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Hair Loss



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over 9 years of fight with hairloss-help me! 2



Posts about Hair Loss

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Over 9 years of fight with hair loss-help me! Page 2 of 9

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Hi John

I will look into your case sometime tomorrow.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi John and Bandarbabu,

I m very disappointed with my result .It's beed more than a month of trying this sugessted remadies by freeconsult and my hair loss is the same if not worse.

I was thinking of trying Ferrum Mur ( I used 5 years ago) and helped me trimendously.What do you think?

Bagatelka last decade
What potency of Ferrum Mur you used before and why?
kuldeep last decade

I used ferrum mur D-12 5 pills once a day.The reason was my hair loss or actually hormone unbalance.
Then after 10 days I switched to Nat Phos D-10.

Thank you ,
Bagatelka last decade
John is under treatment by a different prescrber and I am not intervening.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
All questions asked to John may assist other prescriber or may be in future one can look at the case afresh and with more details.

This often happenes here, as the history grows solution may come closer.

Bagatelka, are you anemic or any history of weakness or anemia?
kuldeep last decade
Well that's possibility i have iron deficiency and i don't like to eat much ( i'm under weight).

Bagatelka last decade
Hi Murthy and Joe

I have just returned from my doctor following the stool exam results - i can confirm that i do not have amoebiasis. also, the blood test revealed my thyroid is still underactive (6 months now).

so i can confirm that it was the arnica that was aggreavting my diarrhea. i haven't taken it for a week and my diarrhea has been controlled with ars alb every second or third day. on thursday night i tried arnica again, and it tiggered my diarrhea again, no exception at all. if you look on this forum, there are multiple people who have told joe arnica has worked as relief aid for constipation - hence, it is likely to have triggered my dairrhea. this does need to be recognised and not dismisssed joe - do you have any other suggestions joe?

I am still losing my hair rapidly and it is extremely oily. i do not use any product or conditioner and only wash every second day. murhty - maybe you have a suggestion for me? I notice you do much critique but do not suggest much or offer any advice (and I know this is based on your stance that homeopathy should treat the person as a whole). i am just wonering (kindly), are you a homeopath? I have seen you at the homepath website you posted on another forum. i know you are an engineer and manager, but why the interest in homeopathy (if you don't mind me asking that is)? is it possible for you to help me?

john1020 last decade
Dear John

You are right. I normally don't venture into prescribing unless I have a full case in case of chronic problem, and atleast a complete symptom in case of an acute problem.

I would like to tell you one thing.Chronic problems which are common to most of the people, and which doesn't pose any distinguishing symptoms are difficult to be cured by homeopathy.

Hair loss has become a common phenomena, with atleast 10%,may be more,people having this problem.

Most of these people get some relief,not when they are treated for hair loss, but, when they are treated constitutionally, for some other problem.

Coming to the question as to why I ventured into homeopathy.

Believe me or not, I was a skeptic to start with,but got converted into a staunch believer of classical homeopathy, after I started reading about it.

I could solve many problems for myself, my family and my neighbours. I don't practice in a large scale, but, will try to help anyone who seek my advice.

Sorry to say that I can't help you.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Yes Murthy were u saying some thing ??
freeconsult last decade
Yes Bandar babu , ' Murthy' have u something to tell me??
freeconsult last decade
Bagatelka I was out of station for 10 days returned today and checked the mails. So ur codition getting worse.


O.k please clarify your problems in detail.

REgarding ' Murthy's ' comments I am very eageer to answer his queries and doubts if he has any to ask me.?
freeconsult last decade
Dear Freeconsult

The way you prescribed three medicines one after the other,for days together is not homeopathy.

Perhaps a single dose of Flouric acid would have helped the patient?

May be the repetetion made it worse?

See my posts of the recent past.

You will understand why I object these methods.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
The way you objected my method. How correct was it can you justify? You may read it once more what you have written.

Now at this time you are talking about homeopathy. My prescribtion is not homeopathy according to you. Then why now also you are sounding confused. I think you need to remove ur confusion first then point to other's confusion. I say that because in your reply u wrote

' May be the repetition made it worse'. Why are you using the word 'May'. This is because u r not sure for your self.

You also say ' Perhaps one dose of fluoric acid would have helped the patient'. Why do u use 'Perhaps' ? It again shows ur cofused state of mind. Then I dont understand how come in this confused state you feel your self worth educating masses about so called ' Pseudo homeopaths'.?
freeconsult last decade
Bagatelka please note ,that I will take this case with u further if and only if u are interested in continuing. I would continue with you after getting ur consent. Moreover , this is also to inform that this forum is free, and you are also free to take advice from any body in the forum. I request u to be free to ask help from any body in the forum if u feel so. I also would like to clarify that I have no time to take new cases. But since I have allready initiated your case my duty does not allow me to leave the case in half. Its solely due to this that I am back to evaluate ur results and out come of treatment.
freeconsult last decade
One can never be sure.

That is why 'the wait and watch' approach.

Give a single dose,observe for response.

If no response is forthcoming, retake the case, and see if another remedy fits in.

How do you know which remedy will be needed after the first remedy?

What is the hurry in prescribng three medicines at a time, without waiting to observe, what is going to happen?

Is it logical, to say the least?

bandarbabu2000 last decade
How can u say one can never be sure ? I completely disagree with you. If one is not sure about homeopathy how can one treat a patient. Is this ur logic then I am sorry I wasted my time with u.

Prescribing may look hurry for you but its my way which has worked witout fail for last 10 years.

Since I am here for a different purpose than giving logic I dont mind careless remarks by amateurs.
freeconsult last decade
If you are so sure, why the patient became worse?

People who don't want to discuss logically have this attitude of 'I know all. I don't have to discuss.'

This is an open forum, and not your private clinic.

You have to defend your remedy choices.. administration methods.., when someone questions them.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Why the patient became worse I am only answerable to the patient not a person like you.? I am answerable to the forum only to whom who understands homeopathy. Not to a confused person. NOt to a person who after reading a couple of book's starts thinking himself as the man next to God that he starts calling names to some one for something he is not sure about.

I know this is not my private clinic but also this forum cannot dictate terms to any one including me.

It was you who first instead of leading the patient towards cure started blaming the prescriber . It was you who first stated ' thoughtless repetition', 'these pseudohomeopths'?Is this logic? ? I do not know how.??

Reading a couple of books and prescribing your family and neighbours do you think your self a master in it that u start blaming without any investigation?
freeconsult last decade
People like bandarbabu2000/murthy are totally spoiling this forum.

Such people are more disturbing then help.
ultapulta last decade
They can request clarification but cannot call names to any body. Moderator should take note of such disturbing element.
ultapulta last decade
Ultapulta too just has these two posts to his credit.

How come he knew about me so quickly? : (

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi Freeconsult

Read this article.


bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi murthy,

I have read the forum post titled 'Proof of the Pudding'. How pankaj varma reacted to you is no exception in the said post? I request free consult to read the link


All readers should read the above and this link before taking advice from murthy/Bandarbabu
ultapulta last decade
This Bandar Babu is no better than a 'Monkey'. He really is a 'MOnkey' and nothing better than that
ultapulta last decade
Hi ultapulta

By now, every body knows who are..It starts with a K ,or is it G..

bandarbabu2000 last decade

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