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Can you recommend a remedy for...?

Prescribing homeopathic remedies must take a large number of factors into account, and we can not therefore give advice by email. In order of preference, we recommend:

1. See a professional homeopath. We publish a short list in our directory, and your national homeopathic association will be able to give you more.

2. If you are not able to see a professional homeopath, our online homeopathic remedy finder suggests remedies for the symptoms you enter. Remember though, it works primarily by symptoms, not conditions. i.e. for a cold, enter "headache + runny nose + sneezing + cough" rather than "cold".

3. Finally, you can send a message to our forums appealing to homeopaths for help. Give the most specific description of your condition that you can

Please remember that the information you receive should not be taken as a substitute for seeing a medical professional. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.