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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sulphur 30c

I just wanted to know what dosage of sulphur 30c would be most suitable to take for skin complaints such as whiteheads, blackheads, oily skin and blemishes.

Thanks in advance.
  happy_go_lucky on 2006-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
a dose of sulphur 200c once every 4 or 5 days ( three doses max. )
rishimba last decade
Hello rishimba.I don't have sulphur 200c only sulphur 30c.

Is the same dosage required?

Many Thanks.
happy_go_lucky last decade

Feel free to reply...sulphur dosage?!
happy_go_lucky last decade
hi...i got dry/rough skin, as well as wid abit of eczema....im not sure which remedy to use, either the sulpher or arnica.....sulpher seems the right one, but ive seen pupils saying arnica helps the skin alot.

can anyone give me some advice?
jeks1987 last decade
Hey I'm not a homeopath or anything but I have tried arnica and it did nothing for me.

I know some people have had success with it but I really don;t know what the big deal with arnica is,a few of my friends have also tried it as a wet dose and it did nothing for them too.
happy_go_lucky last decade
If Sulphur 200C is needed then Sulphur 200C is needed !!

Some meds don't give much benefit in lower potencies...Sulphur is one of them.

Best / Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Can you play cricket with a golf ball ????
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I think there is some confusion.

I am seeing a homeopath at the moment and she recommended sulphur 30c.She is on holiday at the moment and that is why I was asking what dosage I should take.

Rishimba totally ignored my question and told me to take sulphur 200c.

So how can you play cricket when you asked for a cricket ball and got a golf ball?
happy_go_lucky last decade
I gove sulpher 12c to my dog and it works on his skin.

However, I just bought sulpher 6c as I think sulpher 12C is too strong for him.

She is a big dog. Bigger than some humans. ha ha
Pat2006 last decade
I gave Arnica 30c to a 77 year old man and in three weeks his skin looked LITERALLY like baby skin.
Pat2006 last decade
Sometimes people are not very observant. This 77 year old man I gave Arnica 30c didn't even realized what a great affect it had on him. Arnica 30C did miracles for him and he wasn't even aware of it.

It helped him tremendously recover from his stroke and din't even realize it.

So when you take homeopathy be very vigilent and be very aware. It takes a lot of practice to get to know your body.
Pat2006 last decade
Mr. Lucky go Happy,
If you want suggetions here...then post your full case.

Cannot make suggestions on some -one elses case analysis.

Wishes Best,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
As Pankaj said, SULPHUR is generally not repeated much and is preferably given in 200c and higher potencies in case of chronic skin complaints where there is not much itching or burning.

i kept silent on SULPHUR 30C as i am not very comfortable advising low potency for your complaints.
rishimba last decade

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