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Food sensitivities, candida Page 2 of 2
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I was gassy first day and then the second day I was bloated but for half a day it felt like I couldn't release gas and then later on I was normally gassy again.
Sputnik 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Sputnik 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Could I ask one thing about my baby as well? It seems that he has some spasms I don't know if it is seizure or what but yesterday he was sitting in his bouncer and he did some weird movements which he did later on in the bed... And today it happened again... During night he kicks and turns himself a lot I thought that it is normal but after yesterday I don't think it anymore...I even think that few weeks ago he did something like that as well because I was googling infant spasms but then I read that it is mainly from vaccines which he didn't get and also as I mentioned before I don't eat processed for so I wonder from what is it... Should I post it like new post in the forum or could I leave it here because you know what remedies I take? I am so very grateful for your time and your help!
Sputnik 3 years ago
Give Mag Phos 6x,three tabs three times a day and give a feedback.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I have here teething combination tissue salt which contains: calc fluor, calc phos, ferrum phos, mag phos, silica 9x, I give it to him once per day, should I stop and get just pure mag phos? Sometimes I don't know if he cries because of his teething pains or because of his spasms...
Sputnik 3 years ago
I am not too sure if I should continue with my remedy because second day after I started my baby started to have an acid reflux and it was the only different thing I did... Today is fifth day and I have itch around my intimate parts and very dry eyes and also I am very weeping and bit depressed... My babies spasms didn't disappear either with those tissue salts...
Sputnik 3 years ago
Stop Candia,continue cell salts.
Give Nat Phos 6x 2 tabs three times a day to the child.
Feedback after 2 days.
Give Nat Phos 6x 2 tabs three times a day to the child.
Feedback after 2 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
so first day i was awaken with itch around my mouth but second day it was cleared same as my weeping, during those five days i also got itchy scalp with some pimples which is still itchy and the other itch is still there as well but overall it is better. My baby is better as well he still spits little bit but it is not the shooting one and it is not after every feed.
Sputnik 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
That reflux slowed down, he was bit constipated as well, for me I got itchy lips today, I still have itch on my intimate parts and dry eyes, I was but constipated as well
Sputnik 3 years ago
Both of you have Mag Phos 6x three times a day .NP to continue for the child.In addition you have Kali Phos 6x 3 times.
No other remedy for you will wait for 4 more days for the itch to subside.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-02-21 05:48:13]
No other remedy for you will wait for 4 more days for the itch to subside.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-02-21 05:48:13]
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
So it seems to me that my candida is worse now, I still have this itch, and my lips are like cracked and burning, and I am bit constipated and when I can go to toilet it doesn't feel full empty, also since my candida remedy I have some nightmares not all the time though, my gas still smells bad as well.... My baby has still reflux but I would say that it is because he has probably the same problems with candida like I do
Sputnik 2 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 2 years ago
Hello, so it seems that everything is better now, I got bit itchy scalp yesterday and sore troath ( which is not connected I guess) but otherwise it seems ok
Sputnik 2 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 2 years ago
So we are pretty ok, I have just flu or something, otherwise other symptoms are under control for now
Sputnik 2 years ago
Coughing (kind of dry), runny nose, little bit mucousy( whitish phlegm), sore troath (kind of burning but not all the time, cold makes that worse), feeling warm but not temperature, little bit tired
Sputnik 2 years ago
Is there anything else what I can do with my fire sensitivities and candida?
Sputnik 2 years ago
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