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I last took sulphur 200. How does that work with taking sangunaria now ? Are they compatible ?

rasingh last decade
Sulphur does not anti-dote Sanguinaria.

You can start taking Sangunaria 200C from tomorrow.

Take morning and evening for 3 days...and post feed back.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear rasingh,

Sorry for late reply.I was busy. Well if you feel that you are improving then I dont think there is need to change medicine. Yes Sanguinaria is one of medicine that can help you but again its not required at present.
For your leg aching I advise you to take Mag Phos 6X(bio chemic medicine) 4 pellets trice a day for 7 days.

Report after 7 days.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
In this whole Universe...there is only one doctor who has all the skills......no no no rasingh ....just keep listening to him !!!!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Since yesterday I have been having lot of pain in my legs and also arms. I also feel fatigued and increase in muscle pain. Today it was even more aggravated, and I was lying down on the bed most of the day. Not much change in stiffness of joints in teh past two days though.

I am apprehensive that again this is the start of another fibromyalgia flare up during which the pain and stiffness gets very aggravated. I am doing some walking regularly now and hope that exercise combined with good diet and homeopathy can help.

I saw my rheumatologist last friday. He said that fibromyalgia flareups can by cyclic. His approach is tomanage this by sleep medications and painkillers and I am determined not to go that path.

I appreciate Dr. Sharma's help and also Pankaj Varma's advice. Thank you both.

I am out of mag phos 6x, but have mag phos 200x(biochemic). I have bio chemic combination remedies which have mag phos 3x. Would any of these work ? Otherwise I will order mag phos 6x.

rasingh last decade
After three and half months of treatment ...you still have unresolved and un attended issues like fybromyalgia/rheumatism....!!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear rasingh,

Please get Mag Phos 6/12X (bio chemic medicine) only.

Dear Pankaj,

I advised which I think is good for her. And fybromyalgia/rheumatism can be treated in just a week or in one night.I hope you understand the nature of disease and have patience.

So my friend be more friendly and together we can treat her.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dr. Sharma,

I am having lot of anxiety right now. Last night I also had an severe anxiety attack. For the past few days I have been very stressed due to family reasons.

For past few days I have feeling of vibration on my left chest near the shoulder. The vibration goes down till waist. It happens several times a day and lasts a one or two seconds. Last night I woke up at 3am with a feeling of my whole body vibrating. Once every minute or so there would be a second of pause and then vibrating again. Sort of think of it as trembling, but not really so because its happening so minutely and fast that its not visually detectable but I feel it. I got up and after a few minutes I started shaking. My hands , feet, body everything was shaking like crazy. I have never experienced this before. Usually till now anxiety manifested as breathing trouble for me.. There was some feeling of breathing trouble at this time, but not too much.

When I realized this could be anxiety symptom, I took bach flower remedy (mimulus, rescue) and was better after half an hour. The shakes stopped and I slept a little. Till noon next day I was feeling weak and feverish (but no fever) with nausea. I saw a doctor, and he prescribed Xanax as sedative for few days until my regular primary doctor comes back from his vacation with whom I will follow up and see if any lab tests need to be done also.

Also, preceding this, I am getting headache every day since last sunday. Even now I have headache. Its quite bad, migraine like because I get nausea and sensitivity to light. Headache seems as if behind the eyes and in the front and left side most of the time. I have to take painkiller for it, but sometimes it still does not go away.

The anxiety incident is quite worrying. Is there a homeopathic medicine which can help anxiety ? Mine comes mainly so far from known causes : Spouse, family, travel, or doing something I am not comfortable with like driving in an area I am not familiar with. Lot of it I cannot change or do anything about, so I must deal with it.

rasingh last decade
Get your blood pressure checked.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To Rasingh

I have been following your progress under Dinesh and Pankaj for the past few weeks with interest.

I note that you have body pains including pain in the knees and headache and insomnia and that you have been prescribed Sulphur 200, Sanguineria 200 and Mag Phos 6x all of which have not given you much relief.

I would not like at this late stage to indicate a few remedies that I have used for patients who present with symptoms similar to yours, but if and when you do decide that you would like to use the remedies that I have in mind, please post on this thread and I shall then indicate them to you.

In the meanwhile, I would like to inquire whether your Blood Pressure which you have recorded at 100/60 is your standard pressure in comparison to records of your BP previously. This seems very low for a person of 36 years of age but it is not impossible as my wife too has the same pressure at 70 years of age but this is familial as her sisters and mother also have this same low pressure which I find it difficult to read and also to believe.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Rasingh,

Monitor your blood pressure.Do not take salt and salty food,oily food if it is high.

Please post your Blood pressure readings and your present condition to guide you for medicinal help.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dear Joe,
Pl. read the posts carefully.
She has not tried Sangunaria at all !!
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks for all your replies. I saw my doctor yesterday, and my BP was 100/64. This is normal for me. As far as I can remember, its been in the same range (upper number 95-100, lower one averages around 60-65) for the past ten years.

In my diet, I use very less salt since my husband has high blood pressure. I also use less oil because of my high cholestrol.

Doctor prescribed Welbutrin today for anxiety yesterday.
He took blood to test for thyroid. I will post it once I get the results.

I am feeling little better. I dont have the shakes or the full body vibration any more. But there is a vibration which goes thru my left side (shoulder to waist ). It happens still several times a day and lasts 1-2 seconds.

I do get heart palpitation and feeling of tightness in chest when feeling anxiety.
This happens once or twice a day when I get into argument with my husband or if I even think about it. I cannot do anything about the source of my anxiety sicne it comes from him and his family. They live far from us thankfully, but we have a visit planned to them next month and thats triggering it all up.

rasingh last decade
Just wanted to add that my blood pressure was in the same range on last friday as well (the morning after the anxiety attack). I had seen a doctor that morning (who prescribed Xanax as I mentioned in earlier post.

So, now I am to take welbutrin one tab daily for 2 weeks as trial to see if it helps and to use Xanax as SOS only since it can be addictive and is a sedative.
rasingh last decade
My doctor called to let me know that the thyroid test results were normal.
rasingh last decade

Pankaj Varma is correct in indicating that I have not taken Sangunaria 200 as yet.

I do have the remedy. I had ordered it when Pankaj Varma had first suggested it.

I am curious to know what remedies you had on your mind for me ? Please can you share your thoughts on this.

rasingh last decade
Joe !!

Your words:

'I have been following your progress under Dinesh and Pankaj for the past few weeks with interest.'

Posted without properly reading the posts.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To Rasingh

I would prefer not to disclose the remedy which I have in mind, which I have used in many cases and has given relief for Arthritis and general body pain. I would prefer that you use the remedies that others on this thread have prescribed and if they can help you, it will not be necessary for you to consider mine.

In any event I would urge you NOT to use the medication that your doctor has presceibed Wellbrutin as it can lead to other problems to add to your present share.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Pankaj,

I do not understand your concern at my statement. You will observe that the patient first posted his/her ailment on September 7 on this thread.

My post was made on September 23.

You will observe that there are 2 (TWO) clear weeks between these dates and I cannot really understand the reason for you to bring up a petty matter of dates which is a matter of the least interest both from the viewpoint of the patient and mine.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe !!

Such distortion of facts is not a petty matter...that too coming from a person of 77 years age.

Also rasingh made her first post on 19 July 2006.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Joe !!

You are trying to show as if you have not undertood my point of objection ...which is ....that rasingh did not use the medicine suggested by me.

The point of dispiute is not the dates.

Great pretence !!

You did a similar pole-vault antic when we were togther in conversation with Dinesh Sharma...some months back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I do not get your reference to 'distortion of facts' which you consider to not be a petty matter.

I was not aware of Rasing posting on July 19 as I was only reading this page which I see has reached page 3.

My reference was to your post where you indicated that I had:
'Posted without properly reading the posts. '

I note that you again wish to qualify my post by insinuating 'Great pretence !! '

I can assure that I am a very forthright person by nature and I call a spade a spade.

There is absolutely no pretence in my life at all and I believe that the good God that both you and I adore each in different ways will be the best adjudicator of the PRETENCE that you are accusing me of which even now, I am not aware of.
Joe De Livera last decade

Then What I said in the first place is right...that you should read all the posts and then make comments.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

You may be correct on the count that I do not waste my time in reading posts that are not relevant to the issue at hand. I shall take your advice to read the past posts but in this case I felt that it was not essential that I do so as I was interested in her Arthritis only and the fact that the therapy that you and Disnesh had suggested was not helping her.

In this case I happened to read the post of Rasingh at the top of this page and did not bother to check the previous pages as all I was interested in was the patient's progress with her obvious Arthritis which happens to be an ailment that I have some success in treating.

I would like you to clearly understand that I did not mean any disrespect to you or to Dinesh in my first post to which you took objection which I still feel is quite unnecessary and has been blown up out of proportion.

You must remember that you and I have dedicated, at least in my case to healing in my own way, and you in your way, and it is important that we do not have to cross swords in public over trivialities as members will lose the respect they have for us both.

You may like to know that my wife was my first patient and she had been suffering from Arthritis since 1996 and had been given injections directly into her knee joint and had been taking multiple drugs including Diclofenac Sodium and even Vioxx which both she and her sister had taken for years with no hope of any permanent relief, let alone a cure.

A world famous Homeopath visited Sri Lanka to help patients affected by the Tsunami last year and both sisters consulted him for their common ailment and he prescribed Medorrhinum and Sepia both 6c in the wet dose.

The two sisters used this therapy for a full 2 weeks but their problem did not ease in any way and they were blaming me for having wasted their time using homeopathy which they felt was a waste of time for their common ailment.

It was then that I believe I was inspired by a Higher Power to use the 2 remedies that I gave them and it worked within a few days when both were able to stop the powerful drugs that they were taking in common.

You may like to know that my allopathic approach to healing now known as 'Joepathy' worked so very well that my wife showed almost immediate signs of relief overnight and today is completely cured and does not take any remedies for her arthritis in her knees. Her sister still persists with the remedies as her Meniscus is grating on the bone thereby causing her pain.

You will observe that I am not interested in the fine details of when and how a patient posts his problem.
It is the ailment that I address my mind to and my first instinct is to cure the patient ASAP. I have invariably succeeded in doing so with my non classical approach to healing in Homeopathy which has stood the passage of at least 25 years experience behind me when I took my first steps in helping others with the small stock of remedies that I had when I first started to do so.
Joe De Livera last decade
Some people have started writing nasty things here on ABC...to the extent of tarnishing image / reputation. So I have become cautious...as a result...I have started pointing out everything that appears a-miss...right at the onset.

We can go and bury the dead.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To Pankaj

I believe that you have studied my character and the way that I handle appeals for assistance on the forum and also the manner that I handle others like the woman with a convoluted mind that is the bane of the ABC.

I have ingrained in me a strong sense of righteousness and I do not ever go looking for trouble. If however trouble ever follows me, I then first try gently to solve the problem. If this does not work, I then go to stage 2 where I fire a full broadside which usually sinks the unfortunate victim. I do agree with you whole heartedly that some people especially the female imposter, the pseudo homeopath, has decided to cause dissension on the ABC again by returning after a period of silence and I was shocked to note that you and others even welcomed her back. This is precisely the tongue in cheek attitude that I do not condone especially when as you have seen, she attacks you in the same manner that she attacks me and others under various pretenses which she herself cannot substantiate as a homeopath.

I do not resort to any subterfuge in my life. I call a spade a spade and always stand by my position irrespective of who challenges me if I am satisfied that my attitude is correct. I never hurt anyone and do resent those who intentionally hurt me and others, and this also includes you. I have often gone to great lengths to defend those who cannot do so themselves in life and I have had some interesting events that followed my attitude where the simplest way would have been to leave well alone. Unfortunately my philosophy does not permit this attitude and I go in fighting with all my force.

My life is based on a philosophy of love and of service not only in Homeopathy but in other sectors and you may like to know that my motto in life is:

'I generate Happiness.'

In the case of my exchange of posts with you today, I have clearly pointed out to you my reasons for not reading your previous posts was because I was only interested in the patient's Arthritis and not the dates when you and Dinesh had prescribed your respective remedies.

I do not believe that you had any reason to take up the attitude that you did by stating that I had 'distorted' facts which I know that I had not done. There was also no 'great pretense' as indicated by you on my part as I am just not qualified to be the great pretender and I believe that you of all people who have observed me on the ABC in the past, would be the first to admit this simple fact. You must realize that words can be typed into a post, which incidentally is by many hundreds throughout the world and must therefore be factual and to the point.

I am quite prepared to let bygones be bygones but I would ask you to please be more to the point in your posts to me and hopefully not attack me unless you have any real reason to do so in the future when I suggest that you so do by email and not publicly on the ABC.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade

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