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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

for joe on arnica

Hi Joe,
i was wondering, i have saved all the notes on your threads for arnica and was wanting to know could you break down what arnica 200c wet dose could be used for, if you have time.

thanks elaine
  elainesmyth68 on 2006-09-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I do not remember using Arnica 200 in the recent past and although I have this potency in my stock of about 500 remedies, I do not use it normally. As you know I have been using Arnica 30c on a nightly basis and I have proved that this remedy is the reason for my sense of wellness at my advanced age of 77 years with a BP of 120/80 and Pulse 65.

I proved what was just a theory by stopping my nightly dose for 3 weeks and discovered that I was creaking all over like most others do at my age while my BP increased by about 10mm. My general condition stabilized in a week after I returned to the nightly dose.

For the record I would like to mention here that I have taken Arnica 6c and later 30c since 1996 on a nightly basis in the wet dose. I am aware that many classical homeopaths will criticize me for promoting this idea of a nightly dose but I have proved the efficacy on myself and have also observed the response of those to whom I recommended it and who later confirmed that it did them a lot of good. I note that you have read my notes on Arnica and you may have also read the responses of those who have used this remedy nightly as I do.

The potencies that I prescribe most are the 6c and 30c but I have used the 1M for acute cases in the case of patients like the 21 year old in a coma and the 83 year old who had lost his motor functions in his extremities. They were both brought back to health in a few weeks.

I may use the 200c if I discover that the 30c does not give the response that I expect from the lower potencies. I would not however recommend that the 200c be used on a daily basis.
Joe De Livera last decade

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