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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Diabetes, PE and ED

I was facing mle weakness for last 2 years. Now i am diabetic since last 2 month. Male weakness is at its peak. I get eerction but sometimea its is less erected and ejaculation time is less than a minute. Using allopethic medicine for diabetes... Suggeat me the best solution.
  Cutejut on 2020-12-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Let me know your age,marital status,any habit of masterbation and whether you are smoker or not.
Urepierk 4 years ago
I m 39 years old. Married. Have 2 kids. I dont smoke regularly but occasionally. I had mastrubation problem at younger age. But not now.
Cutejut 4 years ago
Pl take Selenium 200,5-6 pills twice daily in empty stomach and Agnus castus Q, 5ml once at night for 15 days and let me know the progress afterwards.
Urepierk 4 years ago
Thanx bro...
Abd kindly tell me is Diabetes cureable... Can it be reversed?
Cutejut 4 years ago
Diabetis may be controlled by changing habit and obeying rules.Medicines prescribed above for sexual problem. For Diabetis you can take Sygiziuam jambu Q,10 drops twice daily.
Urepierk 4 years ago

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