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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal cyst

In last one year I have treated successfully more than 10 patients of this problem with the help of Myristica, Silicea and Hepar Sulph.

Surgery has been averted in each case.

I have made a number of posts on this subject during last two / three years here on ABC Forum and successes have also been reported by patients here as well as directly to me through e-mails.

Today morning itself I received an e-mail from a girl who had sought my advice on this matter.

Text of the e-mail is re-produced here:

Mr Varma,
Thankyou, Thankyou very much, my cyst is finally in control,you have been very kind & helpful,god bless you.
I shall stay in touch with you & keep you posted.,guess i will need to repeat the same procedure medically if i again have a flare up.
Take care.Regards

For reasons of privacy of the individual I am not reproducing her name here / haven't taken her permission.

Others...who need help for this ailment can post their request here.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
  PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-09-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr. Pankaj,

Please advise/guide me through this ailment.

I have done the following posts earlier and still waiting for any advise.

Hello All,

I had a surgery for pilonidal cyst three years back. Now it is recurring. Currently, I have not noticed any pus leakage and I'm not sure if there is
pus formation. However, the skin is a bit tender and a bit hard. Pain occurs VERY VERY rarely when pressure is directly/indirectly put on it when sitting down.
The size is also like a pimple, it is not too big yet, but seems to be growing. I went to see a doctor last week and he said that it is recurring and
it is in a very early stage. I am currently on antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. I am also on homeopathy medicine --> Ratanhia 201, Caustioum 200
treating anal fissure/hemorrhoids.

The doctor scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for the pilonidal cyst.

I read through the forums and have gathered Pankaj's advice for medications.
The results seem very promising --> it seems like a permanent cure inside out, unlike surgery.

Please confirm if I am on the right path. Please also advise on the dosage and number of days for taking medicine.

I will order the following medicines for curing the pilonidal cyst:

1. Myristica Sebifera 200C --> three doses in gaps of half hour (4-5 pills) - Pellets

--> how many days? Should I just take it one day and wait for it to burst?

2. Silicea 6C (4-5 pills 3 times a day) - Pellets

--> After 48 hours of taking Myristica, start taking Silicea 6C or 30C --> Should I wait for the cyst to burst or should I just start taking the dose after 48 hours.
For how many days?

3. Calcarea Sulph 6X (4 pills 3 times days) - Pellets

--> after two days of taking Myristica 200c --> Not sure what this is for? Continue for how many days?

4. Silicea 200c - Pellets

--> i will take this after i complete the course of silicea 6C. How many days?

5. Belladona 200 --> if pain occurs

6. Calendula cream --> Apply externally when cyst has burst and pus is draining. Basically during the time I am taking Silicea - Right?

Things to avoid during treatment:

No coffee, no garlic, no alcohol and avoid perfumes.

To Dos:

Brush teeth atleast 30 minutes before or after taking the med.
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Re: Remedy Confirmation for Pilonidal Cyst - Recurrence From Addy_85 on 2008-09-18
Dear Doctors,

Your advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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Pilonidal Cyst - Recurrence From Addy_85 on 2008-09-25
Dear Doctors,

I went to a surgeon to have my recurring pilonidal cyst looked at. The doctor pulled some hair out of it and did a 2 min. procedure called nitric oxide (if I remember correctly). Once I got home I looked at it and cyst had something gray on it.

Today, i see a small hole on the cyst. It is draining some pus mixed with very little blood.

I don't want to go to the surgeon again...please help me out!

Please advise how/what remedies I should start with.

Dr. Pankaj? Dr. Mahfooz? Anybody? Please help.

Eagerly waiting for your reply and guidance.

Thank you.
Addy_85 last decade

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