The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Grace of the "Almighty" !! Page 3 of 8
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Who stole my cheese !!
A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably coifed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.
His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready. As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.
'I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. 'Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.' 'That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied.
'Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. 'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away. Just for this time in my life.
Old age is Like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories! Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing.'
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably coifed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.
His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready. As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.
'I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. 'Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.' 'That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied.
'Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. 'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away. Just for this time in my life.
Old age is Like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories! Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing.'
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
October 19th 12:30 pm - Sathya Sai Baba meeting up with Harlem Ambassador
Sri Satya Sai Baba grants audience with Harlem Globetrotter Ambassador Sterling Forbes on his visit to Puttaparthi prior to the forthcoming Nov 13-23, 2006 India Tour in which the Harlem Globetrotters will perform as part of the inaugural celebrations of the Sree Satya Sai International Centre for Sports, coming up at Puttaparthi. This game will be played as an offering to Sree Satya Sai Baba on November 23, 2006, which also coincides with his birthday.
Sri Satya Sai Baba grants audience with Harlem Globetrotter Ambassador Sterling Forbes on his visit to Puttaparthi prior to the forthcoming Nov 13-23, 2006 India Tour in which the Harlem Globetrotters will perform as part of the inaugural celebrations of the Sree Satya Sai International Centre for Sports, coming up at Puttaparthi. This game will be played as an offering to Sree Satya Sai Baba on November 23, 2006, which also coincides with his birthday.
(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Sathya Sai Baba, the guru of spiritual deceit
By: Robert Favour
April 4, 2006
He cheated in his materialisations out of thin air: many devotees have found out later that the golden rings with special stones were only cheap Indians fabrics, the fakes that can be bought in large quantities at every third shop in Puttaparthi where his ashram is located.
The holy ash he materialises was coming from clay tablets that he was holding between his fingers and which he pulverised in his hands. The handing over of letters by his devotees was used as a guide away handling. The evidence for all that is simply too overwhelming. If one sees the short video takes and films and reads the many accounts at the website, it becomes clear there is something systematic going on here: a pattern of magic and tricks.
If I look at the horror I went through after his tricky advice these tricks in the physical third dimensional world seem only milder versions of the abuse of what is happening on the realms of the spirit where Sai Baba has many entrances to people, causing so many to feel attracted to him. There is mental manipulation; people think they receive a lot of healing from this man. A world of religious experience and miraculous spiritual discoveries is being created, but in essence a lot of it is nonsense. What is true is that he has access to many people and that he makes use of that.
Maybe not everything of these statements is directly provable, but isnt it logical to say the following: someone who has access to the (religious) world of his followers and in a systematic manner cheats so many people with miracle tricks, will probably show the same behaviour in other areas where he is working. In other words, there is a realistic chance that Sai Baba is also a man full of tricks, a cheater in the mental and spiritual realms.
Sai Baba does not only play tricks with gemstones and alike, he also plays with peoples believes; a few examples:
- Once in India we had two English friends visiting us, who both believed they had been Maria Magdalene in a previous incarnation. They did not know that from each other. That gave funny discussions. One woman had heard this from a spiritual counsellor who channelled the Akashic Records with the help of Sai Baba. I do not doubt the existence of past lives and the Akashic Records (the collective data bank of the earth, where the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce also found his knowledge), but not to a sense that more souls can have lived the same life. It goes against all knowledge from Hinduism and new age thought.
Later I explained the incident to a friend. He said he was not surprised; according to him there were at least ten women in the ashram who had been Maria in a previous life.
- But even well developed authors like Joshua Stone did not see his tricks: Joshua wrote a whole book on him without seeing him in person. He claimed he would come to India when he was able to teleport. Maybe the phenomenon exists, but to my opinion not for this Californian PhD. He has never been seen circling above the ashram in India. He never went looking for himself and has never investigated what was really going on in India. What he did do was taking everything for true what Sai Baba told him in his inner ear; he dedicated the title of his book to Sai Baba.
- In general this holy man created little objects out of thin air, but sometimes he materialised a bigger Ganesha statue, but that only out of the sand if he put his hands in it. Many were blind for the possibility that the object had been put there before his miraculous creation.
- I remember we went to a house of a devotee where the vibuthi (the holy ash) was coming out of a picture of Sai Baba. When we arrived at the house we saw the vibuthi was adhered to the picture; there was no sandy streaming like the sandy ash out of Sai Babas hands. I asked the owner of the house if he could make it come out, but he said that would only happen at certain occasions (when nobody was there, maybe?).
- One of the holy days in India there was such a special occasion in darshan. Baba had spread the rumour that he would materialize a lingam at the festival day. This holy lingam was growing in his stomach. If you would see the lingam coming out of his mouth, you would be freed from all karma. There was a lot of pushing among the many visitors to be with the sacred moment and so stupid me missed the opportunity. Later I saw the film of the event: after a lot of coughing and cleaning his face with a handkerchief he spitted out a golden ball. For a moment I hoped that watching the film would help me to release some of my karma too. It took a bit more time to realise that I had lost my critical senses; I noticed myself engaging in funny reasoning; after a while I could see what it really was: crap
- There are so many of these tales going on amongst his followers. A taxi driver told me Sai Baba had created a holographic scene of the street where an admirer was living. Then this devotee stepped into the picture and was teleported home again a second later. Others told me his car could fly or that he could be at two places at the same time etc.
At the end when the chaff is sifted from the wheat nothing much remains but the feeling that these stories and holy events are all based on nonsense. What can be derived from the examples is the conclusion that this guru plays with peoples believes or what they are willing to believe as truth. Some devotees are willing to give a helping hand to their believes. I have been an ardent believer myself, because it all looked so special what I heard from him and what I saw. Not so many had a clairaudient relationship with him. With others he appeared in dreams or via other channels. Many saw this as a sign for his holiness.
Is he holy?
Lets look first a bit closer at his religious lessons: I started to disconnect first from his speeches. His public talks left me often with an impression of a not very highly developed mind. In fact I never thought Sai Babas speeches were that elaborated. He never let his translator finish his sentences. Consequently many felt overwhelmed by the float of words and noise in his temple. Once on paper I never noticed that Sai Babas teachings contributed to my religious and spiritual understanding. After a while I stopped listening and did not read the newsletters anymore. I had made the conclusion his lessons were not for the evolving Western souls but for the local Indian people who had not received education. Sometimes I found myself wondering if this guru really understood religion. Was he maybe a bit simple? This conflicted with my idea that he was a holy person. I found a solution by telling myself that the physical person was different from the total being Sai Baba. After all, the inner messages often expressed a special insight. I decided from then only to go to darshan for the revelations and the energy gift.
I read a lot on spirituality and how it was organised at that time, for example about the Masters of the Seven Rays, the Lords of Karma, the Elohim, the Archangels, the White Brotherhood, but Sai Baba seemed not to belong to or fit in any of these hierarchies, while he stated at the same time that he was God. He was not as important as he suggested. It also became clear to me that what he was teaching, was not always in conformity with longstanding religions. E.g., he showed the true Christian little bible that was found in Eastern Europe!?? Hindus expressed their concern about the nonsense he told about Krishna. Then there were the wicked stories he told his devotees about previous incarnations. It all seemed to appeal to Godly experiences, but in fact this was often only referring to a vague feeling. He stated to be of all religions, which is also expressed in the statue in his garden. With a more close examination (there are many other examples to give) one gets the impression of someone who messes around in religion and knowledge about it.
I am familiar with the devotion that many feel for Sai Baba. I do not deny that there are many followers, probably millions all over the world. What characterises the spiritual processes people go through with Sai Baba it is that one never really knows what the process is about and what is at stake at a certain moment; one feels only a high energy. The devotee in process feels something painful, an air is created that something special is going on or is waiting to unfold. In fact this suggestion is enough to make a strong bond.
The devoted pupils think that the mental experiences are part of a way to ascension and enlightenment. Some even write books about it. Often at the end of a process in which it looks as though one is going through something important. The devotees cherish the deep insights coming after the process and think they have great realisations, but forget the deep dungeons they went through before. Nearly none of the admirers see that these wild processes (in a newsletter of the ashram this was called progressive dynamism) they undergo lead for many not to any goodies.
Basically Sai Baba saves the devotee during darshan somehow, but this does mean it will lead to any liberation. The only thing that is for sure strengthened is the co-dependency to the guru. I was also being captured in his magic. Many Westerners can be found around the ashram for years; many followers keep on coming back. This does not need to be that way: Mother Meera, also a supposed God being from India, living in the area around Frankfurt, Germany, is only available to be visited by interested people a few weekends per year. Permanently around her is only a small necessary staff. She rejects dependency and encourages taking in a position in society.
In the messages of the inner dialogue with him there was always the element of surprise. It gave me the impression of a brilliant spiritual man. He wins many people for him with wonderful magic and fantastic spiritual experiences. This is probably even stronger if one has developed a clairaudient relation with him.
The point is that it all looks holy, but that does not mean it is that way. Telepathy is a sign of higher development, but is it in itself holy? Miraculous experiences are also not holy as such. But what if the spiritual support is based on deceit and childs play? Is it then still about holy? How can these experiences be true spiritual support when it is not based on sincerity, compassion, divine knowledge, liberation or other God qualities. If one is not psychic, like me after my crash, one cannot really oversee what is going on in the process with this man. What one can do then, is look from the outside and test and/or keep on reasoning logically. In the applying of these principles for myself on Sai Baba, little remained of his revelations and holiness.
Is it wise to be related to him ?
If the holiness is not real, probably an other agenda is being fulfilled. From all the examples it becomes clear that he executes his work of deceit and abuse without any reservations. If he is able to do this negative behaviour without any conscience, the question arises if he does not do any more on the spiritual realms without people knowing about it. The question at stake is not what he gives, or how miraculous he is, or how he does what does. The real question is which interest is served with the creation of so much magical nonsense. Is it not logic to suppose he needs something from his devotees. The question is only what?
I do not deny that he has some paranormal power. The question is if he uses it justly? If in fact all the miracles are the beginning of a process of opening up for him of which one cannot oversee the full consequences, is it then wise to start with him it at all?
In fact most psychics that had access to higher spiritual communication levels and whom I spoke with, were convinced of his negativity. A healer said he had bad intentions to me. A psychic friend told me later that he captured soul pieces of his devotees. Of course these are only stories that can hardly be tested, but they have been described by people that I regard as sincere.
The other side is that I can also remember that he regularly took some negative attachments away from me in a very own manner and that his interventions led finally to more light power in the bodies and some ethereal strengthening. So, he was not only cheating, he was also helping. Was it maybe so that his healing qualities were functional in gathering crowds around him? That on a deeper level he looked for ways to capture people in his tentacles? I am trying to understand here motives for his actions. In fact it is difficult to understand someone who combines so Godly qualities and false, destructive manners of betrayal. Clear is only that his interventions are not of divine perfection.
People feel a transfer of energy. The fact that he can give others his energy can even be doubted. In India I used to visit an old pranic healer/clairvoyant in Bangalore. Although he could release djins from my body ten times better than Sai Baba, he had mostly not more than ten people in the waiting room of his healing practice (quantity is not the discerning factor). He said that being with Sai Baba was a useless experience. He told me: I have these visitors from Puttaparthi; I make their aura all right, then they go back to this man, than they come back to me, their aura is a mess again; then I make it all right again. This goes on for years. Some Westerners are doing this for more than 20 years; there is no teaching; no spiritual progress; they sit there for hours in the hall watching him; there is no serious education; there is no contribution into any spiritual teachings. It is all nothing.
This pensioned engineer explained me also that I, as many others, was actually leaking energy to him. I have often felt that he in fact can give some energy to others. I also felt at that time it was healing energy. So, this gives all together a mixed impression.
Basically I have troubles with the idea that an avatar like Sai Baba is partly good and Oh God, he has some vices. It does not work that way for my logical mind. It is not clear what his final intentions are. His cheating behaviour must fulfil a need. He does is purposeful. There must be a hidden agenda, he only knows. According to some of the ex-devotees that I spoke the last few years and whose lives he had ruined, the intentions of this faker were very dark. In reality I do not know his secrets, I can only guess. But it cannot be something very positive. I know from my own experience that this man can be very dangerous, on a deeper level he might be evil.
The Lords of Karma, a group of ethereal beings that guard the records of all that happens on earth, told me later on the inner plane in a channelling that all that happened to me with Sai Baba had been planned action; that I had been the victim of a set-up, identical to what had happened in a previous life. Of course one can bring in reservations towards this last example, because the interpretation comes from non-physical beings. Still, I know these ethereal beings are real and are able to help humans greatly. I have no reason to doubt their judgement.
Why do the followers let themselves be seduced so easily with his tricks?
The problem is that in the lives of his followers often something has gone wrong and then these people start to look for liberation; often the beginning of a spiritual quest and a search for help and salvation. In that state one is less critical and takes what one can get, in this case the help of a love prophet; as he likes to describe himself. Nothing wrong with, until one comes in the wrong hands. The personal needs of devotees to be saved from the suffering basically dims the critical mind. The need for salvation leads to an easy believe it is all true. In the traditional religious Indian culture wonders are a more generally accepted phenomenon. This contributes to it that the fake of charlatans in spirit affairs is less easy to pinpoint. A lot want to live fairy tales and there lies the real danger. Even the higher echelons in society are not alert: Vajpayee, priminister of the nuclear power state India in the time I was there, was regularly visiting Puttaparthi to consult him.
Another characteristic in a system of follower ship is how one evaluates the ex devotees. I remember of that time that a befriended admirer of Sai Baba described David Bailey as a sexual frustrated little man. The latter, a British musician who lived very close to Sai Baba for a long time, and who wrote at first a very positive book on this guru, changed quite suddenly from an ardent devotee to a man of harsh critics. He disappeared out of the ashram to never come back there. Only few wanted to see that this sincere man could much better see than others what was really going on. He watched it all from close distance with his own eyes, many Indian boys talked to him. Finally he decided he did not want to be part of that story. But within the system of follower ship a kind of blindness is cultivated.
Did Sai Baba go the wrong way somewhere?
There can be many causes for why he is not of pure intent (is not that another important God quality?) and does what he does. Maybe he is a fallen angel. He could be possessed by entities and/or extraterrestrials. Who knows has he stolen the gifts and in fact he is not anything much at all. What is sure is that he wants to capture his devotee in his world. Misuse and deceit become part of the follower, normally without him or her knowing this. By then you do not get rid of him so easily. This way the help might develop in a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, in a perpetuating story that never stops.
All these expressions and childs play are difficult to match with a mentally healthy grown-up human, let alone that you can rhyme it with a God being or someone pretending to be one. The closest to the truth for me is the image of a mentally ill avatar. It looks as though the God qualities are united in the wrong person. It is not so that he is the in many religions announced and also by him proclaimed liberator upon whom so many are waiting in these times. I am not convinced that he means well with humanity at all, otherwise he would be more sincere. I asked myself sometimes if he was the false prophet that Apostle John predicted for these times in the Revelations, the last chapter of the bible.
My Conclusion
Not all that blinks is holy. The development of discriminative powers needs unfortunately time. After my stay in India I have lived for years outside Europe and searched for many ways to recover. Eventually I found spectacular healers with sincerity and true divine gifts, but that is another story. Sai Baba lacks in my view sincerity and higher moral. I see it as my task to warn for him. People with spiritual interest who are considering to visit him should think twice. At least there is a dark side in unclear avatar. Sure is that there are many alternatives available for this cheating God-man.
This story is written from the intention to bring something new to the surface in the area where Sai Baba is manoeuvring. I wanted to share my experiences and pass through what I have seen and concluded about him. With some years of experience with this guru my judgement does not come from cheap observation. Fortunately a lot of his mischief and bad deeds are brought to the public on the Internet. I hope that my story will contribute to well considered choices to visit him or not. In fact it would be better when a more critical stream would come up in India, in order to expose his fake spirituality. He should be prosecuted for his appalling acts against so many of his followers.
By: Robert Favour
April 4, 2006
He cheated in his materialisations out of thin air: many devotees have found out later that the golden rings with special stones were only cheap Indians fabrics, the fakes that can be bought in large quantities at every third shop in Puttaparthi where his ashram is located.
The holy ash he materialises was coming from clay tablets that he was holding between his fingers and which he pulverised in his hands. The handing over of letters by his devotees was used as a guide away handling. The evidence for all that is simply too overwhelming. If one sees the short video takes and films and reads the many accounts at the website, it becomes clear there is something systematic going on here: a pattern of magic and tricks.
If I look at the horror I went through after his tricky advice these tricks in the physical third dimensional world seem only milder versions of the abuse of what is happening on the realms of the spirit where Sai Baba has many entrances to people, causing so many to feel attracted to him. There is mental manipulation; people think they receive a lot of healing from this man. A world of religious experience and miraculous spiritual discoveries is being created, but in essence a lot of it is nonsense. What is true is that he has access to many people and that he makes use of that.
Maybe not everything of these statements is directly provable, but isnt it logical to say the following: someone who has access to the (religious) world of his followers and in a systematic manner cheats so many people with miracle tricks, will probably show the same behaviour in other areas where he is working. In other words, there is a realistic chance that Sai Baba is also a man full of tricks, a cheater in the mental and spiritual realms.
Sai Baba does not only play tricks with gemstones and alike, he also plays with peoples believes; a few examples:
- Once in India we had two English friends visiting us, who both believed they had been Maria Magdalene in a previous incarnation. They did not know that from each other. That gave funny discussions. One woman had heard this from a spiritual counsellor who channelled the Akashic Records with the help of Sai Baba. I do not doubt the existence of past lives and the Akashic Records (the collective data bank of the earth, where the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce also found his knowledge), but not to a sense that more souls can have lived the same life. It goes against all knowledge from Hinduism and new age thought.
Later I explained the incident to a friend. He said he was not surprised; according to him there were at least ten women in the ashram who had been Maria in a previous life.
- But even well developed authors like Joshua Stone did not see his tricks: Joshua wrote a whole book on him without seeing him in person. He claimed he would come to India when he was able to teleport. Maybe the phenomenon exists, but to my opinion not for this Californian PhD. He has never been seen circling above the ashram in India. He never went looking for himself and has never investigated what was really going on in India. What he did do was taking everything for true what Sai Baba told him in his inner ear; he dedicated the title of his book to Sai Baba.
- In general this holy man created little objects out of thin air, but sometimes he materialised a bigger Ganesha statue, but that only out of the sand if he put his hands in it. Many were blind for the possibility that the object had been put there before his miraculous creation.
- I remember we went to a house of a devotee where the vibuthi (the holy ash) was coming out of a picture of Sai Baba. When we arrived at the house we saw the vibuthi was adhered to the picture; there was no sandy streaming like the sandy ash out of Sai Babas hands. I asked the owner of the house if he could make it come out, but he said that would only happen at certain occasions (when nobody was there, maybe?).
- One of the holy days in India there was such a special occasion in darshan. Baba had spread the rumour that he would materialize a lingam at the festival day. This holy lingam was growing in his stomach. If you would see the lingam coming out of his mouth, you would be freed from all karma. There was a lot of pushing among the many visitors to be with the sacred moment and so stupid me missed the opportunity. Later I saw the film of the event: after a lot of coughing and cleaning his face with a handkerchief he spitted out a golden ball. For a moment I hoped that watching the film would help me to release some of my karma too. It took a bit more time to realise that I had lost my critical senses; I noticed myself engaging in funny reasoning; after a while I could see what it really was: crap
- There are so many of these tales going on amongst his followers. A taxi driver told me Sai Baba had created a holographic scene of the street where an admirer was living. Then this devotee stepped into the picture and was teleported home again a second later. Others told me his car could fly or that he could be at two places at the same time etc.
At the end when the chaff is sifted from the wheat nothing much remains but the feeling that these stories and holy events are all based on nonsense. What can be derived from the examples is the conclusion that this guru plays with peoples believes or what they are willing to believe as truth. Some devotees are willing to give a helping hand to their believes. I have been an ardent believer myself, because it all looked so special what I heard from him and what I saw. Not so many had a clairaudient relationship with him. With others he appeared in dreams or via other channels. Many saw this as a sign for his holiness.
Is he holy?
Lets look first a bit closer at his religious lessons: I started to disconnect first from his speeches. His public talks left me often with an impression of a not very highly developed mind. In fact I never thought Sai Babas speeches were that elaborated. He never let his translator finish his sentences. Consequently many felt overwhelmed by the float of words and noise in his temple. Once on paper I never noticed that Sai Babas teachings contributed to my religious and spiritual understanding. After a while I stopped listening and did not read the newsletters anymore. I had made the conclusion his lessons were not for the evolving Western souls but for the local Indian people who had not received education. Sometimes I found myself wondering if this guru really understood religion. Was he maybe a bit simple? This conflicted with my idea that he was a holy person. I found a solution by telling myself that the physical person was different from the total being Sai Baba. After all, the inner messages often expressed a special insight. I decided from then only to go to darshan for the revelations and the energy gift.
I read a lot on spirituality and how it was organised at that time, for example about the Masters of the Seven Rays, the Lords of Karma, the Elohim, the Archangels, the White Brotherhood, but Sai Baba seemed not to belong to or fit in any of these hierarchies, while he stated at the same time that he was God. He was not as important as he suggested. It also became clear to me that what he was teaching, was not always in conformity with longstanding religions. E.g., he showed the true Christian little bible that was found in Eastern Europe!?? Hindus expressed their concern about the nonsense he told about Krishna. Then there were the wicked stories he told his devotees about previous incarnations. It all seemed to appeal to Godly experiences, but in fact this was often only referring to a vague feeling. He stated to be of all religions, which is also expressed in the statue in his garden. With a more close examination (there are many other examples to give) one gets the impression of someone who messes around in religion and knowledge about it.
I am familiar with the devotion that many feel for Sai Baba. I do not deny that there are many followers, probably millions all over the world. What characterises the spiritual processes people go through with Sai Baba it is that one never really knows what the process is about and what is at stake at a certain moment; one feels only a high energy. The devotee in process feels something painful, an air is created that something special is going on or is waiting to unfold. In fact this suggestion is enough to make a strong bond.
The devoted pupils think that the mental experiences are part of a way to ascension and enlightenment. Some even write books about it. Often at the end of a process in which it looks as though one is going through something important. The devotees cherish the deep insights coming after the process and think they have great realisations, but forget the deep dungeons they went through before. Nearly none of the admirers see that these wild processes (in a newsletter of the ashram this was called progressive dynamism) they undergo lead for many not to any goodies.
Basically Sai Baba saves the devotee during darshan somehow, but this does mean it will lead to any liberation. The only thing that is for sure strengthened is the co-dependency to the guru. I was also being captured in his magic. Many Westerners can be found around the ashram for years; many followers keep on coming back. This does not need to be that way: Mother Meera, also a supposed God being from India, living in the area around Frankfurt, Germany, is only available to be visited by interested people a few weekends per year. Permanently around her is only a small necessary staff. She rejects dependency and encourages taking in a position in society.
In the messages of the inner dialogue with him there was always the element of surprise. It gave me the impression of a brilliant spiritual man. He wins many people for him with wonderful magic and fantastic spiritual experiences. This is probably even stronger if one has developed a clairaudient relation with him.
The point is that it all looks holy, but that does not mean it is that way. Telepathy is a sign of higher development, but is it in itself holy? Miraculous experiences are also not holy as such. But what if the spiritual support is based on deceit and childs play? Is it then still about holy? How can these experiences be true spiritual support when it is not based on sincerity, compassion, divine knowledge, liberation or other God qualities. If one is not psychic, like me after my crash, one cannot really oversee what is going on in the process with this man. What one can do then, is look from the outside and test and/or keep on reasoning logically. In the applying of these principles for myself on Sai Baba, little remained of his revelations and holiness.
Is it wise to be related to him ?
If the holiness is not real, probably an other agenda is being fulfilled. From all the examples it becomes clear that he executes his work of deceit and abuse without any reservations. If he is able to do this negative behaviour without any conscience, the question arises if he does not do any more on the spiritual realms without people knowing about it. The question at stake is not what he gives, or how miraculous he is, or how he does what does. The real question is which interest is served with the creation of so much magical nonsense. Is it not logic to suppose he needs something from his devotees. The question is only what?
I do not deny that he has some paranormal power. The question is if he uses it justly? If in fact all the miracles are the beginning of a process of opening up for him of which one cannot oversee the full consequences, is it then wise to start with him it at all?
In fact most psychics that had access to higher spiritual communication levels and whom I spoke with, were convinced of his negativity. A healer said he had bad intentions to me. A psychic friend told me later that he captured soul pieces of his devotees. Of course these are only stories that can hardly be tested, but they have been described by people that I regard as sincere.
The other side is that I can also remember that he regularly took some negative attachments away from me in a very own manner and that his interventions led finally to more light power in the bodies and some ethereal strengthening. So, he was not only cheating, he was also helping. Was it maybe so that his healing qualities were functional in gathering crowds around him? That on a deeper level he looked for ways to capture people in his tentacles? I am trying to understand here motives for his actions. In fact it is difficult to understand someone who combines so Godly qualities and false, destructive manners of betrayal. Clear is only that his interventions are not of divine perfection.
People feel a transfer of energy. The fact that he can give others his energy can even be doubted. In India I used to visit an old pranic healer/clairvoyant in Bangalore. Although he could release djins from my body ten times better than Sai Baba, he had mostly not more than ten people in the waiting room of his healing practice (quantity is not the discerning factor). He said that being with Sai Baba was a useless experience. He told me: I have these visitors from Puttaparthi; I make their aura all right, then they go back to this man, than they come back to me, their aura is a mess again; then I make it all right again. This goes on for years. Some Westerners are doing this for more than 20 years; there is no teaching; no spiritual progress; they sit there for hours in the hall watching him; there is no serious education; there is no contribution into any spiritual teachings. It is all nothing.
This pensioned engineer explained me also that I, as many others, was actually leaking energy to him. I have often felt that he in fact can give some energy to others. I also felt at that time it was healing energy. So, this gives all together a mixed impression.
Basically I have troubles with the idea that an avatar like Sai Baba is partly good and Oh God, he has some vices. It does not work that way for my logical mind. It is not clear what his final intentions are. His cheating behaviour must fulfil a need. He does is purposeful. There must be a hidden agenda, he only knows. According to some of the ex-devotees that I spoke the last few years and whose lives he had ruined, the intentions of this faker were very dark. In reality I do not know his secrets, I can only guess. But it cannot be something very positive. I know from my own experience that this man can be very dangerous, on a deeper level he might be evil.
The Lords of Karma, a group of ethereal beings that guard the records of all that happens on earth, told me later on the inner plane in a channelling that all that happened to me with Sai Baba had been planned action; that I had been the victim of a set-up, identical to what had happened in a previous life. Of course one can bring in reservations towards this last example, because the interpretation comes from non-physical beings. Still, I know these ethereal beings are real and are able to help humans greatly. I have no reason to doubt their judgement.
Why do the followers let themselves be seduced so easily with his tricks?
The problem is that in the lives of his followers often something has gone wrong and then these people start to look for liberation; often the beginning of a spiritual quest and a search for help and salvation. In that state one is less critical and takes what one can get, in this case the help of a love prophet; as he likes to describe himself. Nothing wrong with, until one comes in the wrong hands. The personal needs of devotees to be saved from the suffering basically dims the critical mind. The need for salvation leads to an easy believe it is all true. In the traditional religious Indian culture wonders are a more generally accepted phenomenon. This contributes to it that the fake of charlatans in spirit affairs is less easy to pinpoint. A lot want to live fairy tales and there lies the real danger. Even the higher echelons in society are not alert: Vajpayee, priminister of the nuclear power state India in the time I was there, was regularly visiting Puttaparthi to consult him.
Another characteristic in a system of follower ship is how one evaluates the ex devotees. I remember of that time that a befriended admirer of Sai Baba described David Bailey as a sexual frustrated little man. The latter, a British musician who lived very close to Sai Baba for a long time, and who wrote at first a very positive book on this guru, changed quite suddenly from an ardent devotee to a man of harsh critics. He disappeared out of the ashram to never come back there. Only few wanted to see that this sincere man could much better see than others what was really going on. He watched it all from close distance with his own eyes, many Indian boys talked to him. Finally he decided he did not want to be part of that story. But within the system of follower ship a kind of blindness is cultivated.
Did Sai Baba go the wrong way somewhere?
There can be many causes for why he is not of pure intent (is not that another important God quality?) and does what he does. Maybe he is a fallen angel. He could be possessed by entities and/or extraterrestrials. Who knows has he stolen the gifts and in fact he is not anything much at all. What is sure is that he wants to capture his devotee in his world. Misuse and deceit become part of the follower, normally without him or her knowing this. By then you do not get rid of him so easily. This way the help might develop in a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, in a perpetuating story that never stops.
All these expressions and childs play are difficult to match with a mentally healthy grown-up human, let alone that you can rhyme it with a God being or someone pretending to be one. The closest to the truth for me is the image of a mentally ill avatar. It looks as though the God qualities are united in the wrong person. It is not so that he is the in many religions announced and also by him proclaimed liberator upon whom so many are waiting in these times. I am not convinced that he means well with humanity at all, otherwise he would be more sincere. I asked myself sometimes if he was the false prophet that Apostle John predicted for these times in the Revelations, the last chapter of the bible.
My Conclusion
Not all that blinks is holy. The development of discriminative powers needs unfortunately time. After my stay in India I have lived for years outside Europe and searched for many ways to recover. Eventually I found spectacular healers with sincerity and true divine gifts, but that is another story. Sai Baba lacks in my view sincerity and higher moral. I see it as my task to warn for him. People with spiritual interest who are considering to visit him should think twice. At least there is a dark side in unclear avatar. Sure is that there are many alternatives available for this cheating God-man.
This story is written from the intention to bring something new to the surface in the area where Sai Baba is manoeuvring. I wanted to share my experiences and pass through what I have seen and concluded about him. With some years of experience with this guru my judgement does not come from cheap observation. Fortunately a lot of his mischief and bad deeds are brought to the public on the Internet. I hope that my story will contribute to well considered choices to visit him or not. In fact it would be better when a more critical stream would come up in India, in order to expose his fake spirituality. He should be prosecuted for his appalling acts against so many of his followers.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Yes Murthy...He brought water in two years to 600 villages of Andhra Pradesh (your state)...which the successive State Governments could not do in 40 years of their governance.
Ask those much grateful they are to Sai Baba.
Go to the Sai Baba Hospital in Bangalore and Puttaparthi and speak to the patients there....they will tell you how grateful they are to Sai Baba.
Has to be a magician !!
Pankaj Varma
Ask those much grateful they are to Sai Baba.
Go to the Sai Baba Hospital in Bangalore and Puttaparthi and speak to the patients there....they will tell you how grateful they are to Sai Baba.
Has to be a magician !!
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'He cheated in his materialisations out of thin air: many devotees have found out later that the golden rings with special stones were only cheap Indians fabrics, the fakes that can be bought in large quantities at every third shop in Puttaparthi where his ashram is located.'
'He cheated in his materialisations out of thin air: many devotees have found out later that the golden rings with special stones were only cheap Indians fabrics, the fakes that can be bought in large quantities at every third shop in Puttaparthi where his ashram is located.'
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
He opened doors for so many dis-empowered people around the globe.
Somebody has to be 'blind' not to be able to see it.
Pankaj Varma
Somebody has to be 'blind' not to be able to see it.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'In general this holy man created little objects out of thin air, but sometimes he materialised a bigger Ganesha statue, but that only out of the sand if he put his hands in it. Many were blind for the possibility that the object had been put there before his miraculous creation.'
'In general this holy man created little objects out of thin air, but sometimes he materialised a bigger Ganesha statue, but that only out of the sand if he put his hands in it. Many were blind for the possibility that the object had been put there before his miraculous creation.'
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
So many of the followers of SAI BABA around the globe (at the behest of Sai Baba)...are helping drug addicits to re-habilitate.
He has been doing things that governments failed to do inspite of their vast resources at their disposal.
Has to be a magician !!
Pankaj Varma
He has been doing things that governments failed to do inspite of their vast resources at their disposal.
Has to be a magician !!
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Sai Baba lacks in my view sincerity and higher moral. I see it as my task to warn for him. People with spiritual interest who are considering to visit him should think twice. At least there is a dark side in unclear avatar. Sure is that there are many alternatives available for this cheating God-man.'
Sai Baba lacks in my view sincerity and higher moral. I see it as my task to warn for him. People with spiritual interest who are considering to visit him should think twice. At least there is a dark side in unclear avatar. Sure is that there are many alternatives available for this cheating God-man.'
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Murthy...instead of giving next one year...go and re-educate and rehabilitate just one 'drug addict' in Machlipattnam and show us the result at the end of one year.
Pankaj Varma
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Why do the followers let themselves be seduced so easily with his tricks?
The problem is that in the lives of his followers often something has gone wrong and then these people start to look for liberation; often the beginning of a spiritual quest and a search for help and salvation. In that state one is less critical and takes what one can get, in this case the help of a love prophet; as he likes to describe himself. Nothing wrong with, until one comes in the wrong hands. The personal needs of devotees to be saved from the suffering basically dims the critical mind. The need for salvation leads to an easy believe it is all true. In the traditional religious Indian culture wonders are a more generally accepted phenomenon. This contributes to it that the fake of charlatans in spirit affairs is less easy to pinpoint. A lot want to live fairy tales and there lies the real danger.
Why do the followers let themselves be seduced so easily with his tricks?
The problem is that in the lives of his followers often something has gone wrong and then these people start to look for liberation; often the beginning of a spiritual quest and a search for help and salvation. In that state one is less critical and takes what one can get, in this case the help of a love prophet; as he likes to describe himself. Nothing wrong with, until one comes in the wrong hands. The personal needs of devotees to be saved from the suffering basically dims the critical mind. The need for salvation leads to an easy believe it is all true. In the traditional religious Indian culture wonders are a more generally accepted phenomenon. This contributes to it that the fake of charlatans in spirit affairs is less easy to pinpoint. A lot want to live fairy tales and there lies the real danger.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Murthy...instead of giving next one year...go and re-educate and rehabilitate just one 'drug addict' in Machlipattnam and show us the result at the end of one year.
Also use your homeopathic skills on him.
Show us the results !!
Pankaj Varma
Also use your homeopathic skills on him.
Show us the results !!
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
In 1979 Sai Baba first made his pass on me, step by step of course. Soon he got me to open up and let My pants down. The massage of My penis started, the masturbation went on, the oral sex went on, the loosing of sperm was the target for Sai Baba! He was first satisfied when he and I gave our sperm loose. He liked oral sex mostly. When he wanted me to do ORAL SEX on him, I refused due to experiences in My childhood, between 4 - 8 years old. He accepted My explanation and I became the 'boy that always was called for interviews'.
In 1979 Sai Baba first made his pass on me, step by step of course. Soon he got me to open up and let My pants down. The massage of My penis started, the masturbation went on, the oral sex went on, the loosing of sperm was the target for Sai Baba! He was first satisfied when he and I gave our sperm loose. He liked oral sex mostly. When he wanted me to do ORAL SEX on him, I refused due to experiences in My childhood, between 4 - 8 years old. He accepted My explanation and I became the 'boy that always was called for interviews'.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I think someone should go and interview the Harlem Globetrotters and ask them why they have gone to seek blessings of Sai Baba.
Obviously...they have also read such malicious statements by 'fellows like Murthy' on the net.
Pankaj Varma
Obviously...they have also read such malicious statements by 'fellows like Murthy' on the net.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The problem is that in the lives of his followers often something has gone wrong and then these people start to look for liberation; often the beginning of a spiritual quest and a search for help and salvation. In that state one is less critical and takes what one can get, in this case the help of a love prophet; as he likes to describe himself.
The problem is that in the lives of his followers often something has gone wrong and then these people start to look for liberation; often the beginning of a spiritual quest and a search for help and salvation. In that state one is less critical and takes what one can get, in this case the help of a love prophet; as he likes to describe himself.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I feel that today''s babas are just like Rakshasas of the epics . but these ppl are disguised and cant be recognized easily. The reason ppl (even literate)visit them is that they want immediate solution to all their problems. naturally speed is the norm of the present timee. We have seen unmasking of most of the present babas like Saibaba, Benni Hinn, Amma Amrutanandamayi,and sankaracharya of kanchi matt. these things shake the faith of ppl in god. Iam better off being an athiest rather than getting cheated in name of God.
I feel that today''s babas are just like Rakshasas of the epics . but these ppl are disguised and cant be recognized easily. The reason ppl (even literate)visit them is that they want immediate solution to all their problems. naturally speed is the norm of the present timee. We have seen unmasking of most of the present babas like Saibaba, Benni Hinn, Amma Amrutanandamayi,and sankaracharya of kanchi matt. these things shake the faith of ppl in god. Iam better off being an athiest rather than getting cheated in name of God.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Activites of Sai Baba organisation in Australia:
The Sathya Sai Organisation of Australia has a service wing at every Sai Group and Sai Center. Every Sai Center has a service coordinator and service activities are organised for the members to participate.
Toomelah Service Project - Aboriginal Community
The Service Wing of the Sathya Sai Organisation has connected to the Aboriginal Community Service project at Toomelah. You can view a full overview of this project and its current status on this website:
The Sathya Sai School in Murwillumbah, on the North Coast of NSW, is the national service activity. You may visit the Sathya Sai School Website.
The Sathya Sai Uturn Project is a service activity aimed at providing service to young boys and girls at risk*in the secondary school system. You may visit the Sathya Sai Uturn Website.
(*Risk from drug abuse).
In Western Australia, there is a service activity at an Aboriginal Support Center, which teaches cookery, hygiene, homework support, literacy and computer skills. You can read about the Willagee Project.
The Sai Medical Unit regularly conducts Medical Camps, Dental Camps, Prenatal Classes, Ayurvedic Awareness sessions, and First Aid Classes. The Sai Medical Unit also provides medical treatment overseas, for example, in Fiji and India. You can view the work of the Sai Medical Unit.
Pankaj Varma
The Sathya Sai Organisation of Australia has a service wing at every Sai Group and Sai Center. Every Sai Center has a service coordinator and service activities are organised for the members to participate.
Toomelah Service Project - Aboriginal Community
The Service Wing of the Sathya Sai Organisation has connected to the Aboriginal Community Service project at Toomelah. You can view a full overview of this project and its current status on this website:
The Sathya Sai School in Murwillumbah, on the North Coast of NSW, is the national service activity. You may visit the Sathya Sai School Website.
The Sathya Sai Uturn Project is a service activity aimed at providing service to young boys and girls at risk*in the secondary school system. You may visit the Sathya Sai Uturn Website.
(*Risk from drug abuse).
In Western Australia, there is a service activity at an Aboriginal Support Center, which teaches cookery, hygiene, homework support, literacy and computer skills. You can read about the Willagee Project.
The Sai Medical Unit regularly conducts Medical Camps, Dental Camps, Prenatal Classes, Ayurvedic Awareness sessions, and First Aid Classes. The Sai Medical Unit also provides medical treatment overseas, for example, in Fiji and India. You can view the work of the Sai Medical Unit.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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