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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Joepathy - for Joe De Livera

Don't worry Joe !!

All these people 'yelling' and 'screaming' at ABC.....are candidates for High BP.......and one day they will come back and use 'Joepathy' to stabilise their High BP.

So the last laugh will always be yours !!

Pankaj Varma
  PANKAJ VARMA on 2006-10-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Joe

Continue Curing.... and Never Stop Curing.
kuldeep last decade
To Pankaj and Kuldeep

Thank you for your kind thoughts about me and 'Joepathy'.

I have just posted a response to Rajiv Prasad which I would like to copy below:


Re: Why 'Joepathy' works in many cases From Joe De Livera on 2006-10-16
To Rajiv

Thank you for your treatise on how Arnica, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph react to resolve the respective ailments that I have prescribed them for patients whom I have helped on the homeopathic forums. This is, I feel, the attitude that other homeopaths should emulate by sharing their knowledge based on their own discoveries with the use of standard Homeopathic remedies in curing diseases which were not listed in the Repertories. I reported about 2 years ago that I had discovered that Arnica reduced Blood Sugar levels in both Type I and II Diabetics and as usual my report was held up in scorn immediately. It was only when other homeopaths discovered that Arnica does in fact reduce BS levels and as you also rightly included BP levels in patients, that those who scorned me sat up and took notice that there was indeed method in my madness.

You may have read the many attacks that classical homeopaths heaped upon me in the past few years on the homeopathic forums I visit daily, merely because they considered me a maverick who rocked their precious Classical Homeopathic boat too much. I believe that they did so because at least some discovered that my presence on their classical forums could corrupt the minds of potential classical homeopaths who were already in homeopathic colleges, as my therapy which treats the disease directly in the allopathic manner, seemed to be more effective than the standard classical method of identifying just one remedy which takes into account all the other symptoms presented by the patient. I do not wish to elaborate on this point as I have already dealt with it in other posts on the ABC. You may have observed that the attacks against my therapy invariably predicted doom to the unsuspecting patient who in many cases was confused as to which therapy he should use, which made a bad situation even worse as in some instances he would prefer the classical approach merely because the prescriber had the title Dr. before his ID. I have some cases where the patient used the classical therapy and returned to my therapy when he found that the classical approach was not helping him and discovered that my non classical therapy cured him in some cases, instantly.

I have always maintained that Homeopathy to me is only a Hobby to which I am passionately dedicated especially today, since I have some time at my disposal which some years ago I could not devote to homeopathy as my professional duties came first. The return of my sons after their post graduate studies in the US and joined the family business gave me this free time which I use today to help others and it gives me great satisfaction to help a patient which I have done free of charge, especially those who have run the gamut of specialist doctors, Ayurvedic physicians and then later classical homeopaths and finally they come to me here in Sri Lanka or visit a Homeopathic forum and I take over in my own direct way.

It seems such a shame that other homeopaths classical or otherwise do not also use the direct way that I prefer instead of going round in circles as they were taught in their respective collages to use only the classical system because Hahnemann had directed them to do so. Reference to his Organon will show that he too was constantly updating his therapy with every subsequent edition and I believe that what I am now trying to do is to continue in his footsteps by updating the concept of Homeopathy and to prove to those classical types that there is another way of helping a patient to overcome a disease by using the direct method that I have been using successfully for many years in spite of the conflagaration that it seems to have caused in homeopathic circles.

I observe today that there seems to be some semblance of a truce that has resulted between the classical types and their attacks against me as at least one of them has stated that as long as the therapy I use is termed 'Joepathy' he does not have any reservations about my involvement in this art of healing.

I was also humbled to note the number of hits that this word 'Joepathy' gets on the Search Engines, which is a fact that I was not aware of till Murthy drew my attention to it a short while ago. I hope that this can perhaps indicate that the rest of the world too is taking some notice of the therapy that I have always used successfully, which to me seems the obvious therapy that others too should use in helping a patient to overcome his ailment. It seems a happy coincidence that this fact was discussed today, a few days before my 77th Birthday.

Joe De Livera last decade
Why should Joe worry?

He has been given the status of a person, who pioneered a new therapy.

He should be a happy person.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
All major search engines yahoo,altavista and askjeeves are returning results if you type 'joepathy' in the search box.

Dear Joe

To make your method more popular start every one of your threads with something like

'This is not homeopathy,but Joepathy invented by me'.

Then the search engines will return more and more results.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Murthy

Thank you for first alerting me to the fact that the word 'Joepathy' has been picked up by many search engines.

I am really not as excited as you seem to be with this discovery as all I have done in the past was to establish my viewpoint on homeopathy which I still do even today even vehemently when necessary, although I had to run the gauntlet of classical homeopaths like you who first coined this word as a derisive term to describe my therapy.

The fact remains that my therapy is not new by any means as it is even today practised as the method of diagnosis and treatment and used by the majority of even classically trained homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent. We all use the direct method of addressing the disease and prescribe a suitable remedy instead of fitting the picture of the ailment with the attendant picture of the patient to the remedy.

My therapy as you may have noticed has invariably worked except in a few examples which at least one classical homeopath pounced upon during the recent past with unmitigated glee to 'prove' how very dangerous it is to take Arnica nightly as I do after brushing my teeth !

I do not have the time to take up the gauntlet with each and every one who crosses my path with belligerent intentions of showing up the imagined danger even though it may be predicted into the distant future as a result of using remedies as I have done in the past.

I have always shared the information in the use of many remedies with anyone who cares to read my reports withour prejudice and it is the members of the homeopathic forums that benefit most from my research and discoveries as they have often recorded their own findings on the use of the therapy that I have suggested which has helped them in a manner that their former classical homeopaths could not succeed in doing.

You may also like to know that I have been aware for some time that if you type my name 'Joe De Livera' into any Search Engine, the hits that one gets are rather surprising. I am mentioning this to you, not out of a sense of bravado but as a mere statement of fact.

As you know I do what I can for suffering humanity as I believe that God grants me the energy to do so and I feel that it is my duty to continue in my hobby for the rest of my life which I shall practise in my own way, and which has now been recognized as Joepathy.

Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe

If we give the name Joepathy to the method you and some other doctors in the subcontinent follow, it may gain acceptance even from the governments.

There may be seperate hospitals for Joepathy.Who knows, one day this may become the preferred therapy over all the other ones.

Look at the fame and name you are going to get.

To make matters easy you can sign off your posts as

Joe (inventor of Joepathy)

This is the least you can do towards spreading your unique therapy.


bandarbabu2000 last decade
joepathy is a pathy that has limited the homeopathy to a certain set of medicines especially arnica and natrum phos.this is a good and successful attempt to make homeopathy easy.

sajjadakram635 last decade
After I knew Joe, Natrum Phos has become my default remedy for gerd. I never failed me.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Murthy

It is unfortunate that even after my rather lengthy post above where I clearly explained my viewpoint to Homeopathy to you, you still wish to enter into a duel with me about my therapeutic methods which seem to have cured a large number of patients at least on the ABC, the NCH and the Homeopathy and More forums as you can verify by reading the numerous posts that I have made on the ABC alone which have now surpassed 4500 with at least half of them directed to individual patients.

I have indicated my position very frankly and would like to reassure you that neither you nor anyone else can force me to deviate from my chosen path as I have proved beyond any reasonable doubt that my therapy is equal to or perhaps even superior to your own classical methods which were enforced by the successors of Hahnemann. The strange fact of the matter is that the majority of qualified homeopaths in the Indian subcontinent including Sri Lanka prefer to use the direct allopathic approach that I use routinely as I believe that they have discovered for themselves that the direct method ensures that the patient is started on the path to a cure almost immediately after a consultation, as against the long drawn out curative process that is epitomized by the classical system.

The patient seeks help from a physician in the hope that he will be cured ASAP. Unfortunately your classical system does not provide for a quick cure on the grounds that such a cure is dangerous as the patient will expose himself to unspecified serious ailments if he is cured by a remedy other than that prescribed by a classical homeopath using the classical method. I consider that this attitude unreasonable and believe that it can lead to the average patient suspect the true intentions of the homeopath which may be more based on increasing his own revenue rather than in curing the patient with the remedy which he knows will help him immediately in just one consultation.

I would like to reassure you that I am not in the least interested in promoting my name in homeopathic circles as suggested by you, as I have always left it to the patient to decide which system he prefers, classical or otherwise to come to his aid to cure his ailment. Judging by the number of patients who opt to call upon me personally to help them, may perhaps be a pointer as to which system they prefer, classical or otherwise to be used for their cure.

I can read the sarcasm in your last post where you advice me to use the term Joepathy which you may like to know was coined as a derisive description of my attitude to homeopathy by some classical homeopaths which strangely enough seems to have stuck and is slowly opening the eyes of the world to the efficacy of the direct system that I use to cure, which is in direct contrast to your own diehard classical training. I have always left it to the patient to be the final arbiter of whether he wants my assistance or that of the other classical homeopaths who frequent the ABC, and it is strange to note that the majority seem to prefer mine.

This fact may be a pointer as to where exactly classical homeopathy is heading for, in the eyes of the patient, in the future.

Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,
You can also remind Murthy of the following (reg. mixed homeopathy)...which I have posted on another thread:

Here is the officially stated position of the British Homeopathic Association from their official website (FAQs).:


Should I stop my other medication?
No. Homeopathic remedies can be safely taken along with other medicines. It can be very dangerous to stop a medicine which you have been using for some time. The remedies will not interfere with your other drugs. You will be able to reduce your other drugs if you begin to improve under the influence of the homeopathic ones.

B A C K to list.

Why have I heard that some homeopaths tell their patients to stop their other drugs?
It is very unusual for a qualified health care professional to give such an instruction. Some non-medically qualified homeopaths have been known to give such advice and it stems from their distrust of mainstream medicine. The reason they will give is that some drugs can inhibit the effects of the homeopathic remedies. It is true that some drugs can produce such an inhibitory effect, particularly steroids and other drugs which suppress the immune system. However, experienced homeopathic practitioners will tell you that it is still possible to see the remedies produce good effects in the face of these drugs. Drugs should only be stopped when it is deemed they are no longer clinically necessary.


When homeopathic meds can work even while allopathic meds are being given....surely 2/3 homeoapthic meds given in alteration/succesion or together (combination meds)..will also give results.

We have seen it happening.

Don't know why...inspite of so much evidence...the classical homeopaths are making a 'song and dance' of things.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Joepathy = A.D.D.

Homeopathically Rules Explained : 'PLACIEBO method '

A medicine given JUST to SIMPLY MAKE-BELIEVE satisfy the patient that he is taking some medicine for his problems / diseases. Mostly, these medicines are do not have any physically curative effect. BUT to only INDUCE & satisfy the patient INTO BELIEVING psychologically that these medicines are working on him. The patient by psychological law of Expectation (anticipation) starts believing in the placebo medicine and experiences some psychological relief, BUT THE INTERNAL DEEP-SEATED CAUSATIVE DISEASE FACTOR REMAINS THE SAME and further dangerously cumulates into a powerful inter-woven complicated case disease.

CONSIDER THIS (by Winston Churchill) :
'A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on'

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Hello Nesha...it is the season for crackers!!

Happy Diwali !!.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

Happy Diwali to yourself too and also to all the other like-minded people. Please Do make arrangements to write something on the concept of Diwali for benefit of the International community.

As usual, crackers are going ka-boom on this forum too, supporting my cause for a just and no-nonsense homeopathy and not self-glorified 'joepathy'.

BTW, I returned from my SriLanka trip yesterday night and I left something for 'joe' at his store in colombo, for purpose of psychic intervention as promised to 'kuldeep'. It would be a 77th birthday gift to 'joe' for tomorrow, the 19th which he would be celebrating with 'johan'.

As a further gift to 'joe', I would also be creating a snare (as already done with kuldeep) to further disclose multiple self-glorifying-proxy aliases.

Remain Healthy & Happy ....... Nesha-India
Nesha-India last decade
Wahan bhi 'Meeow' kar ke aa gaya !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Nesha's Sri Lanka reminds me the history of Diwaly. This day Rama arrived in Ayodhya after killing Ravana in Sri Lanka.

Poor Girl... 100 heads....
kuldeep last decade
Dear Joe

Happy birth day to you.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Murthy,

Thank you for your rembering me on my Birthday.

I cannot really believe that I am 77 and I am convinced that I owe my sense of wellness to my nightly dose of Arnica.

This is the reason why I am trying to promote it to all who will listen as I am convinced that it can help anyone who will use it on a daily basis as I have done for the last 11 years.

Those who have used it on my advice have confirmed to me that they have virtually turned a new leaf in their lives with the Arnica which starts to work by promoting deep sleep which in turn helps the body to recover the energy that it has lost during the previous day.

Joe De Livera last decade
A very happy birthday to you Joe and many happy returns of the day.

Joe...there are others who have said the same about Arnica.

I remember another person ...here on ABC who was 75 years ...said he had been taking a dose of Arnica everyday for more than two decades. I think he was from South America. Will take me time to dig out the post.

The 'Polycrests'...are defined as such. Meds that take care of a variety of ailments.

So enjoy your good health and keep spreading the sunshine.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I am reproducing this from another site:

These are known as 'polycrest remedies,' from the Greek word ìpolychrest,î which means ' many uses.' Currently there are sixty-five such remedies.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
* 'Polychrests'
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
According to Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe:

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden.

To Dear Joe

My hearty birthday wishes.
maheeru last decade
To Pankaj

Thank you for your greetings on my 77th Birthday.

I am glad that you brought up my pet remedy Arnica in your post and was very interested to learn that there was another 75 year old who had been taking Arnica for even longer than I have been taking it, which is since 1996.

I shall be very interested to have some record of his post.

Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe ....will try to locate the post in good time...maybe after Diwali.

If I remember correctly...he said he was taking one dose of ARnica 6C every day....and said he had not fallen ill at all. (Saying this from memory).

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
To Maheeru

Thank you for your Birthday wishes on my 77th Birthday.

I was interested in your quotation from Von Goethe

'We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden. '

I am in complete agreement with his statement and would like to add that I believe that I have helped in the process of aging gracefully with my Arnica, which I have introduced into the lives of so many hundreds, perhaps thousands of people with whom I have come into contact and they have all reported remarkable results which result from taking this remedy on a nightly basis.

Thank you for that thought.

Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe

We will work together many more years.
kuldeep last decade

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