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Hair Loss



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over 9 years of fight with hairloss-help me! 2



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Over 9 years of fight with hair loss-help me! Page 4 of 9

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Please give your email address too.Before calling I will give you a mail.

Please tell about menses and the time period of the night when you feel the worst.
freeconsult last decade
Instead of giving your email ID on the forum kindly send the same directly to my mail ID. You can get my email ID by viewing my profile on this site.
freeconsult last decade
Any sensitiveness/ pain in your scalp/head to touch.

Which side of your head is the most affected? Right or left.
freeconsult last decade
Yes i have some sensitivity on my scalp .Since not too long ago,I feel like wearing helmet or some hat .but overall it's itchy and painful after touch /wash or redoing my hair or changing style i.e. after wearing pony tail for too long.And that's vert typical when my hair is falling not so much other times.I can't feel which side of my head is affected it's all over but sometimes more top and back of my head .but i don't know any thing about nights because i'm usually sleeping.when i said before that my hair fall a lot at night just because next day I saw hair on my pillow.
About menses (you mean periods?) they used to be heavy at night but now after babies things change and periods are not heavy and painful like before at all.I also have IUD (birth control )and this supposed to control my period and minimize the flow.

Bagatelka last decade
You told u get chilled very easily, can you remember anything more strange about the same. How Summer affects this condition of yours.

You told your hair tangle a lot . Does it tangle at the ends. Or it tangles all through the length , location does not matter.

You told you have less thirst am I right?

Can you tell about salivation in your mouth . Any thing unusual you feel about salivation in your mouth?

You told that you took Silicea (Also called silica before) . How was the response of Silica. Pls clarify.
freeconsult last decade
Yes for very short time I took silica but as I recall just some tablets from health food store not the homeo pils.It was not a big difference in my case.

I think got uti from walking bare- footed on cold floor or sitting on cold stone .Strange thing is that everybody else will do those things and not get even chilled .
My hair is long and healthy I trim often to prevent tangling. But now when I take a shower / apply( Johnson's) shampoo i can't separate my hair .On average takes me 10 min to gently brush my hair to not damage and pull too hard .Brushing this is the time when is fall the most .I do the same procedure for the last 10 years and when thing are good my hair is normal and frizz free and not falling .

I stared to listen my body more and drink when I 'm thirsty.I don't drink with meals and than I forget to drink after.Some days I'll find myself to go without water for half a day or drink some substitute.I think I am thirsty but don't think about.

Summers or winters are -same.Summers or winters wont fix this problem by itself. I went through 3 summers and 4 winters by eating better ,taking supplements ,changing shampoos ,massaging my scalp,taking hormones , taking iodine ,doing self-hypnosis or meditation about my hair and NOTHING got better.My urine stunk like from all this special vitamins ,actually I could smell 'veggie' in my hair and all skin. Although my first hair loss stared in hot summer in Dubai , sometime I think that heat effects my hair a little so is too hot shower.

Salivation in my mouth? nothing unusual - sometime bad breath (when hungry maybe from stomach) .Dry at night but doesn't bother me until i got up to feed my baby.

Bagatelka last decade
Please explain in detail your UTI problem which you get on moving on cold floor or sitting on cold stone.

Do you feel any thing absurd when in your room. Do you get any bored feeling or any thing which drives to you do some thing to get relief?
freeconsult last decade
I would suggest you to take calcium and iron supplements along with allready suggested vitamins. Please note that any mother who breast feeds ,her body is subjected to a lot of demands in terms of vitamins minerals etc. Because you stopped it after birth of your child your body has been under a great stress which invoked the otherwise dormant problem of hair falling.
freeconsult last decade
Please tell how do you find eating EGGS.? Do you like it?

Do you feel any thing visually strange with your tongue?

Any sensation on the tongue?

Do you have any craving for sweet or salt?
freeconsult last decade
Please describe your constipation in detail
freeconsult last decade
Sorry I don't understand this question about being in my room...........

I like eggs but could live without them.I noticed funny taste in my mouth after eating eggs or actually any dairy product.
I often have white coat on my tongue. (from middle to back)
I like both sweet and salty especially together or one after another.I like salty nuts and chocolate bar or soup and cheese crepes.

Constipation;I am getting for 100 percent after thanksgiving diner (too much food not enough water) .To get relief I often give myself anema .

I don't know what else to say about UTI can we discuss this over the phone.I 'll be available tomorrow .

Bagatelka last decade
freeconsult last decade
Hi ,

I don't know if that's something I should brag about it yet but I see 30 percent of improvement .
About 3 wks ago (when I couldn't reach you )I went back to my old prescription that helped me in 1997.So since then I 'm taking Ferrum Mur for 2 wks actually just finished and now I'm on my 5th day on Nat Phos .Last night after shower I noticed 30 percent less hair.
Back to you Free consult.

Bagatelka last decade
See Ferrum Metallicum alway help such cases where weakness, emaciation or anemia is present.It helps in absorbing Iron from your diet. As you say you are on 5th day of Nat.Phos. and hair fall is 30% less. But according to symptoms atleast I do not find any resemblance of your case with Nat. phos. But a practitioner , who sees you practically and prescribes remedies are always in advantageous position compared to any one who offers treatment through a distance basing only on symptoms told by the sufferer.Such prescriber unfortunately has no access to see you practically. Because in many cases the visible body appearance, colour and presetation give homeopaths very pecuiliar and decisive symptoms , which would help such homeop-ath to narrow down and select the most appropriate remedy. So I recommend you to continue his medicine since its giving you relief.

I have narrowed down on four to five remedies that may be suitabel for your case. But I still require certain symptoms from you which would clear the picture and help me in pin pointing the most suitable remedy.

Hence please give me details regarding your CONSTIPATION AND UTI infection. Please note that symptoms of constipation usually helps in pointing out the right remedy at certain points. Also inform me about how your vitamins intake is going on.
freeconsult last decade
Do you have any liking for fresh air? Or does any thing drives you (may be) sometimes out of your Bed room? If yes what is it.
freeconsult last decade
You told that your stomach is sometimes upset. Please give detail as to exact ailment, when its more , when its less, what ameliorates and what aggravates.
freeconsult last decade
Yes after talking u on the phone a lot of your symptoms were clear.

I am summarising some of your main symptoms as below

1.Cold damp feet in night in bed when going to sleep. So cold that you had to put some warm applications like socks, warm coverings to enable a good sleep.

2. Great sensitiveness to Cold air with general sensitiveness to cold .

3.Hair fall worse after parturition.

4.General Weakness.

Hence please take

Calcarea Carb 10M,
6 gobules of 30 NO.,
Once only

and revert with results .

If you have any doubts pls feel free to revert.
freeconsult last decade
Dear Bagatelka,

For your kind information and benefit,

The next very closely resembling remedy for your condition is 'Lycopodium Clavatum" .
freeconsult last decade
hi ,
since i need to order the remedy online (will take 3 bus days) can you tell me specifics of the lycopodium that i can order it too.

what do you mean by take once only (6 at the time )or 1 pill only for 6 days and no more.
Bagatelka last decade
To prevent you from repeated hassles of ordering medicines it would be better if you get 'Lycopodium Clavatum " too, in case if homeo remedies are not that costly in U.S. Because in India its Damn cheap and freely available. I do not know the situation in U.S.

Hence you also order

Lycopodium 200,
30 number globules.
in One dram phial.

REgarding your question for Calcarea Carb 10M, Pls note that you have to take all 6 globules at a time,on your tongue, on empty stomach , (preferably early in the morning when you wake up and your stomach is empty), and instead of directly swallowing the globules, you have to chew it until it DISSOLVES IN YOUR MOUTH, (in the same way you chew a cocolate). After taking Calcarea Carb 10M, in this way its better if you avoid brushing your teeth and eating any thing for atleast an hour.

If you have still any doubts pls feel free to revert.
freeconsult last decade

I am about to order my prescriptions but just little question about last line ' in one dram phial' I am not sure if they use this terminology on line order or at all.Could you explain in other words and how to use it too.
thank you.
Bagatelka last decade
'one dram phial' , is same as 'one dram container'. Today I checked this site'
s ordering system. They are abbreviating Dram as 'dm'.So ask them to supply 'One DM' quantity. In India minimum supply quantity of Globules is 'ONe dram'.

Dram is actually the container size. Globules in One dram container is enough to fulfill for your requirement.

Hope your doubt is cleared . I you still have some thing to ask please feel free to revert.
freeconsult last decade
HI Free Consult,

My remedies arrived last Tue .Wed morning I took 4 pills of Calcarea Carb on empty stomac.I can see some improvements/ changes in me already.
First of all ,I noticed 2 days before I took the pills that my hair was much better 70 better ,day after (taking pills)I noticed I'm hotter than usually (well we had mild week too)anyway it's different/warmer feeling inside .also first day I felt my bladder acting strange not achy but just like has a some pulse or something and on the 3rd day (due to my secound round of cold ) I start to urinate a little every time I cough .strange??? actually I did last night in bed and that woke me up.thats happened to me once only after giving birth than went away.I hope this is a temporary thing because that's uncomfortable.
That's all for now .So far I'm happy about my hair and I don't know if that thanks to ferrum mur and Nat or vitamins????or combination of all 3.
Back to you Free Consult,
Bagatelka last decade
See Calcarea Carb . is a polychrest remedy. It covers all your symptoms right from hair problem, to cold , cough, to urinal and many many of your symptoms. There is something called as homeopathic aggravation. Its naural with homeo remedies that some of the symptoms may aggravate for a short time, before leading to the path of cure. If your old suppressed symptoms reappear and the present one aggravated it just means that you are on the right path to cure.
You have written ' I start to urinate a little every time'. But you should note that you frequently had UTI infections not long before and characteristically this symptoms that ' you had to repeatedly go to bathroom to pass urine.' that's it . It indicates that you are on path of cure and that is called homeopathy, 'LIKE cures LIKE' . Dont worry and tell me how you feel after another 5 days.
freeconsult last decade
please remember that you can Continue taking vitamins with 10 days gap, after every 20 days of vitamins intake.. This always helps hair falling what ever be the case.
freeconsult last decade
I'm so happy ,my hair is perfect I just washed today and insted of 300 hair in the sink I saw less than 10 ( I didin't even count them).
I went to hair salon to reward myself . Thank you so much .
Do you want me to start a new remedy? What do I need to do to sustain this(take vitamins?).

Bagatelka last decade

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