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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep problem from last 1 year pl help

I am 36 yrs old male.
I do not sleep problem unitl last year. Last year i was woring night shift for 1 year.
After 6 month of work night shift i was sleep problem.
I could not able to rest full sleep. I am sleepy and not able to sleep. Next day morning will be tired and not feeling to do anyting. restless. Fatigue.
i took coffea cruda 30c for a little time around 2 months.
it was better initially and back to normal.After i took coffea cruda i felt my mind is dull and active use to be before.Forget thing very often. I am not taking coffea any more. I took kali phos 6c and alfalfa. NO improvement.I moved to day time job.Some times i took NUX vomia 30c.
2 days i got little sleep. after back to sleep problem.I never get deep sleep sine 1 yr. I feel couple days i slept. again back to sleeping problem.

I am sensitive person.
i do not have any previous sleep problems or any major problems.
i like cold weather. i canot take hot weather.
Feeling sleepy and not bale to sleep.
soem days i get sleep wake up 3 or 4 am.that is also light sleep. No deep sleep.
pl help me what medicine i need to use.

  raosurya on 2006-09-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well, I'm new to homeopathy forum, BUT for the last year I've been using Calms Forte' by Hylands and have found it to be excellent for me. Since I'm challenged with fibromyalgia, deep sleep has been an issue. This remedy helps for greatly.

Since it helps me so much, this is the reason I've gone deeper into homeopathy for other issues.
joyce martino last decade

Try Cocculus Indicus in 200C potency.....two doses in gap of one hour before bed time.

Best / Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I tried coculus indicus 30c for 2 days. I did n't get any sleep at all. Like you said,
i will try 200c. can is use 30c which i have currently with me.
can you tell me about cocculus 30c doses?
how many a day?
how long i have to use it?
raosurya last decade

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