09]
Pain is not as hard as when I had fissures for first time. its hurt me a little but not much. also there is mucus in stool.
also pain only when i streach up, streach down fissure is I suppose heald because that motion doesnt hurt me any more.
would use some suppositories at night, hope it would help.
also have a great craving for sweets, and simmilar kind of food. it's a little better because of probiotics now.
p.s. can't get yalo at local shops in my country so i got some other laxatives and that kind of food, but it does't work always for me I guess.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-04-12 21:00:09]
GmariA 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
pain for same accasion (most when i streach up, but not always)
still a little bit of mucus from time to time.
still a little bit of mucus from time to time.
GmariA 3 years ago
Dr Ali 3 years ago
should I use C6? cant get x potency in my country
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-05-04 10:22:04]
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-05-04 10:22:04]
GmariA 3 years ago
anyway my weekly feedback: think that situation is preaty much same as week before. think i would try dr Ali prescription and give a feed back afther that.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-05-09 16:55:32]
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-05-09 16:55:32]
GmariA 3 years ago
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