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Dr Sameer, Please advise! Page 3 of 13

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Those are worms only
Dubai2009 last decade
Dear Sameer,
This report is for my son:
1. since 3 days ago his skin become very itchy in some parts and only sometimes. for example today about half an hour after he woke up in the morning he had itchy skin on the back of his neck. this is while I haven't changed anything about him(food, clothes, ...). actually the back of his neck was itching yesterday and the day before as well. He scratches to the point that it sometimes bleed. I put calendula cream on the area and then it got better. also sometime there are skin eruptions on his back (torso) no itching though.
2. he seriously doesn't eat meat anymore. I am getting worried.
3.this might be totally useless but I am going to mention it anyway. tonight he wanted to sleep without clothes and without diaper. I tried really hard to explain to him but after about 1 hour of on and off crying we ended up with him slept completely naked. please note that I didn't give up I just didn't want to make him crazy.

Please let me know what should I do.
Thank you
beth2006 last decade
Hmm... and he is still craving ice or that has abated ?
sameervermani last decade
well I don't let him take ice so it is like once every 3-4 days. (for example he had 1 ice cube today) in addition to that every time I squeez lime he wants the juice!!!! he also craves orange recently. today he asked for chips!!!! really weired for him. this is his second time in his whole life having chips.
I can be more specific about his behaviours if that helps. Just let me know.
beth2006 last decade
Yeah, it would be good to have all physical and mental symptoms which are bothersome in the form of a list. Try to be as complete as possible in terms of things that aggravate/ameliorate those symptoms.
sameervermani last decade
Ok, I am really tired right now. it took about an hour to get him to sleep. I will send the report sometime tomorrow.
beth2006 last decade
Dear Sameer,
Sorry for my late reply, but I wanted to be accurate and complete rather than rush into giving him another remedy. See I have learned my lesson: wait & watch, and that I learned from you. Thank you so much.

Here is the list:

1. If I let him he would eat sweets (ice cream, cake, lollipop, chocolate, juice) several times per day. Of course I don’t.

2. He doesn’t eat meat, although since yesterday he has started to eat meat again. Please note that I haven’t forced him in any way.

3. He doesn’t like warm milk. He likes it cold. I just remember that he LOVES almonds very much.

4. His bowel habit is slowing down again. Once every 2 days and again hard at first and the soft. Also there are days that he poops 2 times per day. The second time would be only soft poop. He doesn’t strains and pushes the whole day though, like he used to do before.

5. Recently when he/we can’t do something as he wishes he gets angry and start pressing and pushing objects. (example: he can’t put one block on top of the other he would push the blocks together with all his force) sometimes after these incidents he would grind his teeth. During these sessions if I kiss him and gently distract him he would be fine. But if I don’t (let say I myself am tired) he would go crazy and cry.

6. He won’t walk down stairs by himself again. He wants us to lift him and carry him down.

7. It takes about al least 30 minutes for him to go to sleep at night, sometimes up to one hour. He wants me in his crib and he puts his arm inside my sleeve and rubs his hand and arm against mine until he goes to sleep. Please note that his is not the case for his afternoon nap. Also I found that some nights he jerks and starts a little bit, you know only small ones which you can feel only when you hug him. One more fact regarding his sleep, if he is really tired at night he would go to sleep in like 10-15 minutes. But that is like once in a month.

8. Since 2 days ago he hiccoughs 3 times and looks like that he has some burping problem again.

9. His skin as I mentioned before gets itchy, sometimes red but not itchy, and sometimes there are skin eruptions. Itchy and red parts get better if I put calendula cream on them.

If I think of something else I will let you know.

Please note that his behaviors confirm that he is a phos. He is expressive, extroverted and good-natured. He is also excitable to the point that he may hit things or his hands on the table, he sings loudly and he becomes very funny. He also has an amazing sense of humor. When I take him to sleep and he can see or feel that I am getting angry with him he would say something really funny and I just can’t hold myself and I would laugh.

Very curious and always wants to explore everything around him. His appearance also confirms that he is a phos, tall and thin, very beautiful eyes and eyelashes.
beth2006 last decade
Hi Beth,

Just FYI, long eye lashes, lean body, and extroverted nature can be present in many remedies, and, we cannot be convinced about Phos being the constitution here unless it has been confirmed through long term benefit.

About skin eruptions, they are body's mechanism of throwing toxins outside. Do not worry about them as they can worsen during homeopathic treatment.

Tell me, if we look just mentally at his mood , is he better since we started him on Lycopodium ?

sameervermani last decade
better but not a significant change of his mood. so if you are asking me if he has any mentally problem right now I can't think of anything. all I can say is that he weeps and whines a lot when he gets tired. plus that he would play by himself if sees me busy but as soon as I am free he would come and ask me to play with him.
those are all I can see.
please note that lyc had a very strong effects oh his physical level and I am really happy about that.
thanks a lot
beth2006 last decade
please see my previous posting as well.
ok, now he is having hiccoughs after every meal again. I am pretty sure in the next few days all the previous symptoms come back. looks like that it is bundle!!! anyway, I can wait and see.
one more thing we will be away for one week(vacation) from july 12 until july 19. I have access to computer but not to remedies.
thank you for your attention.
beth2006 last decade
Okay, so I think it is time for Lycopodium 200c.

Dissolve 1 pellet in 250 ml spring water, and give him a teaspoon from there ONCE.

Report in 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
thanks, will do.
beth2006 last decade
Dear Sameer,
this is regarding my eyes. since one hour ago there is yellow discharge from both of my eys. they almost red. I washed them with baby shampoo. actually this is the second time it is happening and now I know it is from an eye pencil. last time I thought it might some kind of germ so threw out the previous pencil. I bought a new one and I used it today for the first time. so I am not sure if it is germ but maybe kind of substance that my eyes reacting to it like this. anyhow, do you recommend anything for my eyes?
thanks a lot.
beth2006 last decade
Hi Beth,

This symptom alone is not enough, even for this acute episode I need more information as to what makes it better, and what makes it worse as well as aggravation times.
sameervermani last decade
well it started about 1 hour ago so I really don't have any other symptoms right now. the only thing is that there is fair amount of discharge. no itching although I can feel that something is in my eye (discharges). kind of feeling that right eye is worse than left.
so maybe we should wait until tomorrow (tomorrow for me;). I don't know where your location is, but I am on the west coast so it is 12 am and I will be sleep in half an hour.
as always I appreciate your time and your quick response. you are one of a kind, simply the best.
beth2006 last decade
Hi Sameer,
my eyes are definitely better. I mean less discharge, and less red. still no other symptoms but I feel they are healing by themselves.
should I take anything?
beth2006 last decade
Dont take anything. If it gets worse, then talk to me.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you.
beth2006 last decade
Hi Sameer,
I am writing this report because I am a little concerned regarding my son. I gave him lyc 200 on july 11 as instructed. since yesterday sometimes-maybe 4/5 times yesterday- he blinks like nervous people. you know they blinks fast and sometimes the press eyelids (last night he did so even in sleep). there is no pattern apparently for this new behaviour of him. he has become a little bit difficult to deal with. very clingy. less friendly with kids. I realized that he doesn't like tunnels at all. but no fear of height (as today he had a few rides without any fear). he is opposing me about almost anything. he won't go to sleep without me by his side. he wakes up several times at night crying or sometimes just asking for his pacifier. he wakes up from his afternoon nap with crying.
do you think he is proving lyc? (if that is the right way to ask it!!!!!?)
Thank you so much for your attention
beth2006 last decade
Hi Beth,

This sounds like an aggravation.

Please give him a single dose of Pulsatilla 6c, 1 teaspoon as dose. This will calm things down.

Report in 2 days.

sameervermani last decade
can one prove lyco in single dose dr sameer?
zambian last decade
puls in how much water? and if I don't find puls 6 here then can I use puls 30 instead? if yes how? as I mentioned before we are on vacation (new york) my only option for remedies is a store named whole foods that doesn't carry all potencies mostly 30.
thank you
beth2006 last decade
Whole foods certainly carries 6c, and 1 pellet in 250 ml water is enough.
sameervermani last decade
you were right. I got it. just one more thing: now his skin erupted like crazy all his bck around shoulder area is full of tiny acnes. the skin is red and itchy. it gets worse by warm/heat.
I will report back.
beth2006 last decade
Hi Sameer,
it has been 30hrs since I gave him puls. I can't say anyhting specifically, except that he is really trying my paitience. I ended up yellig and shouting at him. the more I show flexibility the more he takes advantage of it. he is totally different. you know he used to be a fun to be wwith baby and he would listen to me at least sometimes. now he is crying out loud for anyhting and I mean anything. crying most of the time. he wants me to sit and play and he just wathcing me, he doesn't play. I will wait for another day and will report back but in the meantime if you need more info regarding him just let me know so I can post it while he is sleep. by the way we are back home so I have access to all remedies.

in the mean time I appreciate if you recommend something for myself. I am exhausted, no patience and tired. I have a severe stomach ache since 1 hour ago. the moment I shouted at him the stomachache started. looks like there is no position that I feel better. also it is very bloated.

Thank you.
beth2006 last decade
Hi Beth,

Is the stomach ache better from bending double or better from pressure ?
sameervermani last decade

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