
The following are the indications of Senega, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Suddenly remembers unimportant regions which he saw long ago
Inclined to quarrel.
mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish;
Dullness, with pressure and weakness of eyes
Pain in temples
Bursting pain in forehead.
head, pain, headache, air, open (see walking in open air);
head, pain, headache, warm room;
Hyperphoria, better by bending head backwards
Acts on the rectus superior
Blepharitis, lids dry and crusty ( Graph.) Dryness, with sensation As if too large for orbits
Flickering, must wipe eyes frequently
Objects look shaded
Muscular asthenopia ( Caust.) Double vision, better only by bending head backward
Opacities of the vitreous humor
Promotes absorption of fragments of lens, after operation.
eye, pain;
eye, pain, pressing;
eye, weak;
eye, weak, while reading;
vision, dim, when reading;
vision, exertion of vision;
vision, weak (see eyes, weak), using eyes;
Paralysis of left side of face
Heat in face
Burning vesicles in corners of mouth and lips.
Nostrils feel peppery.
Coryza, much watery mucus and sneezing
mouth, taste, metallic;
Catarrhal inflammation of throat and fauces, with scraping hoarseness
Burning and rawness
Sensation as if membrane had been abraded.
throat, catarrh;
throat, catarrh, in old people;
throat, catarrh, trachea (wind pipe);
throat, dryness;
throat, dryness, larynx;
throat, mucus, in the air passages;
throat, pain, burning, larynx;
chest, catarrh;
chest, catarrh, aged people;
chest, constriction, tension;
chest, heat, flushes (see congestion);
chest, inflammation, lungs;
chest, inflammation, lung lining;
chest, oppressed feeling;
chest, pain;
chest, pain, during a cough;
chest, pain, when sitting;
chest, pain, breast bone, when walking fast;
chest, pain, clawing;
chest, pain, pressing;
chest, pain, sore, bruised;
chest, pain, sore, bruised, from coughing;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp;
chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, sides, left;
chest, pulsation;
chest, weakness;
Hurts to talk
Bursting pain in back on coughing
Catarrh of larynx
Loss of voice
Hacking cough
Thorax feels too narrow
Cough often ends in a sneeze
rattling in chest ( Tart)
Emet.) Chest oppressed on ascending
Bronchial catarrh, With sore chest walls; much mucus, sensation of oppression and weight of chest
Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus, in the aged
Asthenic bronchitis of old people with chronic interstitial nephritis or chronic emphysema
Old asthmatics with congestive attacks
Exudations in pleura
Hydrothorax ( Merc)
Sulph.) Pressure on chest as though lungs were forced back to spine
Voice unsteady, vocal cords partially paralyzed.
Urinary Organs.
Greatly diminished, loaded with shreds and mucus, scalding before and after urinating
BACK, bursting distending pain in kidney region.
respiration, rattling;
expectoration, white;
expectoration, white, albuminous (white, thick);
expectoration, difficult;
expectoration, thick, and sticky;
expectoration, transparent, clear;
skin, dry;
urine, frothy;
genitals, female, period, scanty;
generalities, pain, pressing, internally;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm room;
generalities, warmth, warm room;