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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help to solve Autism Mystery

I have an 12 yrs old autistic son. From last one and half year i'm insearch of right medicine. I am motivated to learn homeopathy specially for my son because i believe that there is a medicine which can solve autism of my son. But because for his autism he can not able to tell what exactly he thinks or what other physical and mental probelm he is going through like other patients.
So i decided to find out through his visible symtom. Now I need your help to guide me.

1)His Physical symtoms are
Hands are very restless and fingers numb because he asks sometimes to bite them. Ask often to tickle toes.

2)His hairs starting grey from age of 4.

3)Mind ... imaginative and lost in his world.

4)Loves sweet, salty and all greasy food

5)Does'nt like to bend to pick up things in the floor always pick with his feet

6)stooped back

7)Cheerful ..thinks about old friends ..happy moments and gets excited .. repetitively talk about them ..make stories ..sometimes he thinks himself to be some of his friend character and like to call him by his friend's name.

8)Digestive system is not very good ..though after stopping milk its better than before.

9)Apathy, indiffernce from social activities

Your reply and suggestions will be much appreciated.

  Dipika on 2006-10-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also read:
kuldeep last decade
Thanks for responding. But autism is much more different thing from learning disabilty or down syndrome. Autism may combined with redardation but autism itself is a different syndrom which means person lives in his own world. Unless we solve autism we can not detect other problems.
Would you like to comment about the features i mentioned in this post?

Dipika last decade
My instant perception indicates Belladonna. Barayata Carbonica is for brain development.

Some times Autoistic people respond to Sulphur also.

First you should try Belladonna 6c once a day for a week. Observer the results.

Then Sulphur 30 once a day for a week.

Barayata Carbonica is also for brain tissue change.

Try each medicine in homeopathy way and observe the effect. Few days ago a boy's mother discovered that with Sulpur his boy sleeps better and with Belladonna his days are better.

Another in the line is Tuberculenum, if your boy is a kind of wanderer and Veratrum Album it he wanders around and sings songs plus loves sour things.

You must take his case in your hands and educate yourself about remedies. Only then he can be cured.
kuldeep last decade
I tried Baryta carb before but did'nt work. My son does'nt match with sulphur and belladona. The other drug u said ... i never tried ...but i will definetly see that.
Yes want to take my son's case in my hand and unless i'm sure i will not try..but i want to discuss my ideas with people here. For example ...if we want to see numbness or restless of body ...which medicines have the strong sign ...and then will match which is best maching with other syntoms. Other stong sign is he never wants to bend to pick up a thing from floor. It may me because he feels heaviness in the head or he has space orientation problem...which are drugs for that ..
I tried first only by behaviour but did'nt work... that's why i'm matching with stong physical characters.
Dipika last decade
the story has to start from the time you had conceived.

- did u suffer from any trauma during pregnancy.

- was his father a late learner as well.

- was his childhood normal

- did he experience any emotional or physical shocks during his childhood.

- describe his body structure

- is his head bigger than normal

- is his chest narrow

- does he suffer from cold n cough often.

- is he shy of strangers

- what r his cravings and aversions.
rishimba last decade
Espacially his head structure? Is it symmitrical?
kuldeep last decade
Thanks Rishimba !

Now answers of your questions:

After i concieved i had a strange emotinal problem of fear that my marriage will not work ...that fear was so strong that it was beyound my control. I tried to avoid as much as possible but it was kind of strong adhesive. That stayed for first 3 months of my pregnancy and it was stopped because after that i faced real family life problem ..that acually helped to distract that unnessecary fear.

His father was not late learner ..he was good in academics ..but still he had very low confidence level ..shows good result with lycopodium

Are you asking childhood of his father or son?

My son when 7 months old once fell down from bed and his back of his head was hit by floor. He was in a state of shock for 4-5 sec ...and then cried.

His head size is normal. He was checked up by various neurological docters ... those things are normal

Previously he was thin(healthy) ... but from last 2 years he is gaining fat in the abdomen region.
His height is good. From last 3 years he is growing m more rapidly than previous years.
Arms and legs are tall.
eye are big and have very big eye lash ..he often gets compliment for eyelashes and cute look.

No his chest is not narrow

He does not suffer from cold cough much ... in fact he rarely catches cold
he has more Gastrointestinal problems ...difficulty in digesting proteins

No he is not shy ...

He loves all tasty food ...craving for all sweets, salty, macdonald burgers, french fries, chicken, indian chats, greasy food, nuts specially cashew, peanuts, fruit like orange, banana, apples, grapes, watermelon, loves fruit juices, crispy salads like cucumbers, carrots, raw onions.
He has also cravings for milk products like cheese but from last 4-5 years we r not giving any milk product. He previously had too often loose motion which is almost gone now after stopping milk. Though he still has other problems in digestion

Only thing he dislike is fish. he can not tolerate the smell.
He has strong feature of smell ..he strongly like all perfumes, soaps, shampoos etc ..and some other smell like petrol, neil polish etc

Please let me know if you want to know anything else.
Dipika last decade
yes ..head is symetrical
Dipika last decade
Hello Dipika,

Many thanks to bring your sons's case to the forum. As you know I have two children with autism.

Especially my elder sons's head is very big although younger sons's head is comparatively bigger than normal. I have also tried Bryta, Arnica, Natrum mur, Cal phos but nothing is working that much.

When at first I used Bryta then I found that they were trying to talk a little more although it is gone now.

It seems Natrum Muricum reduced a little bit of stress (I am not 100% sure)for my elder son then gone away. The main thing is that it is very difficult to measure or see the changes because they do not talk or communicate.

I would like to use Tuberculin as well but a bit afraid of its side effect! Could any one please let me know is there any side effect of Tuberculin?

I would also like to use DPT remedy as Erica of the froum informed me that she has used it for her son with dramatic success. Any comments on that.

Looking forward for helps in line with Dipika.

Nitish last decade

you didnt tell me earlier that the heads of your sons are bigger in comparison to the body.

this is a case of CALC CARB.

did you try the remedy? Do not give tuberculinum as some strong symptoms of tuberculinum are not indicated.

i would suggest nitish to try CALC CARB 200C one dose in the morning every 3 or 4 days. you should see improvement in 2 weeks.
rishimba last decade
Dipika, your son's treatment shall start with NAT MUR 1M.

this is because your pregnancy was not a happy one which is a probable reason for autism in children. NAT MUR is the remedy for autism if the diathesis is mental grief, sorrow or shock.

some of your son's symptoms are also covered by NAT MUR, like aversion to fish, craving for milk, sweet and salt etc.

three doses, one every week of NAT MUR 1M would be a suitable start.

we shall study the improvements after a month and suggest the next suitable remedy. I believe you can also try CALC CARB one month after NAT MUR because of some guiding symptoms like - fat abdomen, milk disorders, liking of smells of undigestible items like petrol etc.
rishimba last decade
I just finished by nat mur ..but 200 c every alternate day for 15 days. It did'nt help but develop more symtom like his nibbles get very hard, stool constipated and tongue blisters. I think 200 C when given every alternate day is strong enough to show some positive effect but it did'nt. I was very much sure for Nat mur as you said his food craving and many other symtoms showing that. I may start again with 1M or CM.

What do you think about arg nit? It matches His GI problem, impulsiveness, not bending.. as if head is heavy,Aloofness from society, too imaginative about self , crave for sweet etc.
Nitish .. get in link with me ... we will get more ideas.
Dipika last decade
NAT MUR 200C every alternate day for 15 days is too much of dosing.

you should have only given this once a week for three weeks. Three doses would set a reaction and then you can stop or repeat based on the status.

I am afraid that your son is going through major aggravations.

Do not give any further dosing of NAT MUR. There are some antidotes like ARS ALB or PHOS but i would suggest wait for a month now without giving any remedy ti him.

Because we are trying to enter into the mental sphere of the child, the potency of 1M is better. But you will give it once a week for 3 weeks maximum. you will give it only if you dont see any improvement in one month.

wait for a month after giving NAT MUR 1M and only then try with CALC CARB.

Please do not think about any other remedy now.

Please follow the dosing rules; no overdosing.
rishimba last decade
I too think i did overdosing ... what aggravation he may go through ? Yes i now think 1M can be good ...but recently i ordered CM ... for 1 M i have to order again as here availibilty is not local. Can i try CM ? Will it be too strong ?
Dipika last decade
A big NO.

Higher potencies (higher than 1M) should never be used on a trial basis, without the supervision of a professional.

CM..My goodness!!

It is a dynamite,and should not be handled casually.

gavinimurthy last decade
Murthy ...i already used 200 c before alternate day showed no result. It is under someone's supervision. Problem is .. different homeopath have different ideas about potencies ....some says lower is safe but for chronic disease we need higher potencies ..i'm so confused ... i too don't want higher potencies.
Dipika last decade
Rishimba ... i want to add one more point ... when he was born ... his tummy and neck area had loose skin/muscles and if filled up before and then removed.. as started growing old fat deposited because of loose muscle. So fat in tummy is not like a bulge ...its like tyre ..
This is just an information if that indicates something ..
Dipika last decade
please do not go for anything further than 1M potency.

this potency is just capable of setting a reaction if it does at all.

in such cases, unfortunately, we dont have any marked symptoms which accurately points at the remedy. based on the symptoms you have presented, we find out the most suitable ones.

once you finish three doses of NATMUR 1M wait for a month and then give CALC CARB 200C as suggested earlier.
rishimba last decade
Ok ..Rishimba ... I will go with 1 M then.
My son is behaving very bad from last 2-3 days. He has become very irritable. He is asking too much for cold drinks which we stopped for his health issue. Also talking about his old friends, grand parents which are not here. He is pinching and shrieking. he is telling that he is feeling angry and sad. Is it because of overdosing of Nat mur?
Dipika last decade
it is most probably due to the over dosing of nat mur as these are nat mur symptoms.

but, you shouldnt worry, this will be just for a week or so. your son is going to overcome this shortly.

then, gradually he should start improving.
rishimba last decade
Hello Rishimba,
His aggravation has come down ... but can't see much improvement in his autistic behaviour. Also .. there is a development of hard lump under his both nipple which happened after giving Nat Mur(it is still there). Its painful also. Same development happened when i gave Baryta carb before .docter said its a bit early puberty and gone gradually after stopping baryta carb. With nat mur he aslo developed mouth blisters, constipation which have not gone completly.
I want to know why both of these medicine showed development on physical and not in mental?

Now after sometime if i start 1M ..i have to order it now. You also suggested Cal carb. Should i order for 1 M for that also. Please reply soon so that i can order both of them
Dipika last decade
Hello Rishimba and Dipika,

My younger son also developed some lump (little brown things) on his back and head after giving Bryta 30C in wet dose and/or arnica 1M in wet dose. I do not know what to do?

Nitish last decade

Order for NAT MUR 1M and CALC CARB 200C.

please do not go for CALC CARB 1M directly for a child if you have not tried 200C.

I agree with your doctor, the hard lump in the nipple is a normal puberty symptom. every boy will have that when the secondary growth starts.

To enter the mental sphere you have to go to higher potencies. thus, we will try 1M and then one dose of 10M if required. but step by step and waiting at least 15 to 20 days ater giving one dose of each.


the lump on the back or in the occiput is a proving symptom of BAR CARB.

stop giving him BAR CARB and you will see after some days it will subside.
rishimba last decade
I will start nat mur 1 M next week as you said to wait till month to get over from the effect of overdosing.
Now I'm little scared from the agravation if happens again ... should i keep some antidote if in case i need ? i have Argentum Nitrate 1 M at home.(i know bad effect of Arg nit can be antidoted by nat mur ....does it effect vice-versa also). or i should get something else?
Dipika last decade
Also ..does the antidote has to be the same potency?
Dipika last decade

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