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Help for daughter Page 2 of 5

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To Sameer,
I was reading the symptoms listed under platinum metallicum & had a few questions. If she doesn't have all the ailments listed and I give her the remedy will she then get some/all of those ailments? Some of the ones listed scare me. I am still waiting for remedy to arrive in mail.
annlivi2000 last decade
No, she cannot get those ailments. Dont worry. I am proceeding with extreme caution.
sameervermani last decade
Gave her platinum metallicum on Monday, its now Thursday & no change. Should I give it again? Any suggestions - thank you
annlivi2000 last decade
I gave her the platinum metallicum on Monday & it has not helped. Should I give it again? Any suggestions?
annlivi2000 last decade
Sorry, I didn't see page 2
annlivi2000 last decade
Please give her 3 doses of Anacardium Orientale 30c , in the exact same manner.

Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, I was just wondering do you think perhaps a stronger dose would work? I don't understand how the dosing of remedies works so I do not mean to sound like I am questioning you - just curious. If the platinum metallicum was the right remedy would she have had improvement right away or what? Thank you.
annlivi2000 last decade
She should have had some change for sure if Platina was the right remedy. In homeopathy , less is more :)

I will not recommend trying a higher dose.

Going to Anacardium is a better choice.
sameervermani last decade
OK I will have to order this new remedy. She also made an interesting comment to me the other day. We were taking the school hamster home for the weekend and she said 'sometimes they are just so cute I want to rip its head off'. We have 2 cats & 1 dog & I have observed her being cruel to our animals - squeezing them etc. I just thought this may be one more bit of info that may be helpful. I will post results after remedy arrives.
annlivi2000 last decade
This confirms Anacardium even further as it is listed very strongly under the rubric 'cruelty to animals'.

Lets hope this one works.

sameervermani last decade
Alot of hope & a prayer! Thank you Sameer - I do appreciate all the time you have put in for my daughter & myself.
annlivi2000 last decade
So I gave her platinum last Thursday & it was a rough weekend. However, by Monday, she was much better. Do u think she could have had an aggravation? And I am still waiting for anacardium - shall I still give this when it arrives? She is much better - its not perfect but much much better. Thank you
annlivi2000 last decade
Dear Annlivi,

You say you gave it on Thursday and there was aggravation , and in the above post you said ...

'I gave her the platinum metallicum on Monday & it has not helped. Should I give it again? Any suggestions?'

I am confused now. Please clarify

sameervermani last decade
I am sorry - that is my own brain fog confusing the details. I did give the remedy on Monday 9-15 and on this Monday, 9-22 is when things seem to calm down. So one week later is when things got better with her. I am very sorry for the confusion.
annlivi2000 last decade
I am sorry - that is my own brain fog confusing the details. I did give the remedy on Monday 9-15 and on this Monday, 9-22 is when things seem to calm down. So one week later is when things got better with her. I am very sorry for the confusion.
annlivi2000 last decade
Okay , then we must wait.

In future, however, rather than just saying 'remedy did not help' , please let me know if there is any worsening from the remedy as well.

Had I known there was an aggravation, I would told you to wait straight away.

No more doses, now that her body is healing, and update me in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
ok - I will wait
annlivi2000 last decade
Just to let you know, I didn't think she was having aggravation but I didn't understand why one week later, her behavior would get better. It doesn't matter, she is back to her old ways now - it must have been a fluke - she seemed better for only about 5 days. Now its back to screaming, beging defiant etc. So whatever it was it must not have had anything to do with the remedy at all. Too much to hope for I guess.
annlivi2000 last decade
Okay, go ahead with the Anacardium 30 doses, 3 doses at 30 mins gap.
sameervermani last decade
I gave the anacardium yesterday, 10-8. A comment I had regarding the dosage, when we were previously seeing a homeopath she would have her take 6-8 pellets of 30C - 3 doses 8-10 hours apart. I just wonder if that was some of the problem. Anyways, I will post results in a few days. Thank you
annlivi2000 last decade
That should not be the problem.

Good luck !
sameervermani last decade
Gave the anacardium last week, her behavior seemed to improve i.e. thanking me for things, etc. She did develop a minor cold with some sneezing and nasal discharge. Thursday, she doesn't want to do her homework, was trying to cheat, she had a huge tantrum was running after me in the car, had again some tantrums & screaming over the weekend. Generally, things seem ok - not perfect - but she gets very very angry & very frustrated if you don't know exactly what she is talking about.
annlivi2000 last decade
Let us keep waiting then, as a reaction has started, and we should see how far it takes her.

Update me in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
OK I will wait. Thank you for your guidance.
annlivi2000 last decade
I don't know what to think. Last Friday (10-17) she had a really good day, then the screaming & refusing to do chores, etc starts. So, is it working is it not working? If it is working why would it be ok one day & not the next. Today, (10-20) she became very angry - rageful about an incident with a neighbor. So, I don't even know what to tell you Sameer. Its so very frustrating! I want to help her - I fear what the future holds for her if I cannot help her.
annlivi2000 last decade
Dear Annlivi,

Is there a reduction in the frequency or intensity of the anger episodes?

sameervermani last decade

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