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over 9 years of fight with hairloss-help me! 2



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Over 9 years of fight with hair loss-help me!

I am in my early 30's have 2 beautiful children and have some hormone unbalance (that's what they told me before) got remedies and was gone for 2 years.Than again started to lose hair a lot!!!!!!got remedy -silica with other drops i can't remember and it helped. So now for the 5th or 6 time I'm having this problem again but this time nothing works .Currently I'm taking thyroid R-6 and pituitary R-7 and it's still pretty bad. perhaps it's the wrong strenght or just wrong med.I just wanna to mention that my hair was perfect during both pregnancies .

other helpful info:
I'm 5'3 105 lb
always cold and have frequent UTI /constipation
overstressed with small kids
have IUD since 6 monthes but didin't effect my hairloss.
i like sweets and cheese
don't like to drink water or eat green veggies.boo.......
have problem with hair since 1996 .
Please help me.
[message edited by Bagatelka on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:25:49 CST]
  Bagatelka on 2006-08-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
does anybody care??? i don't see help.
thanks ,
Bagatelka last decade
I forgot to add that my family history that mother suffers form alopecia since she was 18 yrs old till present and had to wear a wig for most of the time I remember.I thought this could be helpful .

My hair problem is different I don't have alopecia aregata or totalis (coz she dosen't have hair on her arms /underarms and a tiny bit on her legs).She never used any non-conventional treatment
i am waiting for some clues and remedy...sick of having pony tails and see my hair fall.
thank you
[message edited by Bagatelka on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:26:46 CST]
Bagatelka last decade
Thank you for your reply.

To be honest , don't know what I had tried in the past,that was in Norway and Germany,(i mentioned before that I didin't find any homeopath in my country.)
I had remdies home made for me and sent in little bottles .The women I contact 10 years ago told me that my ovaries are off balance. After 2 weeks taking a few things incl.sillica my problem was gone. well,my happiness last only 2 years,than my pain started allover again.
To answer your Q,I dont know i'll be happy to try it if you could be more specific about dose and how to take it.
thank you
Bagatelka last decade
Please fill up following question aire and get to me.


1. Age-
2. Sex-
3. Weight-
4. Mode of living-
5. Occupation-
6. Disposition when present complaint(s) was not present-
7. Complexion-
8. Colour of the hair-
9. Lean or Corpulent-
10. Former Sickness if any (give details)-
11. Course and cure of such Sickness if any-
12. Any sequealae such sickness has left(if any)-
13. Kind of treatment received-
14. What medicines taken-
15. Describe present disease in detail-
16. Emphasize the most prominent and most trouble symptoms-
17. How the patient feels about the suffering/disease-
18. How those around the patient observe the matter-
19. Please state all the symptoms in detail regarding the disease-
20. Location on the body affected-
21. What aggravates the suffering-
22. What ameliorates the suffering-
23. What times of day/hour/season suffering is aggravated-
24. What times of day/hour/season suffering is ameliorated-
25. What influence is exerted by rest , motion,lying ,sitting,standing,walking,running,riding on horseback or vehicle etc.-
26. What influence is exerted by warmth or cold, open air, Rooms,various enjoyments ,by touch ,by baring the body, by over heating,by eating and drinking ,by bathing,by emotions,by clothes, by dry or wet weather,by thunder storms, by day light, candle light etc . . Also mention relation of any of these factors In aggravation or amelioration of condition-.
27. Any thing unusual about perspiration-
28. Which part of body perspires unusually more (if any)-
29. Any unusual in Odour of body,perspiration,stool,odour of breath –
30. Any Sleep dis order-
31. Any preferred side to sleep-
31.Any particular disease/suffering effecting your family through generations i.e
hereditary ailments if any e.g. diabetes,blood pressure,Heart ailments, Eczema,Leucorrhoea, Warts.Cancer, Tuberculosis-
32. How is thirst?
33. Any vertigo?
34. Any Headache?
35. Any eye and vision problem-
36. Any Nose and smell problem-
37. Any Respiratory problem-
38. Any throat problem-
39. Any skin problem give details-
40. Any stomach/digestion problem-
41. Any food/drink dis agrees-
42. Craving for any particular food/drink-
43. Any heart/chest problem-
44. Any Constipation-
45. Any pains in hands and limbs-
46. Any urinary problem-
47. Any Gynaecological problem-
48. Any sexual problem-
49. Any allergy-
50. Any peculiar habit, symptom, feeling, occurrence-
51. Any particular time of day agrees or dis agrees-
52. Any particular season agrees or disagrees-


1. Nature of Vertigo(whirling around,falling forward,to the side,backward in a circle,etc.-
2. Time of day of occurrence(morning,fore noon,after noon,evening,night before midnight,after midnight)
3. According to position and circumstances
• Aggravated-
• Improved(e.g.on rising from bed or from a seat ,on raising oneself up,while moving,while at rest, when stooping, on awaking, before,durng or after eating,while riding,during the chill, during the heat,in the open air, in the room, while walking , riding, ascending,while lying on the back, on the side, while looking upward, during warmth, during cold, during or after stool m,after drinking alcoholic beverages, etc.)

4. Attendant troubles (e.g. it becomes black before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, yawning, flushes of heat, various pains in the head or the body,bleeding in the nose, weariness and swooning,trembling etc.)


1. Any sensations (eg.numbness,unconsciousness,stupidity and dizziness, dullness of the head, staggering,drunkness,chaos in the head, etc.)-
2. According to the time of day –
3. According to the position and circumstances
• Aggravated
• Relieved.

Impairment of the Understanding.

1. According to its nature(e.g. exhaustecd by mental work, nervousness,difficulty in comprehending,inability to think, stupidity, delirium,fixed ideas, lack of thoughts, weakness of thoughts, excited phantasy, fanciful illusions,delusions of the senses, inability to remember,distraction, insanity,etc)
2. As to the time of the day
3. According the position and circumstances , aggravated or relieved.

Loss of memory

1. AS to its nature: diminution in the memory, weakness, loss, forgetfulness.

Internal Headache

1. According tho the sensations(rush of blood, boring,burning, pressure inwards or outwards, pulsation, heat, cold, sensastion of looseness, crawling, pressing together, pressing apart, tearing, lancinating, with tension, numbness, digging, as if bruised, drawing, twitching, etc.- every time stating with exactness whether the pain occuipies the whole head , or is in the forehead, the temples, the sides, the vertex, the occiput, predominantly on the right side or on the left).
2. With respect to the time of the day-
3. with respect to position and circumstances-
• Aggravated
• Relieved

4. Accompanying ailments..

Outer head

1. AS to sensations (e.g. dandruff on the scalp, eruptions of various kinds burning, painful sensitiveness of the skin, swelling, falling out of the hairs , and on the scalp, heat, coldness, twitching, knots and bumps, pain of various kinds in the bones, shuddering, perspiration tension, lancination, drawing, twitching, contraction, etc.)
2. with respect to the time of the day.
3. As to position and circumstances worse or better.

Ailments of the Eyes.

1. AS to the sensations
• On the pupil and on the eye in general
• In the eyebrows.
• In the cavity of the eyes.
• On the eyelids.
• In the corners of the eyes(every were not only with exactness the kind of sensation , as in the preceding, but also exactly the locality, eg.on the upper and lower eyelids, in the inner or outer corner of the eye, etc.)
2. As to the time of the day .
3. Position and circumstances
• Improved
• Aggravated.

Sight and Vision

1. As to the sensations (dazzling of the eyes, blindness, flickering before the eyes, delusion of the sight as to colors, or as to objects which are not at all present, spots, sparks, mist, fog, etc., short sightedness, farsightedness, photophobia, weakness of the eyes, amaurosis, or cataract, dimness of vision, blackness before the eyes, etc.).
2. As to the time of the day.
3. AS to the position and circumstances.
• Aggravated
• Improved.
freeconsult last decade
Wow...long list
I'll try my best

33 yrs
busy before and after

hairfall 9 yrs don't remember
light olive skin
dark brown/black hair
neverending hair falling thining
i hate to see my hair everywhere ,on my pillow,on clothes in bathroom and less and less on my head( no boldness yet.
afraid of my mother's problem which is alopecia aregata.she has a wig!!!!
it's the worst when I'm washing my hair
my hair was perfect during my 2 pregnacies in the past before babies I felt diffrence (better) after good sex
my body's pretty tense
bad breath
love sleeping
on the sides
strock in family history
thirsty at night
some headache front head
no eye problem only cry when windy
no nose problem
no respiratory problem
some cough especially at night and then tears com from my eyes while sleeping
very easy to bruise with spider vains on my legs
sensitive stomach to mushrooms and undone/uncooked foods
love chesse ice cream and soup
no heart problems
frequent constipation
frequent urinary problem UTI
no gyn problems
love sex
no allergy
cold hands and feet

now stressed out by work and little kids
loosing sentences,memory,patience,getting angry almost instantly
headache -strong with tension on forehead.pulsation in the eyes
hair -very good condition shiny,no grey hair yet.while falling -very oily
vision sharp but sometims i see green and black (e.g. when getting up)
I have UTI as a birth control but don't affect the problem
I tested T4,T3 TSH and within norms but slightly on the edge.

That all I can come up with.
thank you for your help and I am looking forward to start my treatment soon.
[message edited by Bagatelka on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:28:46 CST]
Bagatelka last decade
Please give me advice .....what to take
I've read 3 times all the diagnosis about hairloss on this forum but they seems to be all different .Well we're all different right?

I have another Q to all Homeo
did anyone try to cure hair loss with Ferrum Muriaticum 12c and Natrum Phosphoricum 10c.???
I just found my old prescription from 7 yrs ago that I got from my norwegian Homeo and worked great just in 14 days.My diagnosis back then was hormone's unbalance
(and I think still is).So do you think I should try to order this meds?
Dr.Deoshlok Sharma adviced to take Wiesbaden 200c is this more suitable for me?
Could you guide me on that,please.I can't wait to start my treatment soon.

ps.my norwegian homeo is gone.I need help from someone else.PLEASE

thank you,
Bagatelka last decade
try this: Alta Health Products
Alta Health Products provide with the highest quality herbal extracts and supplements to promote better health. Only the finest all-natural ingredients, free from any synthetic chemicals or additives, are used for specific health concerns.
adam12345 last decade
Thank you for your reply.
I think I might buy some of the supplements.But i still want the homeo remedy.It's been 3 long since I got any answer from any of the doctors.I don't know what to order to stop my hair loss.

thanks ,
Bagatelka last decade
I am studying your case pls give me time.
freeconsult last decade
Thank you.
I didn't mean to sound so impatient.
Bagatelka last decade
what do you mean by 'Only Cry when windy' pls clarify.
freeconsult last decade
Any skin itching or any skin ailments?

Are you sensitive to any particular seasaon like winter, summer?

Do you feel prespiring more on head or body or you dont feel any thing strange with your perspiration?

Did you any in any time of your life get Unconscious/Fainting? If yes please give details.

In the answer to my questionaire you wrote
'very easy to bruise with spider vains on my legs' . Pls clarify the same?

Do you feel cold or Hot abnormally?
freeconsult last decade
my eyes are very sensitive and not so much to light but wind.Everytime I walk against strong wind tears coming from my eyes.

My skin is in good condition no breakouts or spots.(few freckles on my nose)Sometimes when I sctach myself I can't stop and my skin turns red and I keep scraching.
I have very bad /dry cutiles. my nails are ok but not too strong either.
I hardly sweat at all and almost never smell I guess because I m so dry.ha..ha..
but when I perspire then is more an my chest and forehead .

I said that I bruise a lot..well I can get bruise from triping over a chair or something like that.(Or my scraching)
On my thighs I see couple of dark but still small vains which could became a cosmetic problem in the future.

I like all the four seasons but I dont like extreme cold temperature ,I'm chilly all the time before anyone will notice that is cold .My feet feel wet and cold most of the time (except in hot summers).I get UTI or bladder infection from e.g.walking on the cold floor or sitting on a stone wall.

I fainted ones for maybe 10 min due to very high fever 42C.(8yrs ego)

I also get upset stomachs.

thank you for looking into my problems.
Bagatelka last decade
I suggest you require three homeo remedies for your problem. These are Sepia, Staphisagaria and Fluoric acid. You first take Fluoric acid for 15 days as that will stop your hair fall. Then you take Staphisagaria for a week or 10 days for all your UTI related problems. This will also enable normal perspiration. AFter that take sepia for 10 days. Fluoric acid is to be continued once sepia is stopped. Fluoric acid is your main remedy for all hair falling and thinning. So you take the following remedies as suggested:

Fluoric Acid 200
30 no. globules,
5 glob. twice daily for 15 days.

Staphisagaria 200,
30 no. globules,
5 glob. twice daily for 10 days.

Sepia 200,
30 no. globules,
5 glob. twice daily for 7 days.

Fluoric acid 200,
30 no. Globules,
5 glob. twice daily for 15 days.

I am sure your problem will be solved.

NOte that not to take more than one remedy at a time. Hence I suggest you take the remedies one after other as specified above.

Revert back for further clarification if any.
freeconsult last decade
Dear Free consult,

I very much thank you for all your help .I ordered my remedies from this website abc homeopathy as suggested:
fluoric acid 200C -4dm bottle of granules
staphysagaria 200C-2dm bottle of granules
sepia 200C-2dm bottle of granules.
I didin't know what did you mean by 30 no globles but I think that the closest what I could find here.
As you noticed I order bigger size bottle of Fluoric Acid just to make sure I have enough for the whole treatment.

I put my order on hold till Tue so if there is any mistake or wrong size of pill please let me know .

thank you
Bagatelka last decade
See by 30 No. I mean size of glob. ' 30 number globules'. In homeopathy we use globules as carrieer to administer remedies. Please note that the size may range from 10 number ,20number, 30 number , 40 number, upto 80 number, etc. So ask your supplier to give 30 number size of globules of each . If 30 number is not available you can go for 40 number globules. But for 40 number globules the dosage consist of only 4 globules taken at a time.
freeconsult last decade
you ask them for pills
freeconsult last decade
Thank you.I got it.I'm glad I waited with my order.
The size you mentioned was not available on this webstie but I googled the company for their information and called them directly .So now I got all the right sizes being ship to me this week.
thank you again I 'll report as soon as I 'll see some changes.
Bagatelka last decade
Dear Freeconcult,

I am using fluoric acid for one week and my hair has been worst than ever.I don't even wanna touch ........ it's falling!!!!........got greasy and tangle a lot.
I actually have hydrofluoric acid as a remedy that came and I hope this is the right thing ( I call the company twice to make sure that 's right and they told me that's the same product just different name.)

Please advise if I should stop for now and move on to the next one which is staphisagria and sepia. Or continue as suggested for 2 full weeks and then switch .
please get back to me ASAP.
Bagatelka last decade
Hi Bagatelka and Frreconsult

Just want to know how your treatment is going?? Did you ever moeve onto the other remedies? Have you had any success?
john1020 last decade
another victim of thoughtless repetetion...

My boy..

When these pseudo homeopaths will learn???

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks for that Murthy

I have been reading many of the forums, where many remedies are prescribed (or should i say suggested), but no one ever comes back to the forum to detail what the results were. I am yet to read a post where someone says the results have been successful. I do believe that homeopathy does work when administered correctly.
john1020 last decade
Hi John

I have decided to expose the hollowness of these pseudo homeopaths, and am spending almost 5 hours a day, to educate patients about the dangers these fellows are forcing on gullible seekers.

I will continue for sometime to come, till this tendency of every Tom,Dick and Harry,blurting out whatever they feel like is stopped.

These people are bringing discredit to homeopathy, and I will fight these fellows with all my might .

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi Murthy

As I read through the other forums I notice you have offered sound advice. Joe also offers good advice.

I wanted to ask if you can help me...

I have an underactive thryoid (medically diagnosed through blood tests), inlflamed liver, irritable bowel syndrome (chronic diarrhea), and rapid hair loss (which my doctor says is most lilkely due to my health as I have been taking minodixl 7% fpr 3 yrs with no success). I am 24 yrs old, male.

I am wondering what you can suggest for me. On the kind advice of joe de-livera, I started taking arnica 30c wet dose twice per day (started 4 days ago). this has aggrevated my diarrhea and i have to stop this just so i can leave the house.

I have seen my local homeopath a few moths ago and he presribed ars alb 200c every four hours until diarrhea stops. then when diarrhea returns i am to take again. this has worked moderately well for me.

I then received some advice from the kind dr sharma to take silicea 12x (2 drops once per day first thing in morning) and china 30c (2 drops three times per day). i took this for one month. These did not work for me and made my diarrhea worse. my hair loss seems to have got worse since taking these. I have stopped this.

so today i started taking ars alb 200c again to control my diarrhea. it has not completely controlled it, but it has improved somewhat.

I have noticed other forums suggesting Weisbaden 200 (2 pellets) on alternate days for hair loss and i am tempted to try this.

Can you offer any advice?

john1020 last decade
Hi John

I will look into your case sometime tomorrow.

bandarbabu2000 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.