The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Digestion Problem
Hi DoctorI am a diabetic for last around 12 years. I also have OCD and depression since my childhood. I used to drink alcohol around 90ml (4 days a week). I had some digestion problem last year september (2020). I lost my appetite and also whatever I eat I could not digest. I also lost 3-4 kgs of weight (from 64 to 60). I stopped alcohol. Ultrasound was good. Liver Fibroscan shows Severe Fibrosis. Lab tests are also good except low blood insulin (probably because of long standing diabetes).
Now my last HbA1C is 7 and liver blood tests are good. I guess my digestion problems are because of diabetes and long term alcohol use (LIVER AND PANCREAS problems). I have also detected some protein(+) and glucose(100mg/dl) in Urine.
Main complaint is indigestion now , feel bloated all the day.
Please help.
gul0511 on 2021-09-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Improve your life style and diet all this is available on various platforms like YouTube etc.
Nux Vomica 200
05 drops in water / 04 pillsjust before sleeping the last activity is to take the remedy for three days
Post all symptoms related to diabetes, your digestive system over all health and mental issues on fourth morning
Nux Vomica 200
05 drops in water / 04 pillsjust before sleeping the last activity is to take the remedy for three days
Post all symptoms related to diabetes, your digestive system over all health and mental issues on fourth morning
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
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