The ABC Homeopathy Forum
myopia - physostigma
I have been taking physostigma 6c for approximatelyy 7 months now based on some readings in various books and this website.I have been taking the 6c potency once a day and have noticed almost no improvement. Should I increase the potency to 30c once a day or take the 6c more frequently.
RB123 on 2006-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Actually I was just reading one of your posts where you recommended 30c potency. You don't think it it worth a try...
Actually I was just reading one of your posts where you recommended 30c potency. You don't think it it worth a try...
RB123 last decade
If 6c didn't help you even after 7 months, it is unlikely that 30c will help you.
Even low potencies like 6c should be discontinued after a few weeks, and time should be given to observe the remedy response.
Even low potencies like 6c should be discontinued after a few weeks, and time should be given to observe the remedy response.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
The most important is the selection of the right remedy.If the remedy is similar it will benfit in any potency.Almost 55 remedies are suitable for myopia provided other symptoms agree. Con. Ph-ac. Phos. Phys. Puls. Ruta Stram. Sulph. Valer. Esin. Piloc. Jab. Coff-t. Anh. Viol-o. Agar. Am-c. Anac. Ang. Ant-t. Arg-n. Calc. Carb-v. Chin. Cycl. Euph. Euphr. Gels. Graph. Hyos. Lach. Lyc. Mang. Meph. Nat-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Petr. Pic-ac. Plb. Sul-ac. Thuj. Tub. Verb. Form-ac. Allox. Lith-c. Raph. Posit. Latex Nat-ar. Androc. Nat-p. Haliae-lc. Grat. Apisin. Kola. Cortiso. Lil-t. Alco-s. Syph. Psor. Cimic. Sel. Form. Apis Dig. Aur. Spong. Viol-t. Hep. Mez. Acon. Ars. Bac. Bell. Sep.
For proper selection complete case taking is required.if you are interested i can send you the questionnaire.
For proper selection complete case taking is required.if you are interested i can send you the questionnaire.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Yes, please send the questionnairre.
[moderated. email address removed. Please keep all questions and answers on the forum. Thank you.]
[moderated. email address removed. Please keep all questions and answers on the forum. Thank you.]
RB123 last decade
Questionnaire for Taking the Case.
Please indicate a normal condition of health by writing N.
1. A moderately experienced pain, by putting one plus (+); a severe one by two pluses (++), and a very severe one by three pluses (+++).
2. Where two opposite conditions are given together (e.g. tall/short), strike off the one which is not applicable.
3. Put a cross(x) against questions not applicable to the patient.
Name; ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Sex; M/F. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Occupation. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Address. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Married/Unmarried. -------------------------------------------------------
Height: Tall/Medium/Short.
Build: Thin/Normal/Obese.-----------------------------------------------
Age. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A. (A) Please state briefly the serious complaints the patient has suffered from since childhood.
B. Nature of complaint. Year of occurrence. How long did it lost. Any recurrence thereafter.
C. Any history of Asthma, T.B, Cancer, Psoriasis, Insanity or any other disease.
2. Present (Chief) Complaint. Please state all the disorders patient has latterly suffered from---even if he considers any of them unimportant, or not related to his main complaint.
Part of the body affected.
Sensations and complaints.
Modalities. Aggravation/Amelioration.
Probable cause.
3. Any disorder of senses of Taste/Smell/Hearing/Vision/Touch.-----------------
( Appetite/Hunger; is it normal? ---Excessive? ----Deficient------, Capricious (At unusual time)? ----- (Waiting).
Does he feel filled up after a few morsels of food---------------Abdomen bloated---------Flatulence (Gas)/------Heartburn/-------Eructation.----------
©.Food items for which patient has a craving of aversions and which disagree with him.
Food Items. Cravings. Aversion. Disagree.
Salty things.
Sour things.
Potatoes/Starchy food.
Fried things.
Drinks, Warm/Cold.
Drinks, ice cold.
Raw vegetables.
Juicy, refreshing things.
Alcoholic Liquors.
Any other.
Thirst. Please indicate the intensity of his thirst with suitable ticks.
Thirsty (Drinks a lot in a day).
Thirst less (Drinks comparatively little in a day):
Quantity and frequency: Thirst for large/small quantity and at long/shorts intervals.
Stools. Please indicate severity with plus marks:
Nature of stools. Soft, Hard, Bloody, Slimy, with urging, Must strain, No of stools.
Bleeding; ----Blind; ----Protruding; -----itching----Burning, -----Fissures, ----Painful, ----Fistula.
Aggravated by; -----------Ameliorated.
Profuse/scanty; ----Frequent, -----Dribbling, -----Burning, -----InvoluntaryDay/Night,
Colour, odour, painful, deposits, sugar, stones (Kidney/Bladder).
Position in which urine passes easily.
Any complaints: ------
Bronchitis; Asthma, Rapid, Oppressed, Rattling, Wheezing,
Difficult Expiration/inspiration.
Taste, Odour, copious/little., watery, Tenacious.
Sexual. Male.
Desire: strong/weak.
Emission. In sleep, during stool/too early.
Coition, any complaint during, or after.
History of venereal diseases.
Age at first menstruation. ------.
Profuse/scanty: Too early/Too late.
Red/Dark/Pitch like/Smell Fetid.
Nature of the complaint in relation to menses.
Before menses/During Menses/After Menses.
Watery/Thick/Tenacious/Fetid smell/Acrid? Excoriating/Any other.
Causes Itching.
Abortion if any.
During which month of pregnancy.
Coition: Aversion to.Desire, Strong/Weak.
Number of children: ----Sterility.
Side of the body Affected.
(Please name the anatomical region, also stating right or left side of the body)
Complaints first appeared in ------Right/Left.
Complaints then extended to-------Right/Left from.
Complaints shift from place to another.
Cold or Hot (Burning) Sensation.
Cold/Hot (Burning in:Vertex/Eyes/ears/Face/Stomach/Abdomen/Back/Palm/Soles.Any other.
Sweat. If excessive.
Where/When/Odor of sweat/Does it stain clothes/Color of the stain.
Very little sweat (Dry skin)
Partial Sweat on; Head/Face/Soles or others.
Skin, Glands/Bones.
Nature of disease.Where/Dry/Oozing/Itching/Moist/Watery/Viscid/Bloody/Pus/Burning.
Normal/Sound/Disturbed/Difficult/Too sleepy/Sleeplessness/Unreflecting.
Position in sleep.
Lies on back/on right/left./lies on abdomen/Head rose.
At which time the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
Under what circumstances the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
In what season the complaint the complaint is aggravated/amelioration.
Mental attitude.
Ball or plug/burning/heat/benumbing/bruished/bursting/splitting/chilly/cramps/constricting/contracting/dizziness/vertigo/emptiness/fullness/itching internally/tingling/lethargy/itching/scratching/hammering/neuralgic/hammering/numbness/restlessness/scraping/sinking feeling/jerking/twitching/stiffness/rigidity/stinging/sprained/dislocated/throbbing/pulsating/trembling/quivering/tightness/tension./any other.
Any other complaint anywhere in the body.
Please indicate a normal condition of health by writing N.
1. A moderately experienced pain, by putting one plus (+); a severe one by two pluses (++), and a very severe one by three pluses (+++).
2. Where two opposite conditions are given together (e.g. tall/short), strike off the one which is not applicable.
3. Put a cross(x) against questions not applicable to the patient.
Name; ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Sex; M/F. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Occupation. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Address. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Married/Unmarried. -------------------------------------------------------
Height: Tall/Medium/Short.
Build: Thin/Normal/Obese.-----------------------------------------------
Age. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A. (A) Please state briefly the serious complaints the patient has suffered from since childhood.
B. Nature of complaint. Year of occurrence. How long did it lost. Any recurrence thereafter.
C. Any history of Asthma, T.B, Cancer, Psoriasis, Insanity or any other disease.
2. Present (Chief) Complaint. Please state all the disorders patient has latterly suffered from---even if he considers any of them unimportant, or not related to his main complaint.
Part of the body affected.
Sensations and complaints.
Modalities. Aggravation/Amelioration.
Probable cause.
3. Any disorder of senses of Taste/Smell/Hearing/Vision/Touch.-----------------
( Appetite/Hunger; is it normal? ---Excessive? ----Deficient------, Capricious (At unusual time)? ----- (Waiting).
Does he feel filled up after a few morsels of food---------------Abdomen bloated---------Flatulence (Gas)/------Heartburn/-------Eructation.----------
©.Food items for which patient has a craving of aversions and which disagree with him.
Food Items. Cravings. Aversion. Disagree.
Salty things.
Sour things.
Potatoes/Starchy food.
Fried things.
Drinks, Warm/Cold.
Drinks, ice cold.
Raw vegetables.
Juicy, refreshing things.
Alcoholic Liquors.
Any other.
Thirst. Please indicate the intensity of his thirst with suitable ticks.
Thirsty (Drinks a lot in a day).
Thirst less (Drinks comparatively little in a day):
Quantity and frequency: Thirst for large/small quantity and at long/shorts intervals.
Stools. Please indicate severity with plus marks:
Nature of stools. Soft, Hard, Bloody, Slimy, with urging, Must strain, No of stools.
Bleeding; ----Blind; ----Protruding; -----itching----Burning, -----Fissures, ----Painful, ----Fistula.
Aggravated by; -----------Ameliorated.
Profuse/scanty; ----Frequent, -----Dribbling, -----Burning, -----InvoluntaryDay/Night,
Colour, odour, painful, deposits, sugar, stones (Kidney/Bladder).
Position in which urine passes easily.
Any complaints: ------
Bronchitis; Asthma, Rapid, Oppressed, Rattling, Wheezing,
Difficult Expiration/inspiration.
Taste, Odour, copious/little., watery, Tenacious.
Sexual. Male.
Desire: strong/weak.
Emission. In sleep, during stool/too early.
Coition, any complaint during, or after.
History of venereal diseases.
Age at first menstruation. ------.
Profuse/scanty: Too early/Too late.
Red/Dark/Pitch like/Smell Fetid.
Nature of the complaint in relation to menses.
Before menses/During Menses/After Menses.
Watery/Thick/Tenacious/Fetid smell/Acrid? Excoriating/Any other.
Causes Itching.
Abortion if any.
During which month of pregnancy.
Coition: Aversion to.Desire, Strong/Weak.
Number of children: ----Sterility.
Side of the body Affected.
(Please name the anatomical region, also stating right or left side of the body)
Complaints first appeared in ------Right/Left.
Complaints then extended to-------Right/Left from.
Complaints shift from place to another.
Cold or Hot (Burning) Sensation.
Cold/Hot (Burning in:Vertex/Eyes/ears/Face/Stomach/Abdomen/Back/Palm/Soles.Any other.
Sweat. If excessive.
Where/When/Odor of sweat/Does it stain clothes/Color of the stain.
Very little sweat (Dry skin)
Partial Sweat on; Head/Face/Soles or others.
Skin, Glands/Bones.
Nature of disease.Where/Dry/Oozing/Itching/Moist/Watery/Viscid/Bloody/Pus/Burning.
Normal/Sound/Disturbed/Difficult/Too sleepy/Sleeplessness/Unreflecting.
Position in sleep.
Lies on back/on right/left./lies on abdomen/Head rose.
At which time the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
Under what circumstances the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
In what season the complaint the complaint is aggravated/amelioration.
Mental attitude.
Ball or plug/burning/heat/benumbing/bruished/bursting/splitting/chilly/cramps/constricting/contracting/dizziness/vertigo/emptiness/fullness/itching internally/tingling/lethargy/itching/scratching/hammering/neuralgic/hammering/numbness/restlessness/scraping/sinking feeling/jerking/twitching/stiffness/rigidity/stinging/sprained/dislocated/throbbing/pulsating/trembling/quivering/tightness/tension./any other.
Any other complaint anywhere in the body.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Questionnaire for Taking the Case.
Please indicate a normal condition of health by writing N.
1. A moderately experienced pain, by putting one plus (+); a severe one by two pluses (++), and a very severe one by three pluses (+++).
2. Where two opposite conditions are given together (e.g. tall/short), strike off the one which is not applicable.
3. Put a cross(x) against questions not applicable to the patient.
Name; Richard---------------------------------------------------------------.
Sex; M. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Occupation. Student----------------------------------------------------------------
Address. USA--------------------------------------------------------------------
Unmarried. -------------------------------------------------------
Height: Tall
Build: Normal-----------------------------------------------
Age. 16------------------------------------------------------------------------
A. (A) Please state briefly the serious complaints the patient has suffered from since childhood.
Had frequent ear infections when 3 years of age. Eventually stopped after taking NAET treatments. Otherwise good health.
B. Nature of complaint. Year of occurrence. How long did it lost. Any recurrence thereafter.
Had frequent ear infections when 3 years of age. Eventually stopped after taking NAET treatments. Otherwise good health.
C. Any history of Asthma, T.B, Cancer, Psoriasis, Insanity or any other disease.
Not Applicable
2. Present (Chief) Complaint. Please state all the disorders patient has latterly suffered from---even if he considers any of them unimportant, or not related to his main complaint.
Myopia started aroung 4 years of age and has been slowly progressing. Also have mild astigmatism.
Part of the body affected.
Sensations and complaints.
Poor distance vision.
Modalities. Aggravation/Amelioration.
Doing near work.
Probable cause.
3. Any disorder of senses of Taste/Smell/Hearing/Vision/Touch. myopia
( Appetite/Hunger; is it normal? Hunger is normal
Does he feel filled up after a few morsels of food. No
Sometimes experience stomach ache after eating breakfast but it goes away quickly.
©.Food items for which patient has a craving of aversions and which disagree with him.
Food Items. Cravings. Aversion. Disagree.
Sweets. Craving
Salty things.
Sour things. Aversion
Milk. Disagree (drink Soy Milk as Cow milk causes nasal congestion cough if consumed in excess)
Eggs. Aversion (Do not eat eggs)
Meat/Fish. Aversion (do not eat meat / fish) Take fish oit supplement.
Spices(Condiments) Aversion (do not like spicy food)
Potatoes/Starchy food.
Fried things.
Drinks, Warm/Cold. Do not consume to many warm drinks.
Drinks, ice cold.
Onion/Garlic. Only eat cooked as an ingredient to some dishes.
Raw vegetables.
Juicy, refreshing things.
Alcoholic Liquors. Aversion (do not drink)
Any other.
Thirst. Please indicate the intensity of his thirst with suitable ticks.
Thirsty (Drinks a lot in a day). +
Thirst less (Drinks comparatively little in a day): N
Quantity and frequency: Thirst for small quantity and at long intervals.
Stools. Please indicate severity with plus marks: +
Nature of stools. Soft, Hard, Bloody, Slimy, with urging, Must strain, No of stools.
Once a day. Normal. Sometimes sticky. Rarely constipated.
Bleeding; N---Blind; -N--Protruding; -N---itching-N--Burning, --N--Fissures, --N-Painful, -N--Fistula. N
Aggravated by; --N---------Ameliorated.
Urine. Normal
Profuse/scanty; ----Frequent, -----Dribbling, -----Burning, -----InvoluntaryDay/Night,
Colour, odour, painful, deposits, sugar, stones (Kidney/Bladder).
Position in which urine passes easily.
Breathing. Shallow Breathing (do not like hot, stuffy environments)
Any complaints: ------
Bronchitis; Asthma, Rapid, Oppressed, Rattling, Wheezing,
Difficult Expiration/inspiration.
Expectoration. Little
Taste, Odour, copious/little., watery, Tenacious.
Sexual. Male.
Desire: weak.
Emission. normal
Coition, any complaint during, or after.
History of venereal diseases.
Age at first menstruation. ------.
Profuse/scanty: Too early/Too late.
Red/Dark/Pitch like/Smell Fetid.
Nature of the complaint in relation to menses.
Before menses/During Menses/After Menses.
Watery/Thick/Tenacious/Fetid smell/Acrid? Excoriating/Any other.
Causes Itching.
Abortion if any.
During which month of pregnancy.
Coition: Aversion to.Desire, Strong/Weak.
Number of children: ----Sterility.
Side of the body Affected.
(Please name the anatomical region, also stating right or left side of the body)
Complaints first appeared in ------Right/Left.
Complaints then extended to-------Right/Left from.
Complaints shift from place to another.
Cold or Hot (Burning) Sensation.
Cold/Hot (Burning in:Vertex/Eyes/ears/Face/Stomach/Abdomen/Back/Palm/Soles.Any other.
Sweat. Normal
If excessive.
Where/When/Odor of sweat/Does it stain clothes/Color of the stain.
Very little sweat (Dry skin)
Partial Sweat on; Head/Face/Soles or others.
Skin, Glands/Bones.
Nature of disease.Where/Dry/Oozing/Itching/Moist/Watery/Viscid/Bloody/Pus/Burning.
Position in sleep.
Lies on back/on right/left
Modalities. N/A
At which time the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
Under what circumstances the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
In what season the complaint the complaint is aggravated/amelioration.
Mental attitude. At school generally okay and get along well. At home more irritable. Get frustrated if things don'y go my way.
Ball or plug/burning/heat/benumbing/bruished/bursting/splitting/chilly/cramps/constricting/contracting/dizziness/vertigo/emptiness/fullness/itching internally/tingling/lethargy/itching/scratching/hammering/neuralgic/hammering/numbness/restlessness/scraping/sinking feeling/jerking/twitching/stiffness/rigidity/stinging/sprained/dislocated/throbbing/pulsating/trembling/quivering/tightness/tension./any other.
Any other complaint anywhere in the body.
Please indicate a normal condition of health by writing N.
1. A moderately experienced pain, by putting one plus (+); a severe one by two pluses (++), and a very severe one by three pluses (+++).
2. Where two opposite conditions are given together (e.g. tall/short), strike off the one which is not applicable.
3. Put a cross(x) against questions not applicable to the patient.
Name; Richard---------------------------------------------------------------.
Sex; M. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Occupation. Student----------------------------------------------------------------
Address. USA--------------------------------------------------------------------
Unmarried. -------------------------------------------------------
Height: Tall
Build: Normal-----------------------------------------------
Age. 16------------------------------------------------------------------------
A. (A) Please state briefly the serious complaints the patient has suffered from since childhood.
Had frequent ear infections when 3 years of age. Eventually stopped after taking NAET treatments. Otherwise good health.
B. Nature of complaint. Year of occurrence. How long did it lost. Any recurrence thereafter.
Had frequent ear infections when 3 years of age. Eventually stopped after taking NAET treatments. Otherwise good health.
C. Any history of Asthma, T.B, Cancer, Psoriasis, Insanity or any other disease.
Not Applicable
2. Present (Chief) Complaint. Please state all the disorders patient has latterly suffered from---even if he considers any of them unimportant, or not related to his main complaint.
Myopia started aroung 4 years of age and has been slowly progressing. Also have mild astigmatism.
Part of the body affected.
Sensations and complaints.
Poor distance vision.
Modalities. Aggravation/Amelioration.
Doing near work.
Probable cause.
3. Any disorder of senses of Taste/Smell/Hearing/Vision/Touch. myopia
( Appetite/Hunger; is it normal? Hunger is normal
Does he feel filled up after a few morsels of food. No
Sometimes experience stomach ache after eating breakfast but it goes away quickly.
©.Food items for which patient has a craving of aversions and which disagree with him.
Food Items. Cravings. Aversion. Disagree.
Sweets. Craving
Salty things.
Sour things. Aversion
Milk. Disagree (drink Soy Milk as Cow milk causes nasal congestion cough if consumed in excess)
Eggs. Aversion (Do not eat eggs)
Meat/Fish. Aversion (do not eat meat / fish) Take fish oit supplement.
Spices(Condiments) Aversion (do not like spicy food)
Potatoes/Starchy food.
Fried things.
Drinks, Warm/Cold. Do not consume to many warm drinks.
Drinks, ice cold.
Onion/Garlic. Only eat cooked as an ingredient to some dishes.
Raw vegetables.
Juicy, refreshing things.
Alcoholic Liquors. Aversion (do not drink)
Any other.
Thirst. Please indicate the intensity of his thirst with suitable ticks.
Thirsty (Drinks a lot in a day). +
Thirst less (Drinks comparatively little in a day): N
Quantity and frequency: Thirst for small quantity and at long intervals.
Stools. Please indicate severity with plus marks: +
Nature of stools. Soft, Hard, Bloody, Slimy, with urging, Must strain, No of stools.
Once a day. Normal. Sometimes sticky. Rarely constipated.
Bleeding; N---Blind; -N--Protruding; -N---itching-N--Burning, --N--Fissures, --N-Painful, -N--Fistula. N
Aggravated by; --N---------Ameliorated.
Urine. Normal
Profuse/scanty; ----Frequent, -----Dribbling, -----Burning, -----InvoluntaryDay/Night,
Colour, odour, painful, deposits, sugar, stones (Kidney/Bladder).
Position in which urine passes easily.
Breathing. Shallow Breathing (do not like hot, stuffy environments)
Any complaints: ------
Bronchitis; Asthma, Rapid, Oppressed, Rattling, Wheezing,
Difficult Expiration/inspiration.
Expectoration. Little
Taste, Odour, copious/little., watery, Tenacious.
Sexual. Male.
Desire: weak.
Emission. normal
Coition, any complaint during, or after.
History of venereal diseases.
Age at first menstruation. ------.
Profuse/scanty: Too early/Too late.
Red/Dark/Pitch like/Smell Fetid.
Nature of the complaint in relation to menses.
Before menses/During Menses/After Menses.
Watery/Thick/Tenacious/Fetid smell/Acrid? Excoriating/Any other.
Causes Itching.
Abortion if any.
During which month of pregnancy.
Coition: Aversion to.Desire, Strong/Weak.
Number of children: ----Sterility.
Side of the body Affected.
(Please name the anatomical region, also stating right or left side of the body)
Complaints first appeared in ------Right/Left.
Complaints then extended to-------Right/Left from.
Complaints shift from place to another.
Cold or Hot (Burning) Sensation.
Cold/Hot (Burning in:Vertex/Eyes/ears/Face/Stomach/Abdomen/Back/Palm/Soles.Any other.
Sweat. Normal
If excessive.
Where/When/Odor of sweat/Does it stain clothes/Color of the stain.
Very little sweat (Dry skin)
Partial Sweat on; Head/Face/Soles or others.
Skin, Glands/Bones.
Nature of disease.Where/Dry/Oozing/Itching/Moist/Watery/Viscid/Bloody/Pus/Burning.
Position in sleep.
Lies on back/on right/left
Modalities. N/A
At which time the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
Under what circumstances the complaint is aggravated/Ameliorated.
In what season the complaint the complaint is aggravated/amelioration.
Mental attitude. At school generally okay and get along well. At home more irritable. Get frustrated if things don'y go my way.
Ball or plug/burning/heat/benumbing/bruished/bursting/splitting/chilly/cramps/constricting/contracting/dizziness/vertigo/emptiness/fullness/itching internally/tingling/lethargy/itching/scratching/hammering/neuralgic/hammering/numbness/restlessness/scraping/sinking feeling/jerking/twitching/stiffness/rigidity/stinging/sprained/dislocated/throbbing/pulsating/trembling/quivering/tightness/tension./any other.
Any other complaint anywhere in the body.
RB123 last decade
I have gone through your case.Please take sulphur 200c,one dose in the morning,the second one in the evening and the third dose the next morning. The dose is 5 drops in a little water.Watch the result and inform about any change after 15 days.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Sajjad
You used to give repertorial analysis.
That will help many, to understand why a medicine is selected and how.
Particularly when medicine is selected bases on a questionnery.
You used to give repertorial analysis.
That will help many, to understand why a medicine is selected and how.
Particularly when medicine is selected bases on a questionnery.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
i am myopic from last 17 age is present eyesight is right -5 left eyesight has been stable for last 10 years no furthur increase in number...i m taking physostigma 200c for i months...i m not seeing any improvement in my sight... is physostigma is enough for the removal of glasses..and wat is the scope of homeopathy for patients like me
goodboyrohit last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.