The ABC Homeopathy Forum
early pcos
-I have PCOS and I am not trying to get pregnant but I would like for my cycles to return to normal without birthcontrol.-I am 23. Was Diagnosed at 16 with PCOS but started having symptoms at 13.
- I used to be very over weight which came after being under weight at 12. The over weightness was related to the drug history below However went off the drugs I modified my diet and increased exercize. I am now a normal weight.
-I did take a drug throughout my adolescence associated with causing PCOS in young people known as Depakote.
- I had severe allergies in the area I grew up in and was constantly on antibodics because I constantly had infections including frequent pneunomnia.
-I also have stress related dwarfism from early neglect & abuse. I stopped growing at 11.
- I have sleep impairments and have all my life...I wake up alot with very vivid dreams. I seem to go straight into REM sleep and seem to have restless leg. My dreams are not necessarily nightmares but I almost always sweat at night.
- I have alot of joint issues as well all my joints pop and click and my wrists often hurt. As well as frequent upper back lower neck pain.
- I am heat intolerant. And my body temperature is normally a bit low around 97.6. I have been tested for hypothyriodism but apparently this is not what the issue is, the doctors refused to check for thyriod antibodies since all other thyriod tests were within normal range.
-I do not take any typical drugs but I am taking a combimination capsel of black cohosh, vitex, & Don well a calcium magnesium suppliment.
- I have allergic reactions to all pain medications. I get hives and pretty bad hives with my entire body in an itchy fever. I have had bad reactions to other medications and birth control seems to cause yeast infections.
- Mentally I am at a good point and have been pretty stable about 2 years. My diet is pretty good probably for 3-4 years. My life is good overall in my opinion. My allergies are minimal where I am currently living.
-I went off birth control over a month ago as a trial period. My rate of hair growth is a bit faster. But not extreme yet and the acne is more painful than normal but not more frequent than typical.
-I have constant cold feet even when i am sweating and dry eyes as well. Also my pupils are pretty darn big all the time. They can constrict but not very much.
I am having abdominal pain which might be mensual related it is in my lower abdomin but my bowel movements have decreased slightly in size and frequency since going off the birth control (I am not constipated)so it might be that. It is a dull pain that comes and goes in lower abdomin.
Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. I would like to have a period in the next 1.5 months if my body can do that or else I will probably have to go back on the pill to reduce hair growth. Any other thoughts about low temp, heat intolerance, sleep issues could not hurt.
mandolin on 2006-10-22
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