The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sugar Cravings
Is there a homeopathic remedy that helps with intense sugar cravings? Especially sugar/flour/fat combosnikki on 2003-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have had the same problems especially after long term antibiotic use due to the fact that antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your body causing the overgrowth of another bacteria (Candida Albicans, etc.). The bacteria THRIVE on sugar and carbohydrates and will make you seriously crave them because THEY need to eat. Also, the candida produce toxins in HUGE amounts that overwhelm your immune system and cause you to be FATIGUED and even not sleep at all or very "lightly" when you do sleep causing more fatigue and BRAIN FOG and a viscious cycle. This is how my problems started but many people have a problem with candida overgrowth and haven't had many antibiotic treatments. If any of this describes how you feel and you, write and let me know. I was desperate to find help and now I am starting to feel so much better after taking steps to get the candida under control.
robin 2 decades ago
philip L 2 decades ago
I have persistent sugar craving
Brain fog
muscle achings
extreme tiredness
an underactive thyroid which is now normal
Brain fog
muscle achings
extreme tiredness
an underactive thyroid which is now normal
calista 2 decades ago
fathondakat 2 decades ago
Sugar craving is the prime sign of the Psoric Miasm . I once cured a young girl of asthma on the sign that when an attack was due she would go to the kitchen and eat sugar by the spoonful.
THe first remedy I used was Psorinum , the second I based on her individual character.
THe first remedy I used was Psorinum , the second I based on her individual character.
passkey 2 decades ago
Agree with all of the above as every person is an individual.
Another sign of sugar craving is a lack of protein in the body.
One must check for the Candida and get rid of that instead of "feeding" it also.
This takes some grit as this is a difficult job to turn the body to better habits.
The body is like a child. It wants stuff it shouldn't have, yet this tells one what needs to be corrected.
Consult a nutritionist at a health store. Usually free.
Blessings, Sabra
Another sign of sugar craving is a lack of protein in the body.
One must check for the Candida and get rid of that instead of "feeding" it also.
This takes some grit as this is a difficult job to turn the body to better habits.
The body is like a child. It wants stuff it shouldn't have, yet this tells one what needs to be corrected.
Consult a nutritionist at a health store. Usually free.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
I have started suffering from sugar cravings over the past month, where I am having to fight myself every day to stop reaching for the chocolate/biscuits or anything else which seems to consist of incredibly high sugar levels. I don't understand why this has started to happen. Only recent changes I have made is that I have upped my work outs to five or six days a week (all done healthily and correctly), however I have always been a bit of an exercise bod, so it's not a huge change. Also I have started to work longer hours.
Can anyone make any suggestions on getting rid of the cravings? They're driving me mad :0)
I have started suffering from sugar cravings over the past month, where I am having to fight myself every day to stop reaching for the chocolate/biscuits or anything else which seems to consist of incredibly high sugar levels. I don't understand why this has started to happen. Only recent changes I have made is that I have upped my work outs to five or six days a week (all done healthily and correctly), however I have always been a bit of an exercise bod, so it's not a huge change. Also I have started to work longer hours.
Can anyone make any suggestions on getting rid of the cravings? They're driving me mad :0)
Bek 2 decades ago
In a very general way Calc sul 3x taken for a few days and then as needed will often deal with this.
That apart one needs a more detailed picture to suggest any remedy on a constitutional basis.
The dietary aspect is important as the use of lactobacillus or live yoghurt will also help. Fruit juice and soymilk are also useful.
That apart one needs a more detailed picture to suggest any remedy on a constitutional basis.
The dietary aspect is important as the use of lactobacillus or live yoghurt will also help. Fruit juice and soymilk are also useful.
passkey 2 decades ago
Thanks. I eat live yoghurt most days - although only a couple of spoonfuls. I'll review my diet, just in case...
Bek 2 decades ago
Bek, noticed you have more cravings after increasing workouts and working hours...looks like your body may be in need of more rest. When we are deprived of enough rest or sleep, our bodies crave sugar!
To overcome candida...Over the counter probiotics in addition to yogurt and a constitutional remedy would probably be the most beneficial! (not to mention the diet low in sugar and high GI carbs) may need to try a few different brands of probiotics to see which gives less gas problems. All brands are not created equal, I have found 2 brands that work well for me, all the rest just fill me with air!
To overcome candida...Over the counter probiotics in addition to yogurt and a constitutional remedy would probably be the most beneficial! (not to mention the diet low in sugar and high GI carbs) may need to try a few different brands of probiotics to see which gives less gas problems. All brands are not created equal, I have found 2 brands that work well for me, all the rest just fill me with air!
msmanda 2 decades ago
Thanks v much. I think you're probably right on the rest front, though unfortunately that's not an option for another seven weeks, so am just trying to keep going until then! I have just devoured 7 (yes seven) biscuits - hmmmm think rest may be no 1 priority ;0) Thanks
Bek 2 decades ago
Ahh, yes! I do remember the biscuits. 7 is about right. I love biscuits. I feel no need now. It took awhile to stop.
Get some Chien Chin from health store/herb/acupuncture supply. Or online. $4.95. Inhoops older posting has the site to order if you cannot find in your area. This is for yeast/candida/sugar feeding in the body...caused by yeast/candida. 5 balls 3 times a day. Will not hurt preg and baby born without thrush. Didn't say, are you??
Blessings, Sabra
Get some Chien Chin from health store/herb/acupuncture supply. Or online. $4.95. Inhoops older posting has the site to order if you cannot find in your area. This is for yeast/candida/sugar feeding in the body...caused by yeast/candida. 5 balls 3 times a day. Will not hurt preg and baby born without thrush. Didn't say, are you??
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Go to this site:
Write it correctly. I can't write it here or the forum will delete it.
These people offer a Miracle(2) Neutralizer that is safe and heals the body of the candida, or sugar cravings. I tried this for myself and I can say I am really impressed. I expected it to be a sham. I have taken one ounce of the N in my drinking water every day and my life has noticably changed. I no longer eat 3 meals or any inbetween. I feel well and am hardly ever hungry. It has no flavor. I no longer crave sweets or carbs.
This site is a bit religious. don't be put off. The products are rather expensive. I stick with the Neutralizer. I went in half with a friend.
Anyone that reads my writing knows I am not easily swayed by a sales pitch.
Blessings, Sabra
Write it correctly. I can't write it here or the forum will delete it.
These people offer a Miracle(2) Neutralizer that is safe and heals the body of the candida, or sugar cravings. I tried this for myself and I can say I am really impressed. I expected it to be a sham. I have taken one ounce of the N in my drinking water every day and my life has noticably changed. I no longer eat 3 meals or any inbetween. I feel well and am hardly ever hungry. It has no flavor. I no longer crave sweets or carbs.
This site is a bit religious. don't be put off. The products are rather expensive. I stick with the Neutralizer. I went in half with a friend.
Anyone that reads my writing knows I am not easily swayed by a sales pitch.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra last decade
FOr the addiction ppl:
I've been off sugar for 2 yrs-
what helped me was going to Overeaters Anonymous (like Alcoholics Anonymous), and getting off not only sugar but for the first month: corn, all grains, all fruit, all sweet tasting things, until I got those out of my system- I've added them back in.
FOr the exercise person, your body may also need minerals. Sugar cravings supposedly often suggest low minerals, and you may be washing them away if you're drinking alot of water to sustain those workouts.
I like to take liquid minerals. Homeopathy wise, I have read here that the tissue salts help the body absorb needed minerals.
FOr the candida ppl- if you like yogurt, kefir is supposed to be atleast if not more helpful. I love kefir! Very easy to make compared to yogurt, very inexpensive if you get some curds ("kefir grains").
Go ahead!
I've been off sugar for 2 yrs-
what helped me was going to Overeaters Anonymous (like Alcoholics Anonymous), and getting off not only sugar but for the first month: corn, all grains, all fruit, all sweet tasting things, until I got those out of my system- I've added them back in.
FOr the exercise person, your body may also need minerals. Sugar cravings supposedly often suggest low minerals, and you may be washing them away if you're drinking alot of water to sustain those workouts.
I like to take liquid minerals. Homeopathy wise, I have read here that the tissue salts help the body absorb needed minerals.
FOr the candida ppl- if you like yogurt, kefir is supposed to be atleast if not more helpful. I love kefir! Very easy to make compared to yogurt, very inexpensive if you get some curds ("kefir grains").
Go ahead!
Rebecca last decade
Sabra, I am confused about the product you recommended for sugar cravings and candida. Did you purchase the powder? Is the liquid the same? thank you! for your reply.
Alisa last decade
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