The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Grace of the "Almighty" !! Page 7 of 8
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The same God dwells in all the beings and non-beings.What appears as non-living to us is ignorance on our part because everything lives.God is that 'life', omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and omniloving.Some people are aware of this relity.Many are not.But those ignorant of this reality have as much of the divine presence in them as those who are aware.The only difference is in the 'realization' or 'ignorance' of this fact.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
The only hell that exists is in our imagination.All the hardships that one faces is to help one grow up and stop repeating the mistakes that caused those hardships any way.I don't believe in a vindictive God who has created a hell to punish and a heaven to reward.That would reduce God to a power hungry human who demands obedience at all costs.
I don't think that God demands anything.God is pure and unconditional love.Concept of hell can frighten a child but not a spiritually mature person.
I don't think that God demands anything.God is pure and unconditional love.Concept of hell can frighten a child but not a spiritually mature person.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Murthy,
Thanks for your wishes for my family.
I again re-iterate that I am a well wisher of yours and your family.
[moderated. text removed.]
And dear Rajiv,
Yes you are right...
Sab malik de bande, kaun bhala aur kaun manda. Ek Onkar...Satnam, Waheguru.
(A Sikh religion prayer)
(All are children of the same God. Who can then be good and who can be less good.
One God. Truth is his name, th Almighty).
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
Thanks for your wishes for my family.
I again re-iterate that I am a well wisher of yours and your family.
[moderated. text removed.]
And dear Rajiv,
Yes you are right...
Sab malik de bande, kaun bhala aur kaun manda. Ek Onkar...Satnam, Waheguru.
(A Sikh religion prayer)
(All are children of the same God. Who can then be good and who can be less good.
One God. Truth is his name, th Almighty).
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Today, you do not find peace anywhere in the world. You see only pieces! In fact, people are breaking their heart into pieces. How then can peace be acquired? There is only one solution to this problem. Love God. Have faith in God. Surrender unto Him. Dedicate your whole life to God and carry on every activity of yours as an offering to Him. Let all your activities be helpful to others. Help ever, hurt never. If you wish to be always happy, pray for the welfare of others. This is the real Sadhana (spiritual exercise) that you should undertake. Spirituality does not mean simply doing Bhajans and performing some acts of worship. Cultivate noble qualities. Always pray for the welfare of all. It is in this context, the prayer of Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (May all the beings of the world be happy) is addressed.
(translated into German Stephanie von Elverfeldt)
Heute findest Du nirgendwo Frieden auf der Welt. Du siehst nur (Einzel-) Teile (Wortspiel im Englischen 'peace' und 'pieces')! In Wirklichkeit brechen die Menschen ihr Herz in Stücke. Wie kann dann Frieden erlangt werden? Es gibt nur eine Lösung für dieses Problem. Liebe Gott. Habe Vertrauen in Gott. Ergib Dich ihm. Weihe Dein ganzes Leben Gott und führe jede Deiner Aktivitäten in der Hingabe an Gott aus. Laß all Deine Aktivitäten hilfreich für andere sein. Hilf immer, verletze nie. Wenn Du Dir wünschst, immer glücklich zu sein, bete für das Wohlergehen anderer. Das ist das wahre Sadhana (spirituelle Übung), das Du ausführen solltest. Spiritualität bedeutet nicht einfach, Bhajans zu singen und manchen Gottesdienst zu vollziehen. Kultiviere edle Eigenschaften. Bete immer für das Wohlergehen aller. In diesem Zusammenhang steht das Gebet Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (Mögen alle Wesen in allen Welten glücklich sein).
( translated into Italian by Mabatini )
Oggi non si trova Pace (Peace) in nessuna parte del mondo. Si vedono solo pezzi (pieces)!! DI fatto la gente sta facendo a pezzi il proprio cuore. Come si può ritrovare la Pace? Cè una soluzione unica per questo problema. Amate Dio e abbiate fede in Lui. Arrendetevi a Lui, dedicate a Lui la vostra vita e offrite a Lui ogni vostra attività. Fate in modo che le vostre attività siano utili anche agli altri. Aiutate sempre, non danneggiate mai. Se volete essere sempre felici, pregate per il benessere degli altri. Questa è la vera Sadhana ( pratica spirituale) a cui dovete sottoporvi. Spiritualità non vuol dire semplicemente cantare i Bhajans o compiere atti di devozione. Coltivate le qualità più nobili e pregate sempre per il benessere di tutti . E in questo contesto che ha un senso la preghiera Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu ( Possano tutti gli esseri del mondo essere felici
(translated into Spanish by by Equipo Namo )
February 5th
Los cuerpos son como bombillas, y el principio del Atma es como la corriente que pasa a través de todas las bombillas. Comprende esta unidad y comparte tu amor con todos sin excepción. No consideres que nadie sea tu enemigo. Tú crees que aquel que te ama es tu amigo, y aquel que te odia es tu enemigo. En verdad, no hay ni un amigo, ni un enemigo. Es sólo tu imaginación. Todos son uno. Es únicamente la divinidad que se expresa a sí misma como madre, padre, hermano, hermana, etc. Los nombres y las formas pueden ser diferentes, pero la verdad subyacente es una.
(translated into German Stephanie von Elverfeldt)
Heute findest Du nirgendwo Frieden auf der Welt. Du siehst nur (Einzel-) Teile (Wortspiel im Englischen 'peace' und 'pieces')! In Wirklichkeit brechen die Menschen ihr Herz in Stücke. Wie kann dann Frieden erlangt werden? Es gibt nur eine Lösung für dieses Problem. Liebe Gott. Habe Vertrauen in Gott. Ergib Dich ihm. Weihe Dein ganzes Leben Gott und führe jede Deiner Aktivitäten in der Hingabe an Gott aus. Laß all Deine Aktivitäten hilfreich für andere sein. Hilf immer, verletze nie. Wenn Du Dir wünschst, immer glücklich zu sein, bete für das Wohlergehen anderer. Das ist das wahre Sadhana (spirituelle Übung), das Du ausführen solltest. Spiritualität bedeutet nicht einfach, Bhajans zu singen und manchen Gottesdienst zu vollziehen. Kultiviere edle Eigenschaften. Bete immer für das Wohlergehen aller. In diesem Zusammenhang steht das Gebet Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (Mögen alle Wesen in allen Welten glücklich sein).
( translated into Italian by Mabatini )
Oggi non si trova Pace (Peace) in nessuna parte del mondo. Si vedono solo pezzi (pieces)!! DI fatto la gente sta facendo a pezzi il proprio cuore. Come si può ritrovare la Pace? Cè una soluzione unica per questo problema. Amate Dio e abbiate fede in Lui. Arrendetevi a Lui, dedicate a Lui la vostra vita e offrite a Lui ogni vostra attività. Fate in modo che le vostre attività siano utili anche agli altri. Aiutate sempre, non danneggiate mai. Se volete essere sempre felici, pregate per il benessere degli altri. Questa è la vera Sadhana ( pratica spirituale) a cui dovete sottoporvi. Spiritualità non vuol dire semplicemente cantare i Bhajans o compiere atti di devozione. Coltivate le qualità più nobili e pregate sempre per il benessere di tutti . E in questo contesto che ha un senso la preghiera Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu ( Possano tutti gli esseri del mondo essere felici
(translated into Spanish by by Equipo Namo )
February 5th
Los cuerpos son como bombillas, y el principio del Atma es como la corriente que pasa a través de todas las bombillas. Comprende esta unidad y comparte tu amor con todos sin excepción. No consideres que nadie sea tu enemigo. Tú crees que aquel que te ama es tu amigo, y aquel que te odia es tu enemigo. En verdad, no hay ni un amigo, ni un enemigo. Es sólo tu imaginación. Todos son uno. Es únicamente la divinidad que se expresa a sí misma como madre, padre, hermano, hermana, etc. Los nombres y las formas pueden ser diferentes, pero la verdad subyacente es una.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
What about those who don't believe in the existance of God?
Do all of them live without peace?
Do all of them live without peace?
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
It is essential to cleanse the mind through regular Sadhana (spiritual exercises) and thereby tune your will to the infinite will of God, so that it becomes merged in His glory. Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied, have no cleansing power. They only add the impurities of pride and competition. Learned men are not necessarily good, nor are the men who possess power over the forces of nature. Sathya (truth), Dharma (righteousness), Shanti (peace) and Prema (love) are the hallmarks of a purified heart, where God is enshrined and is manifest.
(translated into German Stephanie von Elverfeldt)
Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, den Geist* durch regelmäßiges Sadhana (spirituelle Übungen) zu reinigen und dabei Deinen Willen auf den unbegrenzten Willen Gottes einzustimmen, so daß er mit Seiner Herrlichkeit verschmilzt. Studium oder Geschicklichkeit, egal wie tiefgehend und mannigfaltig, haben keine reinigende Kraft. Sie tragen nur zu Verunreinigungen durch Stolz und Wettbewerb bei. Gebildete Menschen sind nicht notwendigerweise gut, noch sind es die Menschen, die Macht über die Kräfte der Natur besitzen. Sathya (Wahrheit), Dharma (gottgemäßes Handeln), Shanti (Frieden) und Prema (Liebe) sind die Kennzeichen eines geläuterten Herzens, das zum Heiligtum Gottes geworden ist und in dem Gott offenkundig ist.
*Geist, im Englischen 'mind', ist die Übersetzung von 'manas', beide Begriffe meinen den Gesamtbereich der Gedanken, Emotionen, Vorstellungen, des Verstandes und des Gemüts. - bei Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede: Spirituelles Wörterbuch Sanskrit-Deutsch: '... der Bereich der Wünsche, Gedanken, Gefühle ... Durch 'manas' werden die Eindrücke der äußeren Welt empfangen, die der Unterscheidungskraft (buddhi) unterbreitet werden. Es verarbeitet und koordiniert alle Sinneseindrücke und setzt Willensimpulse, die von innen kommen, in Handlung um ... Die 'buddhi' ist dem 'manas' übergeordnet, denn sie ist die höhere Unterscheidungskraft. Im Bereich von 'manas' haben die falschen Tendenzen ... ihren Standort; das Ziel ist deshalb, das 'manas' zu reinigen, damit das göttliche Selbst dort hineinstrahlen kann.
(translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)
Adalah penting untuk melakukan pemurnian terhadap batin dengan melalui Sadhana secara teratur, agar kehendakmu bisa diselaraskan dengan kehendak Ilahi, hingga akhirnya engkau bersatu dalam kemuliaan-Nya. Kekuatan pemurnian ini tidak terletak pada gelar kesarjanaan ataupun ketrampilan lainnya, yang mana justru berpotensi untuk menimbulkan kesombongan dan persaingan. Belum tentu mereka yang terpelajar mempunyai jiwa yang baik, demikian pula mereka yang mempunyai wewenang. Pertanda hati yang murni sebagai tempat bersemayamnya Tuhan adalah hati dimana terdapat Sathya (kebenaran), Dharma (kebajikan), Shanti (kedamaian) dan Prema (cinta-kasih).
( translated into Italian by Mabatini )
E essenziale ripulire la mente attraverso una regolare Sadhana (esercizi spirituali) e perciò sintonizzare la volontà allinfinita volontà di Dio in modo che possiate essere sempre immersi nella Sua gloria. Lerudizione o lintelligenza , per quanto profonde e varie, non hanno alcun potere ripulente. Aggiungono solo le impurità dellorgoglio e della competizione. Gli uomini istruiti non sono necessariamente buoni, né lo sono gli uomini che possiedono un potere al di sopra delle forze naturali. La Verità (Sathya) la Giustizia (Dharma) La Pace (Shanti) e lAmore (Prema) sono il segnale identificativo di un cuore puro, dove Dio è custodito gelosamente ed è ben manifesto
(translated into Spanish by by Equipo Namo )
February 6th
Hoy día, no encuentras paz en ningún lugar del mundo. De hecho, la gente está rompiendo su corazón en pedazos. ¡Sólo ves pedazos! ¿Cómo se puede entonces alcanzar la paz? Hay tan sólo una solución para este problema. Ama a Dios. Ten fe en Dios. Entrégate a Él. Dedica tu vida entera a Dios y continúa haciendo cada una de tus actividades como una ofrenda a Él. Haz que tus actividades sean útiles a los demás. Ayuda siempre, nunca dañes. Si quieres estar siempre feliz, ruega por el bienestar de los otros. Este es el verdadero Sádhana (ejercicio espiritual) que deberías emprender. La espiritualidad no consiste simplemente en hacer Bhajans o en llevar a cabo algunos actos de adoración. Cultiva cualidades nobles. Reza siempre por el bienestar de todos. Es en este contexto al que va dirigida la oración Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (Qué todos los seres del mundo sean felices).
(translated into German Stephanie von Elverfeldt)
Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, den Geist* durch regelmäßiges Sadhana (spirituelle Übungen) zu reinigen und dabei Deinen Willen auf den unbegrenzten Willen Gottes einzustimmen, so daß er mit Seiner Herrlichkeit verschmilzt. Studium oder Geschicklichkeit, egal wie tiefgehend und mannigfaltig, haben keine reinigende Kraft. Sie tragen nur zu Verunreinigungen durch Stolz und Wettbewerb bei. Gebildete Menschen sind nicht notwendigerweise gut, noch sind es die Menschen, die Macht über die Kräfte der Natur besitzen. Sathya (Wahrheit), Dharma (gottgemäßes Handeln), Shanti (Frieden) und Prema (Liebe) sind die Kennzeichen eines geläuterten Herzens, das zum Heiligtum Gottes geworden ist und in dem Gott offenkundig ist.
*Geist, im Englischen 'mind', ist die Übersetzung von 'manas', beide Begriffe meinen den Gesamtbereich der Gedanken, Emotionen, Vorstellungen, des Verstandes und des Gemüts. - bei Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede: Spirituelles Wörterbuch Sanskrit-Deutsch: '... der Bereich der Wünsche, Gedanken, Gefühle ... Durch 'manas' werden die Eindrücke der äußeren Welt empfangen, die der Unterscheidungskraft (buddhi) unterbreitet werden. Es verarbeitet und koordiniert alle Sinneseindrücke und setzt Willensimpulse, die von innen kommen, in Handlung um ... Die 'buddhi' ist dem 'manas' übergeordnet, denn sie ist die höhere Unterscheidungskraft. Im Bereich von 'manas' haben die falschen Tendenzen ... ihren Standort; das Ziel ist deshalb, das 'manas' zu reinigen, damit das göttliche Selbst dort hineinstrahlen kann.
(translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)
Adalah penting untuk melakukan pemurnian terhadap batin dengan melalui Sadhana secara teratur, agar kehendakmu bisa diselaraskan dengan kehendak Ilahi, hingga akhirnya engkau bersatu dalam kemuliaan-Nya. Kekuatan pemurnian ini tidak terletak pada gelar kesarjanaan ataupun ketrampilan lainnya, yang mana justru berpotensi untuk menimbulkan kesombongan dan persaingan. Belum tentu mereka yang terpelajar mempunyai jiwa yang baik, demikian pula mereka yang mempunyai wewenang. Pertanda hati yang murni sebagai tempat bersemayamnya Tuhan adalah hati dimana terdapat Sathya (kebenaran), Dharma (kebajikan), Shanti (kedamaian) dan Prema (cinta-kasih).
( translated into Italian by Mabatini )
E essenziale ripulire la mente attraverso una regolare Sadhana (esercizi spirituali) e perciò sintonizzare la volontà allinfinita volontà di Dio in modo che possiate essere sempre immersi nella Sua gloria. Lerudizione o lintelligenza , per quanto profonde e varie, non hanno alcun potere ripulente. Aggiungono solo le impurità dellorgoglio e della competizione. Gli uomini istruiti non sono necessariamente buoni, né lo sono gli uomini che possiedono un potere al di sopra delle forze naturali. La Verità (Sathya) la Giustizia (Dharma) La Pace (Shanti) e lAmore (Prema) sono il segnale identificativo di un cuore puro, dove Dio è custodito gelosamente ed è ben manifesto
(translated into Spanish by by Equipo Namo )
February 6th
Hoy día, no encuentras paz en ningún lugar del mundo. De hecho, la gente está rompiendo su corazón en pedazos. ¡Sólo ves pedazos! ¿Cómo se puede entonces alcanzar la paz? Hay tan sólo una solución para este problema. Ama a Dios. Ten fe en Dios. Entrégate a Él. Dedica tu vida entera a Dios y continúa haciendo cada una de tus actividades como una ofrenda a Él. Haz que tus actividades sean útiles a los demás. Ayuda siempre, nunca dañes. Si quieres estar siempre feliz, ruega por el bienestar de los otros. Este es el verdadero Sádhana (ejercicio espiritual) que deberías emprender. La espiritualidad no consiste simplemente en hacer Bhajans o en llevar a cabo algunos actos de adoración. Cultiva cualidades nobles. Reza siempre por el bienestar de todos. Es en este contexto al que va dirigida la oración Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (Qué todos los seres del mundo sean felices).
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
My Dear Punkaj,
Irrational people do not believe in God.
I cannot comment on murthy's belief.
Irrational people do not believe in God.
I cannot comment on murthy's belief.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hmm...Irriational people do not believe in god eh? Odd then that most of our most prominent intellectual figures throughout history have been 'non-believers', or who have actually found the notion of a single, all powerful, 'divine' being as quite proposterous, a sentiment I am afraid I share, are we all irrational? Personally, I think of it as the other way around, as I do not see how the belief in a mythological deity no one has actually ever seen could be considered 'rational' by any definition of the word, whether such a being exists or not.
Personal 'opinions' aside though, as I do not wish to open a can of worms I know has no end, for...certain reasons, I agree with Murthy, (1) organised 'Religion' does not hold the silver chalice when it comes to spiritual enlightenment as religious proponents like to think, and never has, and in fact most free-thinkers and intellectuals find it more a bastardization of true spirituality, and were very much 'at peace' with themselves I'm sure, as am I, (2) there is no place for such superstitions or beliefs in the actual application of science, as such beliefs will always affect rationality and logic.
I also agree with Rajiv's comments thus:
'The only hell that exists is in our imagination. All the hardships that one faces is to help one grow up and stop repeating the mistakes that caused those hardships any way.I don't believe in a vindictive God who has created a hell to punish and a heaven to reward.That would reduce God to a power hungry human who demands obedience at all costs.'
'Concept of hell can frighten a child but not a spiritually mature person.'
Very wise words indeed.
And hello there Murthy and Rajiv...I was beginning to think you'd all left ;)
Personal 'opinions' aside though, as I do not wish to open a can of worms I know has no end, for...certain reasons, I agree with Murthy, (1) organised 'Religion' does not hold the silver chalice when it comes to spiritual enlightenment as religious proponents like to think, and never has, and in fact most free-thinkers and intellectuals find it more a bastardization of true spirituality, and were very much 'at peace' with themselves I'm sure, as am I, (2) there is no place for such superstitions or beliefs in the actual application of science, as such beliefs will always affect rationality and logic.
I also agree with Rajiv's comments thus:
'The only hell that exists is in our imagination. All the hardships that one faces is to help one grow up and stop repeating the mistakes that caused those hardships any way.I don't believe in a vindictive God who has created a hell to punish and a heaven to reward.That would reduce God to a power hungry human who demands obedience at all costs.'
'Concept of hell can frighten a child but not a spiritually mature person.'
Very wise words indeed.
And hello there Murthy and Rajiv...I was beginning to think you'd all left ;)
JCS2006 last decade
Hi Jacob
I understand the weather in England is at the worst. Both my son and daughter in law are down with viral fever with a very very sore throat. They are reporting that many people of Leicester are affected with this viral fever.
They have a handful of homeopathic medicines and Belladona helped them a lot.They are recovering now.
Are you aware of this viral menace?
I understand the weather in England is at the worst. Both my son and daughter in law are down with viral fever with a very very sore throat. They are reporting that many people of Leicester are affected with this viral fever.
They have a handful of homeopathic medicines and Belladona helped them a lot.They are recovering now.
Are you aware of this viral menace?
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Jacob,
So glad to see you back.Always a pleasure to meet friends on these forums.I was wondering if you had left.I have been very busy for the past month or so and would be for the next months or so as i am about to submit my Doctoral dissertation.
I believe in love for life in all its forms which for me is as good as God.God or perhaps 'BEING' is a better term, the source from which all life and creativity springs, resides in all of us as the very essence from which the vital force sprouts forth.It is the moment of stillness and peace when you feel one with the cosmos.That is the God of my experience and of my choice.
So glad to see you back.Always a pleasure to meet friends on these forums.I was wondering if you had left.I have been very busy for the past month or so and would be for the next months or so as i am about to submit my Doctoral dissertation.
I believe in love for life in all its forms which for me is as good as God.God or perhaps 'BEING' is a better term, the source from which all life and creativity springs, resides in all of us as the very essence from which the vital force sprouts forth.It is the moment of stillness and peace when you feel one with the cosmos.That is the God of my experience and of my choice.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
Dear Friends,
These are the words of Sai Baba (not mine) :
'It is essential to cleanse the mind through regular Sadhana (spiritual exercises) and thereby tune your will to the infinite will of God, so that it becomes merged in His glory. Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied, have no cleansing power. They only add the impurities of pride and competition. Learned men are not necessarily good, nor are the men who possess power over the forces of nature. Sathya (truth), Dharma (righteousness), Shanti (peace) and Prema (love) are the hallmarks of a purified heart, where God is enshrined and is manifest.'
Yes I can only add that 'pride and competition' have blinded many capable human beings ....
Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
These are the words of Sai Baba (not mine) :
'It is essential to cleanse the mind through regular Sadhana (spiritual exercises) and thereby tune your will to the infinite will of God, so that it becomes merged in His glory. Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied, have no cleansing power. They only add the impurities of pride and competition. Learned men are not necessarily good, nor are the men who possess power over the forces of nature. Sathya (truth), Dharma (righteousness), Shanti (peace) and Prema (love) are the hallmarks of a purified heart, where God is enshrined and is manifest.'
Yes I can only add that 'pride and competition' have blinded many capable human beings ....
Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Murthy! Yes the weather here is appalling, below zero and snowing as we speak.
I am indeed very much aware of this viral fever, I was struck with it myself, albeit briefly, but fortunately it does seem to follow a set pattern, so I have been busy administering the small group of remedies indicated around my local community, along with a nosode I prepared from my own sputum during the illness (I do not tell patients what this is of course, heh).
I trust you have been well?
I am indeed very much aware of this viral fever, I was struck with it myself, albeit briefly, but fortunately it does seem to follow a set pattern, so I have been busy administering the small group of remedies indicated around my local community, along with a nosode I prepared from my own sputum during the illness (I do not tell patients what this is of course, heh).
I trust you have been well?
JCS2006 last decade
Hello Rajiv!
Thankyou...and no no, not left, just verrrry very busy completing work on my book, negotiating a publishing deal and yes, finally completing my full Homoeopathic degree, which will be of interest to some I am sure...
A very good explanation of things you have there. I think we are pretty much on the same page in terms of our experiences, and therefore of our definition of, for want of a better term...'god', merely being a higher creative and intuitive conciousness from which everything springs, and which is part of us all, rather than some actual external totalitarian 'supreme being', with the power to punish or reward.
...good to see you again :)
Thankyou...and no no, not left, just verrrry very busy completing work on my book, negotiating a publishing deal and yes, finally completing my full Homoeopathic degree, which will be of interest to some I am sure...
A very good explanation of things you have there. I think we are pretty much on the same page in terms of our experiences, and therefore of our definition of, for want of a better term...'god', merely being a higher creative and intuitive conciousness from which everything springs, and which is part of us all, rather than some actual external totalitarian 'supreme being', with the power to punish or reward.
...good to see you again :)
JCS2006 last decade
Dear Jacob ,
If my memory is correct , you were writing a book on Miasms. I am very eager to read it. Hope u will intimate us when the book is ready.
I have a doubt and hope you would spend some time to clear it.
There are many nosodes used in homeopathy. Now you have prepared a new one.
Homeopathy medicines are added to materia medica by provings. A potenzised material is administered repeatedly to healthy persons and their reactions are noted down. The same medicine given to a diseased person (when properly indicated) restores his/her health.
But when it comes to nosode i am a bit confused.
Here the substance is taken from a diseased person or animal.(i.e., there is no proving in the case of nosode).
So my doubt is that whether this idea of nosodes are in harmony with Hahnemannian Philosophy.
If my memory is correct , you were writing a book on Miasms. I am very eager to read it. Hope u will intimate us when the book is ready.
I have a doubt and hope you would spend some time to clear it.
There are many nosodes used in homeopathy. Now you have prepared a new one.
Homeopathy medicines are added to materia medica by provings. A potenzised material is administered repeatedly to healthy persons and their reactions are noted down. The same medicine given to a diseased person (when properly indicated) restores his/her health.
But when it comes to nosode i am a bit confused.
Here the substance is taken from a diseased person or animal.(i.e., there is no proving in the case of nosode).
So my doubt is that whether this idea of nosodes are in harmony with Hahnemannian Philosophy.
Daniel Iype last decade
Dear Jacob
I am well and rarely get sick. : )
Even my son and his wife are well now.
Let us know when your book is ready. I hope it will be reasonably priced.
I am well and rarely get sick. : )
Even my son and his wife are well now.
Let us know when your book is ready. I hope it will be reasonably priced.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Hello Anil, yes, that is correct, and rest assured I will post here as soon as it is published :)
Re your doubt, a good point indeed, but before we come to this, personally, I will never give new remedies to patients unless I have first taken them myself to properley ascertain their effects, and carried out satisfactory research to discover antidotes should there be any untoward reaction. Unfortuantely though this process is NOT always carried out when substances are added to our Mat Med these days. Substances are potentized willy nilly, and then prescribed on only a few indications, without any attention being given to such things.
So to your question, the adminsistration of nosodes would certainly be considered a slight deviation from Hahnemann's original teachings, as of course, he had very little time for the actual pathogens of disease (he was actually at times quite contradictory on this though). However, we now know they are as necessary in some cases as any other remedies, and the miasmatic nosodes at least HAVE been fully proved since their introduction. We also of course now know that pathogens DO play an important part in disease, there can be no doubt of this, it has been scientifically proven, and it would be foolish of us to ignore this.
We should also consider that Hahnemann's prescribing methods would not be considered constitutional precribing for the most part, as his work on materia medica reflects, not to mention he did not give remedies in the very high potencies, so the addition of both these things by Kent could also be considered as 'deviations', but nevertheless they are as essential in Homoeopathic prescribing today as anything else.
It is merley a question of our being able to discern between what represents an evolution of our subject, and that which represents deviation, and I am quite sure had he lived longer, Hahnemann would have not only looked into the addition of nosodes, but also pretty much followed the same path as Kent did.
I hope this answers your question.
Best wishes.
Re your doubt, a good point indeed, but before we come to this, personally, I will never give new remedies to patients unless I have first taken them myself to properley ascertain their effects, and carried out satisfactory research to discover antidotes should there be any untoward reaction. Unfortuantely though this process is NOT always carried out when substances are added to our Mat Med these days. Substances are potentized willy nilly, and then prescribed on only a few indications, without any attention being given to such things.
So to your question, the adminsistration of nosodes would certainly be considered a slight deviation from Hahnemann's original teachings, as of course, he had very little time for the actual pathogens of disease (he was actually at times quite contradictory on this though). However, we now know they are as necessary in some cases as any other remedies, and the miasmatic nosodes at least HAVE been fully proved since their introduction. We also of course now know that pathogens DO play an important part in disease, there can be no doubt of this, it has been scientifically proven, and it would be foolish of us to ignore this.
We should also consider that Hahnemann's prescribing methods would not be considered constitutional precribing for the most part, as his work on materia medica reflects, not to mention he did not give remedies in the very high potencies, so the addition of both these things by Kent could also be considered as 'deviations', but nevertheless they are as essential in Homoeopathic prescribing today as anything else.
It is merley a question of our being able to discern between what represents an evolution of our subject, and that which represents deviation, and I am quite sure had he lived longer, Hahnemann would have not only looked into the addition of nosodes, but also pretty much followed the same path as Kent did.
I hope this answers your question.
Best wishes.
JCS2006 last decade
I certainly will Murthy, and my intention is to be able to circulate the book at a cost which reflects the wealth of the individual country, so to those such as India, hopefully this will be at a much reduced rate.
I will keep you informed.
I will keep you informed.
JCS2006 last decade
Thank you Jacob for a detailed reply.
I am sure that your book on miasms will further extend the horizon of Homeopathic science.
I am sure that your book on miasms will further extend the horizon of Homeopathic science.
Daniel Iype last decade
The Lord's grace is conferred on each devotee according to the level of his spiritual consciousness. The ocean is vast and boundless. But, the amount of water you can carry from it is determined by the size of the vessel you carry to its shore. If the vessel is small, you cannot fill it beyond its limited capacity. Likewise, if your heart is constricted, divine grace will be equally limited. Broaden your heart by getting rid of narrow differences, and thus recognise the truth that the Divine dwells in everybody.
(translated into German Stephanie von Elverfeldt)
Die Gnade des Herrn wird jedem Frommen nach dem Stand seines spirituellen Bewußtseins verliehen. Der Ozean ist riesig und grenzenlos. Aber die Menge an Wasser, die Du ihm entnehmen kannst, hängt ab von der Größe des Gefäßes, das Du an seine Küste trägst. Wenn das Gefäß klein ist, kannst Du es nicht über sein begrenztes Fassungsvermögen hinaus füllen. Genauso wird, wenn Dein Herz verengt ist, die Göttliche Gnade in gleicher Weise begrenzt sein. Erweitere Dein Herz, indem Du engstirnige Meinungsverschiedenheiten loswirst und so die Wahrheit erkennst, dass das Göttliche in jedem wohnt.
(translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)
Rahmat Ilahi yang diberikan kepada para bhakta adalah disesuaikan dengan level kesadaran (kemajuan) spiritual masing-masing. Samudera sangatlah luas dan seolah-olah tanpa batas. Namun, jumlah air yang dapat engkau bawa darinya adalah ditentukan oleh seberapa besarnya ember yang dipergunakan. Apabila ukuran ember tersebut kecil, maka engkau tak akan bisa mengisinya dengan volume air di luar ukuran yang telah tertentu itu. Demikian pula, apabila hatimu sangat sempit, maka rahmat Ilahi yang engkau terima juga sedemikian adanya. Oleh sebab itu, buka & lapangkanlah hatimu dengan menyingkirkan perbedaan serta pikiran yang sempit, dan kenalilah kebenaran bahwa Sang Ilahi juga bersemayam di dalam diri setiap orang.
( translated into Italian by Mabatini )
La Grazia del Signore viene conferita a ciascun devoto secondo il proprio livello di consapevolezza spirituale. Loceano è vasto e senza confini ma la quantità di acqua che potete attingere da esso dipende esclusivamente dal secchio che portate in riva. Se il secchio è piccolo, non potrete riempirlo oltre il limite della sua capacità. Allo stesso modo, se il vostro cuore è compresso, la Grazia Divina sarà limitata. Aprite il vostro cuore, liberandovi delle piccole differenze, e poi riconoscete la Verità che il Divino abita in ognuno.
(translated into Spanish by by Equipo Namo )
February 10th
El fin supremo de la educación es hacer al hombre consciente del 'Inmanente Impersonal Universal'. Ésta es la verdad clamorosamente proclamada en los Vedas. Los siempre cambiantes aspectos de la Naturaleza puede que sean un magnífico tema de estudio, pero la ciencia del Principio Trascendental que permea el universo entero, que es inalterable, eterna, siempre plena de paz y bienaventuranza, el último refugio para todos en todos los tiempos, ésa es la máxima sapiencia que el hombre debe lograr.
(translated into German Stephanie von Elverfeldt)
Die Gnade des Herrn wird jedem Frommen nach dem Stand seines spirituellen Bewußtseins verliehen. Der Ozean ist riesig und grenzenlos. Aber die Menge an Wasser, die Du ihm entnehmen kannst, hängt ab von der Größe des Gefäßes, das Du an seine Küste trägst. Wenn das Gefäß klein ist, kannst Du es nicht über sein begrenztes Fassungsvermögen hinaus füllen. Genauso wird, wenn Dein Herz verengt ist, die Göttliche Gnade in gleicher Weise begrenzt sein. Erweitere Dein Herz, indem Du engstirnige Meinungsverschiedenheiten loswirst und so die Wahrheit erkennst, dass das Göttliche in jedem wohnt.
(translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)
Rahmat Ilahi yang diberikan kepada para bhakta adalah disesuaikan dengan level kesadaran (kemajuan) spiritual masing-masing. Samudera sangatlah luas dan seolah-olah tanpa batas. Namun, jumlah air yang dapat engkau bawa darinya adalah ditentukan oleh seberapa besarnya ember yang dipergunakan. Apabila ukuran ember tersebut kecil, maka engkau tak akan bisa mengisinya dengan volume air di luar ukuran yang telah tertentu itu. Demikian pula, apabila hatimu sangat sempit, maka rahmat Ilahi yang engkau terima juga sedemikian adanya. Oleh sebab itu, buka & lapangkanlah hatimu dengan menyingkirkan perbedaan serta pikiran yang sempit, dan kenalilah kebenaran bahwa Sang Ilahi juga bersemayam di dalam diri setiap orang.
( translated into Italian by Mabatini )
La Grazia del Signore viene conferita a ciascun devoto secondo il proprio livello di consapevolezza spirituale. Loceano è vasto e senza confini ma la quantità di acqua che potete attingere da esso dipende esclusivamente dal secchio che portate in riva. Se il secchio è piccolo, non potrete riempirlo oltre il limite della sua capacità. Allo stesso modo, se il vostro cuore è compresso, la Grazia Divina sarà limitata. Aprite il vostro cuore, liberandovi delle piccole differenze, e poi riconoscete la Verità che il Divino abita in ognuno.
(translated into Spanish by by Equipo Namo )
February 10th
El fin supremo de la educación es hacer al hombre consciente del 'Inmanente Impersonal Universal'. Ésta es la verdad clamorosamente proclamada en los Vedas. Los siempre cambiantes aspectos de la Naturaleza puede que sean un magnífico tema de estudio, pero la ciencia del Principio Trascendental que permea el universo entero, que es inalterable, eterna, siempre plena de paz y bienaventuranza, el último refugio para todos en todos los tiempos, ésa es la máxima sapiencia que el hombre debe lograr.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Jacob...
I am also looking forward to reading your book.
If it is good ...will recommend it to others too.
Good Luck,
Pankaj Varma
I am also looking forward to reading your book.
If it is good ...will recommend it to others too.
Good Luck,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I see this is a long thread, and I won't read it all. I would just like to say that there is a wonderful and loving energy on this forum!
A long time ago, I was fortunate to become an initiate of Sant Darshan Singh Ji, of New Delhi. The path is called Sant Mat. In spite of the teachings, I still do not comprhend what the Creator is! That's alright, though. One important thing I have learned is that THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY. If we are judgemental and punishing with others, we will reap that. To lighten our load, we must be forgiving of others, and OURSELVES. The Creator is expressed though ALL THAT IS, and that is us! Physical health (or the lack of it) is a reflection of our inner reality. Get the spirit right, and the rest follows.
There are some very nice people here, and I'm so glad I found this place. It's a very uplifting environment.
A long time ago, I was fortunate to become an initiate of Sant Darshan Singh Ji, of New Delhi. The path is called Sant Mat. In spite of the teachings, I still do not comprhend what the Creator is! That's alright, though. One important thing I have learned is that THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY. If we are judgemental and punishing with others, we will reap that. To lighten our load, we must be forgiving of others, and OURSELVES. The Creator is expressed though ALL THAT IS, and that is us! Physical health (or the lack of it) is a reflection of our inner reality. Get the spirit right, and the rest follows.
There are some very nice people here, and I'm so glad I found this place. It's a very uplifting environment.
11:11 last decade
Hello ..11.11,
It is not possible to define the Creator by human beings.
Because everything created in the Universe is HIS creation.
HE is all around you, within you and outside of you....and everyone else is HIS creation (many times we forget the second part and start undermining others).
Human life is the most evolved form of life ....and in that sense precious....not to be squandered away .....
The pull of the materialistic world is huge....however as years pass...some of the glitter wears off....and humans turn God ward.
The ultimate objective of being granted this life is to recognise GOD (The Creator) and live in HIS glory.....becoz:
Death is a new Birth...
(Mrityu ek jaanam hai...)
Giver is HE and the taker is HE....
(Dene wala bhi woh ....aur lene wala bhi woh !!)
HE is the mother and father that provide ....and HE is the KING that judges...
(Data bhi woh aur Vidhata bhi woh !!).
----The words in brackets are Roman script of Hindi words.------
All religions are just facets....GOD is one !!
HE create the unique finger print, HE create the unique DNA, HE create the unique body smell and HE create the unique voice frequency of each human being......MISTAKE NOT !!
(No matter what be your religion).
HE decides birth and HE decides death !! HE chooses your parents and your blood brothers and sisters !!
Best wishes to everyone,
Pankaj Varma
It is not possible to define the Creator by human beings.
Because everything created in the Universe is HIS creation.
HE is all around you, within you and outside of you....and everyone else is HIS creation (many times we forget the second part and start undermining others).
Human life is the most evolved form of life ....and in that sense precious....not to be squandered away .....
The pull of the materialistic world is huge....however as years pass...some of the glitter wears off....and humans turn God ward.
The ultimate objective of being granted this life is to recognise GOD (The Creator) and live in HIS glory.....becoz:
Death is a new Birth...
(Mrityu ek jaanam hai...)
Giver is HE and the taker is HE....
(Dene wala bhi woh ....aur lene wala bhi woh !!)
HE is the mother and father that provide ....and HE is the KING that judges...
(Data bhi woh aur Vidhata bhi woh !!).
----The words in brackets are Roman script of Hindi words.------
All religions are just facets....GOD is one !!
HE create the unique finger print, HE create the unique DNA, HE create the unique body smell and HE create the unique voice frequency of each human being......MISTAKE NOT !!
(No matter what be your religion).
HE decides birth and HE decides death !! HE chooses your parents and your blood brothers and sisters !!
Best wishes to everyone,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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