The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Perianal abscess
I am 38 M and suffering from Per. Abs. since last 2 months.I had allopahic treatment for afew days in begining but not cure fully. That formed in abscess with puss discharge and surgeon asked me to operate. Then I contacted Homeopath With Low dose of silecia 3x,calcareia pic 6x,cal sulf6x, heper sulf 6- the abs bursted and after one week the treatment changed to sileca30 echinatia30 cal sul12x cal pic 200 and puss converted into watery discharge, drops of blood. pl suggest me whether Iam on right track? Will it be cured completely? if surgery is urgent?IfI amleading to more complicacies? Pl help mekumar_s on 2007-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The perianal area is subject to high possibility of repeated infection. So you will need to be scrupulously clean all the time if you do not want your abcesses to become dangerous and lead to life-threatening septacaemia (blood poisoning).
So if you trust your medical options to ensure this will happen, that's up to you. But the surgical option with proper infection control is surer and faster, with far fewer complications.
So if you trust your medical options to ensure this will happen, that's up to you. But the surgical option with proper infection control is surer and faster, with far fewer complications.
ZepOz last decade
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