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redness/constant pinkish color on face Page 5 of 7

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To Pankaj

I believe that you have studied my character and the way that I handle appeals for assistance on the forum and also the manner that I handle others like the woman with a convoluted mind that is the bane of the ABC.

I have ingrained in me a strong sense of righteousness and I do not ever go looking for trouble. If however trouble ever follows me, I then first try gently to solve the problem. If this does not work, I then go to stage 2 where I fire a full broadside which usually sinks the unfortunate victim. I do agree with you whole heartedly that some people especially the female imposter, the pseudo homeopath, has decided to cause dissension on the ABC again by returning after a period of silence and I was shocked to note that you and others even welcomed her back. This is precisely the tongue in cheek attitude that I do not condone especially when as you have seen, she attacks you in the same manner that she attacks me and others under various pretenses which she herself cannot substantiate as a homeopath.

I do not resort to any subterfuge in my life. I call a spade a spade and always stand by my position irrespective of who challenges me if I am satisfied that my attitude is correct. I never hurt anyone and do resent those who intentionally hurt me and others, and this also includes you. I have often gone to great lengths to defend those who cannot do so themselves in life and I have had some interesting events that followed my attitude where the simplest way would have been to leave well alone. Unfortunately my philosophy does not permit this attitude and I go in fighting with all my force.

My life is based on a philosophy of love and of service not only in Homeopathy but in other sectors and you may like to know that my motto in life is:

'I generate Happiness.'

In the case of my exchange of posts with you today, I have clearly pointed out to you my reasons for not reading your previous posts was because I was only interested in the patient's Arthritis and not the dates when you and Dinesh had prescribed your respective remedies.

I do not believe that you had any reason to take up the attitude that you did by stating that I had 'distorted' facts which I know that I had not done. There was also no 'great pretense' as indicated by you on my part as I am just not qualified to be the great pretender and I believe that you of all people who have observed me on the ABC in the past, would be the first to admit this simple fact. You must realize that words can be typed into a post, which incidentally is by many hundreds throughout the world and must therefore be factual and to the point.

I am quite prepared to let bygones be bygones but I would ask you to please be more to the point in your posts to me and hopefully not attack me unless you have any real reason to do so in the future when I suggest that you so do by email and not publicly on the ABC.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

You ask me not to take welbutrin. I really didnt want to either. But at this point, I seem to have no other option. No homeopathic medicine has been suggested for it after my post on my anxiety. My aches and pains have taken a sideline to my anxiety problem currently.

I had an anxiety attack last week, and my anxiety level is still high. Last night I feel I was starting on another anxiety attack,..could feel it starting, but then it went away. Maybe it was welbutrin helping. I dont want another anxiety attack with shakes. I also am to travel after two weeks to see my parents so I need to be in atleast somewhat good health. I dont want my parents to know or they will worry nonstop about my health problems.

I dont like taking allopathic medicines either. Thats why I am looking at homeopathy for the cure.
I havent heard from Dr. Dinesh Sharma regarding this so far, maybe he is busy these days.

rasingh last decade
I am not an expert on helping with your anxiety attacks as I am not a qualified homeopath and have not spent sufficient time on studying the remedies that can help your anxious state.

I have used Nat Mur 6x for helping some patients who presented with similar symptoms which were perhaps not as serious as yours. The dosage that I recommended was 2 tablets taken 3 times daily and I would like you to report to me how you respond to this therapy. Please note that Nat Mur is just porentized Common Salt and it is very safe in use.

If you do not have any improvement in your anxiety status in a week you are advised to stop the Nat Mur.
Joe De Livera last decade
Natrum Mur ..suitable for people with high BP.
She has BP 100/64...low side.


...run your symptoms on the ....Homeopathy Software ....here on ABC and in the result ...click on the 'View Remedy Grid'....

Post the names of the top 3 meds ..in terms of percentage.

Will guide you from there on.

I guess you have a strong liking for sympathy from near and dear ones.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Rasingh,

I advise you to continue with the same medicine and it will take care of your anxiety too.

Yes you can go for online Remedy Finder as said by Pankaj.

But do not take medicine before consulting.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
From the Remedy Finder, if looking for just remedy for anxiety, the top 3 remedies are:
rhus tox (75%)
puls (50%)
sulphur (50%)

Rhus tox takes care of anixety which is better with breathing deeply. The other two remedies do not.

Rhus tox is also indicated for 'generalitiies; trembling; from fright' while the other two are not. This is the closest description I could find to the shakes I got DURING the anxiety attack. Otherwise normally I dont have this issue.

Sulphur is indicated for anxiety with pressure on teh chest while the other two remedies do are not.

Form me, I do have pressure on my chest when acute anxiety. Anytime there is any level of anxiety slow deep breathing really helps. So, I think its a choice between rhust and sulph.


Now, as I have mentioned before, I do have insomnia which makes all this worse.
When I search for anxiety, mind is tired and preoccupied , clenched jaw (yes I do that), difficult respiration, sleep restless/unrefreshing , the remedies indicated are:

sulphur 65%
phos 50%
bell 50%

The one symptom that I had also included in teh same search was 'mind;thougths;worries about things of little importance' . None of the above three remedies addressed it. And I think this is an important symptom for me since it causes and increases my anxiety. The remedy which was indicated for this was Arsenic Alb.
I also searched for this particular symptom separately and the top two remedies indicated for it are

-Ars 83%
-Calc 83%


I am not sure whether its better to treat all symptoms together or just anxiety separately, though if sleep issue or my worrying is not treated, anxiety at some level will always be there. Hence, I posted all the info above. Please let me know your suggestions. Thanks.
rasingh last decade
My insomnia is getting really bad. I cannot sleep anymore unless I take allopathic sleep tablet. And that too sometimes just leaves me drowsy but still awake. Last night I was awake till 5am. Slept 2 hours after that before my alarm went off.

Sometimes when I go to bed, I am worrying about something. But there are days when I do not have any worries when its sleep time, I am relaxed but unable to fall asleep. I may get drowsy but wont fall asleep.
Sometimes I will take a nap during the day, but sometimes still I cant fall asleep. I have gone 4 days of such sleeplessness last week after which I gave into the sleeping tablet. So, lack of sleep aggravates all my other problems like anxiety, fibromyalgia, joint pain, fatigue.

Usually I am always feeling cold, even though I have warm clothes on me. And very cold feet despite socks. The Remedy Finder indicates Ledum for my insomnia symptoms. Is that ok to take or is there a better remedy to try first ?

Secondly, I will be going on vacation (still have access to internet), and I have another post on travellers diarrhea and motion sickness. Please take a look at it, and let me know if there is a remedy compatible with the ones I have already taken so far.
Heres my other post www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/83895/
rasingh last decade
Dear Rasingh,

Well again Sulpur is most suited medicine in your case.
For you insomnia take Passiflora Q(mother tincture) 5 drops at night in 30-50 ml of drinking water for 7 days and report.

For travelling sickness Cocculus Ind is one of best medicine.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dr. Sharma,

Today I gave into drinking a cup of coffee. I shouldnt have done it, but it was a weak moment and I do love coffee.
Does it antidote the last sulphur dose I had taken?
Do I need to take sulphur again ?

I am not able to get Passiflora here in that potency. I didnot order it as it would not have arrived it by the time I leave in another day. I should be able to get it in India. And once I start it, I will post results 7 days after that.

Secondly, are the preventative homeopathic medicine for dengue (Eupatorium Perf 200, Rhus Tox 200) compatible with the homeopathic remedies that I have taken so far ?

rasingh last decade
Ramneek...your ability to assimilate knowledge is good.

Your close fix appears to be Calcarea Carb.

It is always important to see the entire picture of all the symptoms and try to match it with a 'drug picture'.

No bits and pieces...that is what the Father of Homeopathy stressed all along.

By so doing 'the closest fix' that emerges is your med.

You are aware ...I am following your case from the start.

I think you need Calcarea Carb. (In an earlier post also I think this possibility was suggested).

But you have to totally stop taking Sulphur before that. And you cannot repeat Sulphur after taking Cal. Carb.

So let me know what you wish to do !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Rasingh

Do you know why your case has become almost unmanagable?

It is because of taking the same medicine in the same potency for weeks together.

Sulphur definitely aggravated you. What you need to do now is to antidote the bad effects of homeopathic medicines.

If you keep on taking one medicine after the other, be cautioned that you will land into major trouble.

Don't take any medicines atleast for a fortnight.Drink good amounts of black coffee.

It is better to go and see a classical homeopath, who gives you one medicine at a time,max. three doses and waits for atleast a week to observe the effect of the medicine.

See the mentality of prescribers here.

One man gets peeved if you believe the earlier prescriber, and want to continue with him. Another one says come to me, if others fail to relieve you.

Lots of ego problems.Is it not?

Forget about getting treated online. It will make you worse.

Your best bet is to consult a competent homeopath in person.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Ramneek,

Yes coffee is antidot to most of the Homoeopathic medicines including Sulphur.

Dear Murthy,

Its not at all ego problem here atleast from my side.What you suggested Ramneek to visit local Homoeopath is best option for her I agree.But if you say her case is unmanagable or Sulphur aggravted her I disagree with you and if you dont know details and nature of her illness then please do not interfere.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Hi Dr.Dineshsharma

Your dictate to me not to interfere itself shows the ego problem.

This is not your private clinic.You are discussing a case openly, and you should have the wherewithal to defend your choice and methods.

It is not enough,if you say I don't agree. I have gone through all the 5 pages..

Repeating Belladona for such a long periods is the first mistake you made.

You should have given at the most three doses and waited for the response.

When you upped the potency to 200, why did you ask the patient for 5 days at a stretch?

Now, coming to Sulphur are you not aware that its action may start as late as the third week, and it is not at all advisable to repaeat it without waiting that long?

How do you know in advance that Sulphur repetetion is needed after 5 days?

If her case is not aggravated by Sulphur, how do you account for the worsening? Why she was worse than when you started treatment?

I look forward to your answers.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Murthy,

Well If you have gone through all the pages and detailed history then I hope you can understand and a well know person to her ailments and if you have read carefully then Bell had helped her and with Sulphur she had improvement and to cure her ailments requires time and patience.
And I think its better if you ask Ramneek about her improvement.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dear Drdineshsharma

You have choosen not to respond to my detailed questions.

It is your will and pleasure.

However I want everybody to understand that,there are three distinct facets to homeopathy.

The first one is selection of remedy

The second one is deciding on potency

and the third one is the administration and repetetion aspect.

Each one is to be mastered by the prescriber, and if one doesn't have proper concepts, in any of the three ,the patient is going to be in trouble.

Unfortunately, even prescribers who tend to select the correct remedy, falter in the other two areas, and cause trouble to the patient.

I too wish the patient reports the present condition.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dr. Dinesh Sharma,

Sorry for the delay in my reply. I was not able to have internet access during my vacation as I had earlier hoped.

My sleep is slightly better.
I had to take allopathic sleep medicine for some time while on vacation but now I have obtained Passiflora Q, but didnt use it as I didnt have access to the dosage and instructions from the internet at that time. I will start using it tonight and will post results after a week.

So, going back to my last post, it seems I have antidoted suphur by drinking coffee at that time. Do I need to take it again or better to wait for some time ? I did feel better after taking sulphur as I had indicated earlier. Right now, I dont have much muscle pain , only I get some joint pain due to cold and rain , and restless feeling in legs at night. Of course that may change, but thats how I am feeling currently.
Over all at this particular moment I am feeling much much better than two months ago.

And to respond to some other queries on this post, earlier Belladona did help remove the redness from my face. Thats the first ailment for which I had started this post. The dermatologist I saw couple months later was very intrigued with the effectiveness of the remedy.

rasingh last decade
Dear ramneek,

Well as you are improving so no need to take anoher dose of Sulphur,just wait.And if you still have sleeplessness then only take Passiflora. Otherwise no need to take that too.Just wait and report after 7 days.Do not take coffee etc.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dear Miss.. Hahnemann,

Please start new thread for your queries.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dr. Sharma,

My sleep is relatively ok so far.

But here the weather here is very cold with snow last week. So, my muscles and joints are aching very badly. For the first time, my upper body and shoulders are aching also. Leg, feet, finger joints are also aching. That is making me feel very uncomfortable. I take over the counter painkiller and sometimes that also will not alleviate the pain. Usually morning is okay, and evening and nights are worse.

Also lots of lethargy and an unusual increase in hunger/appetite in teh last two weeks. I am eating a lot, and I feel that partly I am eating to get away from the cold and pain that I am experiencing. Eating sweet things (sugar in tea, cookie, chocolate) makes me feel better...temporarily though. My weight due to that is increasing as well making me feel more uncomfortable.

rasingh last decade
I would like to add the following to my last post to complete the picture of my current health.

I am having sinus problem again. Constant sinus headache with pain under eyebrows and under the eye, pressure near ears, nose and on the forehead.

Anxiety wise, I am allright but not too great. Usually I am okay, but if there is a worrying incident, the anxiety level becomes very high resulting in my feeling trouble in breathing. Feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. This despite the allopathic medicine I am taking. There were couple of incidents last week which caused me to have high anxiety level, which combined with my other existing health issues is quite hard to bear. I had mentioned it to my doctor, and he had me try a different version of the same medicine but my body could not tolerate the side-effects. My body is very sensitive to allopathic medicine.

I want to emphasise, that the stiffness in my joints has decreased since august 2006. Its still there but is less. The pain in muscles (example leg or arm muscles or shoulders) and joint pains (most in knee and fingers of hand, and front of left foot ) are increasing since about 14 days with the weather becoming more cold and damp.

rasingh last decade
Dear Ramneek,

When you had taken last dose of sulphur?If its almost 7 days back or more later then take one dose and from next day start taking Silicea 12X,Natrum Mur 12X and Calcarea Sulph 6X (all are biochemic medicines)2 pellets from each one and thrice a day (i.e you will take 6 pellets at one time)for 5 days and report.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dr. Sharma,

My last dose of sulphur 200 was on August 9, 2006. I will take another dose of it tomorrow morning as your suggest followed by the biochemic medicines the next day.

rasingh last decade
Dr Sharma,

I took the sulphur dose on Dec 12 and biochemics after that.
There is some relief in joint and muscle pain. I have not had to take a painkiller for this in the past six days.

I have had constipation in last couple of weeks. Two days ago, I got (external protuding )
hemorrhoid. Its painful, bleeds, itches and irritates. I got a hemorroidal cream which barely gives some relief. I am also taking prune juice and a stool softner capsure (Correctol) since yesterday.
I normally dont get these although I have always been prone to constipation. The only two times I have had these is after the birth of my two kids. Each time it went away in about 3 weeks after the delivery of the child. Someone suggested Aloes/Ignatia to help with this. How do they interact with sulphur that I took last week, and what would your recommend for this ?
rasingh last decade
The cure has started taking place with Sulphur. Hemorrhoids...will go away with Sulphur itself.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Its a relief to hear that Pankaj Ji. Thanks.
rasingh last decade
I am afraid the hemorrhoid is getting worse. I cannot sit, stand or walk. I sleep only after taking a sleeping tablet else the pain keeps me awake. Till now it bled a tiny bit at a time. But tonight its bleeding very profusely.
I am quite frustrated with it. If this is an aggravation of sulphur (as I understand it to be so far), please will it help if the sulphur is antidoted or if I drink coffee. I dont want to even move, it hurts that badly all the time.
Please let me know. Thanks.
rasingh last decade

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