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Hot/Red /Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss Page 4 of 5

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Were you ever diagnosed with a condition? Was your scalp inflamed? Im just asking because Im thinking about trying it. I have become sensitive to chemicals so Im a little cautious with new shampoos but Im willing to give it a try.
lucky83 last decade
My scalp was so inflamed that when I itched it scores and bumps began to form. I was told one of the worse mistakes to itch.

A Cosmetologist and Trichologist was giving information to those that were having scalp issues about the steps to take. About how to take care of your scalp, control the itching, that scratching damages the scalp even more. That a good clarifying shampoo to clean the scalp goes a long way. PH based shampoo 4.5 to 5.5

I understand I also use a natural shampoo which is a clarifying shampoo and very mild.
Tibit last decade
PLEASE LISTEN TO ME !!! I have suffered from hair loss for approx 10 yrs, so anyone w/ itchy,burning sore scalp needs to at least try this and i will tell you why first. I have been losing my hair for approx 10 yrs now. I have seen doctor after doctor, Gotten multiple blood tests,biopsies ect. w/ all of it coming up w/ nothing. I have studied hair loss since it all started and just recently had a CRP test come back elevated which means there is inflammation some where in my body. so i continued to study w/ this new info. well recently i had an idead 'it felt as though i may be having an allergic reaction' so i asked my doctor if she could do allergy tests on me and also asked if that could raise my CRP levels. SHe said she didn't know, so i went and did an allergy panel(blood tests) to see if i was having an allergic reaction to something i was being exposed to or eating. she didn't think that was it but she did do the tests for be. in the mean while i was confident about my new idea i had, so i purchased simple over the counter Allergy medicine at the local drug store. 10 mg antihistamine and si i'm still waiting for my test results and have been on the tablets for 6 days now and already my head stopped itching so much and burning. My scalp feels,looks healthier. I do beleive my hair loss is slowing down quite a bit. i'm hoping this isn't wishful thinking but i'm feeling more confident than i have felt about something in years. I really believe i have found the problem, so PLEASE if this sounds like anyone reading this. it takes nothing to just purchase allergy medication and just give it a try.

Sincerely, trying my best to just help anyone who has been struck w/ this problem
Kimberly.781 last decade
Here to give an update and hoping anyone that is still following the forum will do so also.

I had a scalp biopsy done and the derm said it was seb. dermatitis. I don't understand how that is the only thing going on. The oilyness and itchiness is gone.. I only have very mild flakes along with the painful and burning inflammed scalp. Nothing is helping the inflammation and Im continuing to have more than normal hair loss.

I have tried every shampoo possible to alleviate my scalp. head and shoulders, all natural(calmed my scalp but was clogging follicles), baby shampoo, malibu scalp wellness, and the list goes on. topical steroids have made it worse but the oral antibiotics I took for a week is what took away the itching. I already tried the antihistimine at the beginning of my hair loss and again not to long ago like Kimberly.781 mentioned and didn't help. I am so confused.

Some things that help somewhat are: physical excercise, lots of water with lemon, raw vegetables, B vitamins, and biotin. Prayer also helps (keeps me going and gives hope).

I wish I could take that day back when I decided to put that color remover on my hair. Praying for an answer to all this.
lucky83 last decade
How long did you take it ?? Ask your doctor to give you a test to see how must histamine you have in your body.its a quick inexpensive test You may have food allergies working against you. There are foods w/ high levels of histamine in them such as red wine or tomato sauce ect. there are tons of food you should stay away from if you are histamine intolerant.
Kimberly.781 last decade
Omg ! I have the symptoms u do I have red itchy scalp bald spots burning u have it all. Somebody said something about using shampoos wit no sulphur I am going to try that and to detox my scalp , all of us has the same symptoms so it has to be something we are all using that we have in common. We all have to figure this out because so far these doctors do not know Wat is going on. I am going to go to a dermatologist but I am not going to take no medicine
Slewis last decade
I had the issue of pimple like bumps, bald spots, itching and MAJOR hair loss for about 8 years. I am a female who is 34 years old. I did see a dermatologist who told me it was stress and that I should meditate, or that if I was that worried about it I should start using Rogaine. He did no tests, but decided that was my problem after meeting with me for only 5 minutes. Since my regular doctor had no idea, nor any real interest, I realized I was definitely on my own to figure it out. I have long hair that used to be so thick that I would get dirty looks from stylists when I went to get it cut. I now have probably half left...which is still quite a bit to most people, but knowing that the fallout was still happening I was very worried about becoming bald at some point.
I finally, after having tried a lot of different shampoos, decided to compare the ingredients. One thing to note is this...Neutrogena T/Gel Extra Strength, and Murad Shampoo for Fine to Thinning hair were the only two shampoos that didn't break my scalp out, and actually allowed the pimple like bumps to heal up. The hair fallout would even lessen with these two products, but the problem was the smell was never good, and they both caused extreme dryness for my hair, which led to breakoff. I needed to find something that worked that was also good for my hair.
Once I compared the ingredients of shampoos that caused the pimple/bumps to the ingredients of the shampoos that didn't, I was able to come up with an ingredient that, though supposedly inactive, could be the culprit in causing the reaction I was having. Once I found out what it was did some research, I realized it really could be the problem, but this particular ingredient is found in about 80% of all haircare products, and even in other health and beauty products. It is called Linalool. It is used as a fragrance ingredient. Here is what one article said about it...
'Linalool breaks down when it comes into contact with oxygen, it becomes oxidized and can cause allergy. Manufacturers do include other substances in the products to delay this oxidation process, but allergenic substances can still be formed from linalool when it is stored.'
You can find the article at..

medicalnewstoday on the web. They won't let me post the url, but I'm sure you can find it.

There are products out there that do not contain Linalool. I found one by Wella, and began using it. My scalp pimple/bumps have cleared up, and my hairloss has decreased drastically! I am so happy to have discovered this that I want to tell everyone to see if it helps them. Doctors don't seem to care, or at the least, the doctors I have seen. Do your research to find a shampoo and conditioner you like, and try it out....if it works, then you know you have an allergy to Linalool. Be sure to check ALL your other bath products to see if they contain Linalool, also. I've seen it in lotion, body wash, deodorant and more.
This is what worked for me. It may not be the cause of your symptoms, but it's probably worth a try if you've tried everything else.
I will be posting this on every forum I find on this subject to try to help. Good luck.
onlytruthful last decade
You have lichen planus pilarus, most of you on this page, have this. Look it up. It hurts, its red, bumpy, hair falls out, nothing seems to help.
Try clobetasol ointment or spray, RX.
utahNP last decade
It has been over 2 years since this scalp problem and hair loss have started. My hair is still falling out more than normal all over with obvious diffuse thinning. I had a scalp biopsy done to rule out lichen Plano pilaris and it was negative and I also have tried every kind of Rx shampoo and topical steroid and all make my scalp worse. The only thing I can use is head and shoulders. My scalp is still red but only burns every once in a while.
lucky83 last decade
Hi Lucky83,

It would be best to see a homeopath in person to take
your case, which the first appt. is about an hour and a half,
and they go over your entire health picture, mental, physical,
emotional to select a remedy.

This thread you are on is more of an information thread,
if you want to have someone on here suggest something,
then you go to the front page of the forum and above
the first post, click the button Post New Topic and make
a treatment thread on here. Put the answers to the form
on the thread and someone will help you out.
simone717 last decade
Any solution to this problem ?
Jaspreetnabha last decade
Any solution please ?
Jaspreetnabha last decade
I would just like to say that i couldnt be happier to have found people that are going through the same thing as i am. Most people might look at us and say 'you know people are dying of actual diseases right?' as if to brush off the fact that this isnt serious and doesnt have lasting psychological effects. My story started with a full head of thick mexican hair. (not sure if thats relevant) Now i am left with about 40% and a ridiculous looking comb over. I was once considered by many to be of above average looks and now i just look old, tired, and bald. The fact alone that all of my friends (who i am too embarrassed to tell, think that ive just aged poorly. I usually get the warm welcome from friends that i havent seen in awhile 'Christ what happened to you?' It all plays heavy on my conscience, which leads to depression and ultimately suicidal thoughts. My scalp has zero build up, it just turns red, burns, and next thing you know after a shower its not abnormal for me to have 300+ hairs lying on the floor. I (like another poster) had noticed abnormally sized white bulbs at the end of my root. Not in every hair, but maybe 10 out of 100. I didnt brush my hair for over a year because just the thought of touching my hair would cause it to rain down. DO NOT SCRATCH!!!! Mine all started with a very toxic relationship and the acceptance into the local nursing program. The overwhelming stress was keeping me up late, school was waking me up early and the busy day left very few hours for the basics. (food, water, exercise.) I was basically living off of peanut butter sandwiches, COFFEE, and tuna. As things progressed, a deep depression settled in, followed by a loss of the person that i used to be. Replaced with major anger, mood swings and HEAVY brain fog. (the kind that makes you look for your glasses for over an hour when they are setting right on your nose)Basically my unapproachable demeanor got me kicked out of school. (worst day of my life) However, this new found empty schedule gave me time to focus on my health. WIN! I didnt know at the time that all of this was somehow related and the person i was becoming was not who i am nor have been. After multiple failed trips to multiple doctors, i was told it was psoriasis, STRESS, all in my head, the usual BS that dr's will say. 'We have people dying of real problems and youre worried about a little Male Patterned Baldness!' of course no one said this but i can take a hint. I was tired of receiving no help and spending a fortune doing so. I hopped on the interwebs and did some of my own research. The word 'fungal' came up. So being the college kid budget, broke S.O.B that i was, i decided to improvise. I went to walmart and found some OTC athletes foot anti-fungal creme. Held it up to my head, it looked like a fit so i thought, 'Why not!' One shower cap and some very weird looks from friends and family later, NO MORE BURNING! (still loss but no itching) Then i stumbled across a tube of steroid cream. I was told psoriasis may be the culprit so i decided to give it a go. END RESULT (-) I read some homeopathic articles and heard that Apple Cider Vinegar is a helpful remedy. Multiple baths, drinks, and rinses later, the itching was gone but still dropping hair like crazy. OH YEAH ! DO NOT BLOW DRY YOUR HAIR, heat only adds to the problem. (sit in front of a fan, IT HELPS)I was losing so much hair and so self conscious about this whole fiasco that i packed my bags and moved 1300 miles away. Left my family, my friends, and my stresses behind. Most importantly ruling out any environmental factors as well. A nutritionist of all people, told me that i have an abundance of Candida (yeast) in my system. He also informed me that having gone systemic, it can attack the heart, skin (scalp), eyes, ears, basically any organ system. I decided to have one last go and give this guy a shot. PROVING that dr's do not know everything, i started to get better. Did i mention that i was also growing red spotty patches on my back and behind my knees, i had horrible double vision, and what seemed like water in my ears for over 5 months? sometimes i would wake up and couldnt even see anything but black in one eye. Sometimes it would be my left and others it would be my right. Anyhow he told me to eliminate all sugars and most carbs to starve the candida. He warned me that i would go through a flushing faze. He didnt warn me that this would consist of yellowish diarrhea 9 times a day for 30 days. I lost 50 lbs but everyday after shower time, less and less hair was found on the floor. MOTHER OF GOD i was experiencing regrowth!!! I stuck to the diet for as long as humanly possible and even today i still manage to follow it. Being put on this path i decided to purchase every anti fungal shampoo, i followed every and any remedy and i even acquired a prescription for ketocanozal (sp) shampoo. This all helped but did not eliminate. Even til this day i am a year and some odd days in and i still have no clue what i suffer from. I didnt find total relief until i stumbled across the combination of two shampoos in combination 1x daily. This also gave me the strength my scalp needed to allow me to brush my hair as well EUREKA!!! what a difference brushing makes. I eliminated as many of the other options as my simple mind would allow and came to the conclusion that i am going to treat this as psoriasis and a fungal infection bc these two treatments are the only two (when by themselves) that i have had any luck with. I now use (both made by Equate and can be found really cheap at walmart) first is just simply listed as 'extra strength Therapeutic Shampoo' it is in a clear bottle and claims to have 5% coal tar. This provides major relief. 2nd i use 'medicated Dandruff Shampoo' I think in total they cost about $12 and these two combined with brushing heavily have worked wonders. I thinned again after my last regrowth, but i no longer am losing hair like a wild man. I once grew back more hair than i have now, so that alone gives me faith that this is beatable. I also took up heavy cardio workouts to keep the rest of my body in good working order and it has seemed to help tremendously. I do not know what we have, i do not know how we got this. I am a year in and just now i feel like my system has normalized. I have just recently started to use 'Do GRO' on my scalp at night to keep things moisturized. Some triggers that i feel i have found over time are, more than 1 cup of COFFEE in a day (which to me might suggest PH related) TUNA (mercury), STRESS (which i feel is the underlying cause) ALCOHOL (of any kind) SUGAR (possible candida)I have heard and read many articles that an allergic reaction to blah bah blah insert 100 million things could cause this. I may try a benedryl a day to see if any changes occur. My advice after all of this rambling is keep a daily journal of 1.products used 2. food eaten 3. stress 4.habits/environment 5. how much hair loss. It helps to narrow down and find what is possibly working. Like i said i do not know what we have and it sounds like it hasnt even been made into a diagnosis yet, so all we are left is to figure out our own relief from symptoms. May god bless you all and good luck!!
BillyRueben last decade
That is Demodex mites.
Siela last decade
Hi there, wow I haven't been on here in so long now. After so long with suffering with hair loss burning itching and sore scalp I finally found something that really seems to be working for me. It's been 7 months now and I stopped losing my hair and my whole body feels better period. Unlike a lot of others who come on here to try to promote their products, I am not writing this because I can make money off it. As a matter of fact I will let you all know I started taking Bromelain which is a vitamin supplement. It comes in a lot of different brands, so just find one on eBay or Amazon or in a drug store. After tons of research and high amounts of inflammation in my body, mainly my head I feel like I am free. Please just research bromelain and try it. What are you going to lose ? Your already losing your hair and to me that was my image and was destroying me as a person. The one I am taking is quercetin with bromelain because it gives me the added vitamin to lower my histamine a bit also. If you have any questions I will be more then happy to answer. I know your frustration and depression over this. I just ask one thing. Please if you try it, keep in touch and tell me how you are doing and tell others in your situation as well.It took me 2-3 months before I stopped losing it but in that time I could see it slower after about a month of it building up in my system. Good luck and I really hope a lot of you see this because it may not be the solution for all of you but I can guarantee it will work for some. The same thing was happening to my mom and I told her to take it and she will never stop now.

Blessings and good luck,
Kimberly.781 last decade
Hi there, wow I haven't been on here in so long now. After so long with suffering with hair loss burning itching and sore scalp I finally found something that really seems to be working for me. It's been 7 months now and I stopped losing my hair and my whole body feels better period. Unlike a lot of others who come on here to try to promote their products, I am not writing this because I can make money off it. As a matter of fact I will let you all know I started taking Bromelain which is a vitamin supplement. It comes in a lot of different brands, so just find one on eBay or Amazon or in a drug store. After tons of research and high amounts of inflammation in my body, mainly my head I feel like I am free. Please just research bromelain and try it. What are you going to lose ? Your already losing your hair and to me that was my image and was destroying me as a person. The one I am taking is quercetin with bromelain because it gives me the added vitamin to lower my histamine a bit also. If you have any questions I will be more then happy to answer. I know your frustration and depression over this. I just ask one thing. Please if you try it, keep in touch and tell me how you are doing and tell others in your situation as well.It took me 2-3 months before I stopped losing it but in that time I could see it slower after about a month of it building up in my system. Good luck and I really hope a lot of you see this because it may not be the solution for all of you but I can guarantee it will work for some. The same thing was happening to my mom and I told her to take it and she will never stop now.

Blessings and good luck,
Kimberly.781 last decade
CURED!! I suffered with this condition for 25 years. Dermatologists always diagnosed it as "Seborrheic Dermatitis" and just prescribed a shampoo like Nizoral.


The very first time I used this shampoo (Demodex Shampoo for Treatment of Scalp Demodicosis by Ovante ), my scalp completely cleared up! I can't post the URL of this product here...But it is available at Amazon.

My scalp looks and feels better than it has in years and my hair loss has slowed, if not stopped altogether. I have nothing to do with the company that makes this shampoo...But it is simply amazing and does things that nothing has done for me for the past 25 years!

You have to kill/control the DEMODEX MITES for this condition to get better. Good luck!
DB2000 last decade
Yes I tried that demodex shampoo and it did work for me, however, the mites moved to my face and I broke out all over. I will try it again. Do not use diatomaceous earth I saw that in a post somewhere and tried it and IT CUTS HAIR. For relief what works well is food grade aloe vera such as RealAloe brand liberally apply to scalp. But most if not all scalp conditions and all face breakouts blackheads and pimples and acne and rosacea all this is demodex mites. There must be a homeopathic remedy that works well on demodex. I've tried Graphites off and on. I know that a full consultation with a homeopath is best but if you cannot afford that certain remedies do tend to work for certain conditions. What element in whole form would cause mites? Can a demodex mite be taken and made into homeopathic form? Do you have any idea of how many of those would sell??? Put me on the contact list! I will try the shampoo again and rub alittle on my face at the same time. Good luck!
Siela last decade
To DB2000

Thank you so much for taking your time and sharing your findings with us. I really hope Demodex Shampoo will help others too...

I would like to try it too but before I do can you please tell me does this shampoo makes your hair or scalp oily. I read a few posts on amazon a few said this shampoo made their scalp very oily.

Thank you and I am very happy you found something that works for you. Thanks to everyone else who also contribute to this post.
bensam last decade
It's hard to say how this or any shampoo will react with your hair and scalp. Everyone is different. I can say that it definitely does not make my hair or scalp oily. I think some of the Amazon reviews might be for the Demodex conditioner or leave-in treatment and they're wrongly included on the page for the shampoo. That might be what's making their scalp/hair oily.

This is what I do. First I wash my scalp with Dial anti-bacterial bar soap, then immediately rinse. Second, I take small amounts of Demodex Shampoo and place them in the front, middle & back of my head. Then I add a little water and massage the shampoo into my scalp with fingertips (not fingernails). I leave it in while washing the rest of my body with the bar soap.

Next I rinse it out and apply a "basic" Suave brand conditioner (nothing fancy). It's not a leave-in, so I rinse it out after a minute or so. I only use the conditioner once or twice a week because I think it actually makes my hair more oily than just using the Demodex alone...But the Demodex seems to make my scalp somewhat dry after a few days without using the conditioner too.

I suggest you try the Demodex Shampoo, especially if you've had an irritated scalp for a long time and nothing ever seems to "cure" it. I've started off washing my hair with the Dial anti-bacterial bar soap for years. It cleans the scalp well and it really seems to reduce the amount of shampoo I need to get a good lather. If I don't use the soap first, it takes alot more shampoo, regardless of brand. This helps the 6oz Demodex go a long way.

I hope this shampoo can help you too. It's really weird to not be constantly taking Advils and scratching my head all day long. My scalp doesn't burn or throb with pain anymore and it's just a great feeling!
DB2000 last decade
To DB2000

Thank you for your quick reply and your explanation how you apply Demodex. I will try your suggestion and I hope it works for me...

For how long have you been using this product?

I cant take this any longer I am suffering with this for 4 years now....Doctors for most part useless or they just want to make money on people like me giving false promises =(.

Best Regards
bensam last decade
Been using it 3 weeks. I was hoping to get results in the first week, but the burning/itching stopped after the first shampoo. Wanted to make sure it didn't come back before posting anything here.

You can find anything and everything you ever wanted to know about Demodex Mites here: rosacea-support dot org/just-how-do-you-kill-demodex-mites.html (replace "dot" with a period. Won't let me post the comlplete URL)

No dermatologist ever mentioned it to me as a potential cause. I can't prove I had an infestation causing my itching/burning scalp & hair loss...But I can tell you this shampoo cleared up my condition immediately when nothing else ever worked.

If you're like me, you'll know right quick if it will work for your condition. I was literally in shock when I stepped out of the shower and my scalp felt "normal" again. It's been that way for 3 weeks now...
DB2000 last decade
To DB200

Thank you for your candid feedback. I am really happy for you because I know exactly what it feels like.

I will post back here after giving it a try.

Best regards and I hope it only gets even better for you.
bensam last decade
Thanks...I hope you hit the "lottery" like I did!
DB2000 last decade
Well product is on its way

The following items have been shipped:
1 Demodex Shampoo for Treatment of Scalp Demodicosis $24.95
bensam last decade
I received a shampoo...hoping for good results 4 weeks from now. Click on the link below to see my shampoo


I will report back in 4 weeks to tell everyone if it worked for me
[message edited by bensam on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 02:32:55 GMT]
bensam last decade

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