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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive hair fall

Sir , I have issue of excessive hair fall, experience it first time when I was studying in other city, almost 10-12 years ago, after that I do hair PRP multiple sessions, I use home remedies, homeopathic remedies, aloepathic medicine, almost everything to control hair fall, but no satisfactory results... Sir how can i solve this issue?

One thing more, I am smoker, due to which I usually suffering from flue, and I think there is strong connection between flue and hairloss...
  Aakas khan on 2025-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Waiting for your reply?
Aakas khan 4 days ago
will you able to stop the smoking?
HealthyWorld 18 hours ago
U asked me about option of quitting smoking, which is quite difficult for me, although I have decrease the amount of smoke per day, but not able to quit it completely due to some side hectic issues
Aakas khan 18 hours ago

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