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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Baby Boy 33 months old diagnosed Autism

In Jan. 2006 my son was diagnosed with speech delay. He has had early intervention services since then. In June 2006 I had him retested and was told he had mild/moderate Autism. I am looking to treat him Homeopathically but I need help.

I had a normal pregancy he was full term. DOB 2/29/04 Born 8.11 lbs. apgar 9/9. I didn't have much stress during the pregancy. I was caring for his sister they are 20 months apart. I was considered high risk due to thalisima minor. So the pregancy was monitored closely. I had no dental work during pregancy, did not eat fish ( don't like it anyway).

When I went into labor it was the normal trip to the hospital. I was checked and the Doctor administered cervidyl. I do not know why since I just had a baby 20 months prior. Labor went quickly in hospital at 11:30pm admitted & delivery by 2:10am.

My son was breastfed for 19 months. He had a wonderful appetite he ate everything. He was a loving little boy.

Vaccine History:
In the hospital againts my wishes they gave him the Hep B vaccine. At 2 months 4/30/04 he recieved IPV, Prevnar, Hep B. At 4mths 6/1/04 DTaP, HIB, Hep B. At 5 mths 7/2/04 DtaP, HIB, IPV. At 7 mths 9/3/04 DTap, HIB, Prevnar, At 10 mths 12/4/04 IPV, Prevnar, At 15 mths 6/14/05 DTap, Hib, MMR, Prevnar, Varicella, PPD. At 2 yrs. 3/1/06 PPD

Rx History: (All ear infections except 11/16/04 thrush)
Amox. 3/24/04
omnicef 8/11/04
omnicef 8/26/04
amox. 9/7/04
carbaxefed 10/4/04
omnicef 10/4/04
nystatin 11/16/04 (Thrush in mouth)
amox. 2/9/05
omnicef 6/21/05
omnicef 6/25/05
amox. TR-K 1/21/06
omnicef 2/6/06
amox TR-K 3/29/06

Clearly after looking at this history, this is a case of vaccine damage. Ear infections, and thrush all after vaccines and prior.

The doctor was administering Tyelnol and when he got older Advil prior to vaccines. Now I know why.

His milestones were normal until his regression at 15 months. He was babbling and calling mama & dada. He walked at 13 mths. and then it was all over he climbed all over everything. He started doing this visual tracking thing lines up cars and looks at then from the sides of his eyes started in 11/05 he gets very upset when I stop him. He would rock in his highchair so hard that he actually broke 3 chairs. That started around the early summer of 2004. By June of 2005 he lost eye contact I would call his name and he appeared to be deaf.

I will try to describe him as best as I can here. He is lovable, likes attention to a degree, likes the bath and likes the pool. He never liked milk (milk allergy present) I gave him soy until I found out that he was allergic to that too, Also allergic to wheat and rice, He barely plays with toys the right way espically cars, he likes chicken nuggets, juice, eggs, fries, cookies his diet is very limited since 1/2006, he now flaps his hands started in 9/2006, he can count to 10, and know colors, language has started to emerge since 8/2006,his hands are always down his pants, he used to take his fecal matter out of the diaper and put it all over everything ( thank God that stopped), he doesn't like anything healthy no fruit( he at one time loved it) no veggies (at one time loved them).

As for family history:
Mom side:
cancer, brain anyurism, alzheimers, high blood pressure, Cushing's syndrome, diabetes, angina
Dad's side:
Cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, brain anyurism, mental illness, adhd, drug abuse

Somebody please give me some insight. I want my little boy back.
  raymish on 2006-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention that he tans wonderful never burns and his eyes the whites look almost blue. When he was born he had blue spots in the whites of the eyes.
raymish last decade
Treatment of autism needs the supervision of a professional homeopath. There are no quick fixes.

I suggest you find a professional homeopath to take your son to and do research on your own. Such as reading the book 'The Impossible Cure' and websites like www.recoveredfromautism.com

I wish you the best. If anything can help your son, I believe homeopathy can, but this forum is no place for such a complicated case.

ruth45 last decade

Thank you for the reply. I have read the book and been to the sight you mentioned. I am looking for an experienced Homeopath for this. This is why I have posted on this forum. I have all the information that is needed. I just need help and direction.
raymish last decade
I meant take your son to a professional homeopath in person. I don't think a responsible homeopath is going to attempt to treat autism from a few paragraphs posted on this forum.

But no matter what you do, I would advise you to keep a notebook. I have been using homeopathy for all my childrens' lives (now teenagers) and I wish I had kept records of everything they had been given and the results. Don't rely on your memory. Record every dose and then keep a diary of any changes you notice.

From the thorough history you gave, it sounds like you are probably a good record keeper anyway, but I just want to encourage you to keep track of everything during homeopathic treatment.

Best of luck,
ruth45 last decade

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