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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help with 3 month old with silent reflux

My baby has silent reflux. He is about 3 months old. I found a whole bunch of promising information about a homeopathic remedy that I am hoping to work on my son. The remedy is nat phos 6x. I bought it on Amazon. And yesterday gave him half a tablet after feedings. His pain seemed to disapear but he wouldn't sleep. Last night he woke up at 4 am but would not stay asleep. He also seems to have a stomach ache or bad gas after an hour or so after taking these I'm worried I shouldn't have given him that nat phos 6x. he also just seems out of it so I haven't given him any today but his reflux just seems so much worse. He keeps crying like he is in pain but he can at least sleep for a bit after nursing. Can anyone help me? What did I do wrong?
  Danielle999 on 2020-12-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The cell salts wear off quickly, don’t worry.
Are you nursing?
When did this reflux start?
Nat phos is one of many remedies used for reflux.
It is a natural acid reducer. One has to match the child’s symptoms.
What are the symptoms?
What if anything helps?
What makes it worse?
simone717 4 years ago
Thank you for replying. Okay so we have been dealing with an unhappy baby since he was around 3 weeks old. He has been diagnosed as having colic by his pediatrician. Because he has been gaining weight they are not worried about reflux. I'm 99% sure he actually has reflux. I haven't been back to the doctors cause they said if I'm sure he has reflux they could put him on medication. I don't want to start him on medication because of the effects it could have on him later in life. His symptoms include comfort feeding he always wants to nurse. Refusing to let me burp him, crying arching his back. Distrupted sleep. Lots of trouble with nappimg. You can hear him swallowing something then he will start crying in pain. Sour breath. Lately he's been spitting up more than he use too which was barley ever. When he spits up after eating he doesn't seem to care but around an hour after eating the pain starts. After an hour or so he will spit up clear liquid with milk curds in i and he'll cry in pain. He seems to be congested and has alot of extra drool. I've stopped eating dairy soy and eggs which seemed to make improvements at first. But then I don't know if he actually has an aversion to these foods or if he is having a good day or a bad day. He'll have days when he seems almost like a normal happy baby but then he'll have days when he will scream until he is nursing. I've just gone back to work and when I'm not there to nurse him he'll cry the whole day with out me. I tried to nas phos 6x yesterday and he seemed to spit up more but with out pain. He also wouldn't nap that day, no longer than a half hour. Later that night he woke up with bad gas pain. He also seemed really out of it. At around 730 am he finally passed out by pure exhaustion. So I don't think the nas phos 6x is right for him.
Danielle999 4 years ago
Also his reflux has been really bad today. I did not give him any of the nat phos 6x today. He was able to nap better than the day before when I did give him the nat phos 6x. Also his stomach seemed to bubble when taking the nat phos 6x as well as the other symptoms mentioned.above
Danielle999 4 years ago
He also get wet hiccups. Which I forgot to mention. He's doing it right now
Danielle999 4 years ago
I forgot to mention that I thought it was getting better right before his two month vaccine's. It got really bad after the vaccines but it did get a little better since then but hes still in pain for some period each day. Some days are better than others. I'm not sure what triggers it. If it is something I am eating or not. I got rid of anything I thought was hurting him (dairy soy eggs), yes I am nursing. It doesn't happen at a certain time. But he seems happier in the morning but he can have a morning episode. Car seats make him worse. And laying flat on his back makes it worse. Sorry for the all posts. Just trying to give you all the information. Ijust want to take away his pain.
Danielle999 4 years ago
I've tried probiotics gripe water and gas drops. Sometimes they seem to help othertime not.
Danielle999 4 years ago
Are you in USA? Asking if you are to suggest where to get remedies.
You can use Magnesium Phos 6x cell salt for hiccups and gas pains.
Dissolve a tab in a tablespoon of warm water for this.

For the silent reflux, order the remedy Aethusa 30c.Dissolve 2 pills in a
Couple tsp of water and give child one tsp. Watch and observe for 24 hours and report.
Amazon has both-the Aethusa is boiron (good brand)
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-12-08 03:17:37]
simone717 4 years ago
Yes I am in the us
Danielle999 4 years ago
Whole Foods often has the cell salts and a lot of remedies.
You can call and check - otherwise Amazon.
simone717 4 years ago
I'm a little apprehensive about giving my son the aethusa since it is fools parsley which is poisones. I'm afraid he won't have a good reaction to it like the nas phos 6x which ultimatly made his symptoms worse.
Danielle999 4 years ago
Remedies are so highly diluted that there is no substance of the thing in them.
The cell salts have micro trace minerals in them.
30c potency is only a molecular copy. The way remedies work is that the body will not tolerate a similar same issue. If the remedy matches the problem the body raises life force to get rid of the diluted remedy and then targets the real problem. For decades ppl have said homeopathy is just water and a joke.But a few years ago Nobel prize scientists discovered that highly diluted water still had energy molecular
Imprints-Bc they now have machines to detect this.

One of my kids had this like yours. I have used remedies on my kids forever. They are safe.
simone717 4 years ago

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