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Itching/bumps/cholinergic urticaria 1


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Chronic 'Urticaria' (Itching) Page 2 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
One last thing...

What dosage intake do you suggest, since i have 12c.

A tea spoon how often and for how long? Thanks. itchy.
itchy 2 decades ago

Not a teaspoon.Just mix two to three drops in about 30ml water,and take twice a day.Continue for about a week,and report back.

I am responding,as others seem to be busy.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Make sure there are no odors around you,on you (perfumes etc) and in your mouth before taking thew medicine.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
The bottle i have is very small in liquid form, which would last around 3/4 days when taken twice a day.

Is this sufficient enough? I thought treatments for chronic conditions were over a 3-6 month period.

Can someone please confirm this. Thank you.
itchy 2 decades ago
Thanks bandarbabu2000.

Seems we posted the same time.
itchy 2 decades ago
Should this be taken on an empty stomach and will it be okay to continue taking antihistamine? Thanks
itchy 2 decades ago
Sorry I have failed to post.

If you want to see if homeopathy works, why would you want to take antihistamine at the same time? Not logical.

Others have given correct directions.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Homeopathy is taken in a clean mouth. Remedy goes to brain from saliva glands.

Nothing to do with digestion. The action is in mouth.

Homeopathy is the "least possible" dosage. More remedy in dosage is not better. Stop taking when better.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
SUPERFICIAL ITCHING REASONS : These are usually temporary.
1. Sometimes even a light caress triggers off any itching syndrome. Like wearing of loose cloths, like taking off your cloths. It is like tingling the skin sensory receptors. It may get triggered or may not get triggered depends on individual's own sensivity n resistances.
2. Itching may be triggered off due to : like warming up of skin, chapping - cracking - broken skin, exposure to dry or cold air, food allergy, certain chemicals, certain sodium based foods, exciting drugs or medicines like synthetic vitamins (C,E ..), a pin prick or a insect bite, loss of skin moisture - that is Sebum oil (dryness), excessive moisture retention - (like persipiration ... causing growth of abnormal bacteria and fungus) and many more reasons
3. A abnormal pulse rate also triggers itching, besides other symptoms.
4. Disagreeable stimulating intoxicants like tobacco, alcohol, dried lizard skin powder, un-purified drugs like smack, grasss and so on. (heroine, morphine are purified drugs)
5. Certain foods like Mushrooms, certain Sea foods, Animal proteins, certain Roots .....
6. Certain stimulating spices like Ginger, Nutmeg, Mint, Turmeric, Red chillies ...

PHYSICAL INTERNAL ITCHING REASONS : These are more dangerous and persistant.
1. Faulty digestion : When the G.I. tract malfunctions (specially the lower - Large Intestine or colon, wherein if the feaces (stools - potty) are retained longer or the moisture (water) is less in the colon, this will trigger a very large area itching anywhere in the body surface, besides causing a host of physical n mental irritations.

2. Faulty cell celluar structure metabolism i.e. creation-shedding of regime. Normally the skin cell regenerates totally to the top layer in about 4 weeks. Any change in this timings, triggers off persistant and intense itching. When a old skin cell does not fall off or shed off easily and the waiting new skin cell is restricted to form upwards, the squirming action the cellular structure generates causes intense itching - this itching forcefully re-arranges the old and the new skin cell stucture by loosening up the old skin cell. (more prominently understood in a psorasis skin disorder cases or even in fine cut woung healing cases or burn healing cases)

PSYCHOLOGICAL ITCHING REASONS : This is most dangerous of all.
Itching may be triggered off due to hundreds of factors (triggers) like mood irritiability, sudden excitement like loud noises, sudden emotions like fear - anger, sudden things like loud ringing of telephone bell, financial insecurity, memories of bad experiences or incidents, frightened, anxiety, annoyed with office people or family relations, deliberate suppresion of feelings n emotions, and so on.

Itching can occur from the top of the head to the tip of the toe. From inside to outside of the body. From back to front. It may change place several times. Itching can be burning, bloody n maddening. Itching is really a relieving off your body emotions. a most satisfying way the body entertains itself, but at the cost of the psychic irritation. A sudden discharge of histamine due to any of the above reasons will trigger of a itching.You can suppress the discharge of histamine by taking anti-histamine drugs/injections, thereby suppresseing the itching - though again only temporarily. The nerve endings leading upto the skin surface, causes the itching due to the excitement / irritation due to any of the above reasons. There is no element of bacteria or otherwise involved in itching, as made out by the prejudiced conventional medical faternity.

Certain persons react to loud noises or excitement by increasing / decreasing their Blood Pressure. Similarly, certain persons react to these loud noises / excitement ... by sensitising themselves to trigger ( = start) an itching.

Following (any) will relieve off itching - though only temporarily : (not constitutionally)
1. Have a Epsom-salt water bath - immediately AFTER a regular bath.
2. Have a Pottasiam Permagnate bath - immediately AFTER a regular bath.
3. Have a Soda Bi-carb bath - immediately AFTER a regular bath.
4. Have a Calendula Q solution bath - immediately AFTER a regular bath.
5. Rub ice cubes or keep/apply ice-bag on the itching part.
6. Periodic colon flushing, using Epsom salt as base.
7. Reduce acidic foods and increase alkalie foods. Keep saliva pH above 7.3. (optimum pH is 7.4 for high-thermal countries and pH 7.5 for low-thermal countries.
8. Intake of pysillium husk
9. Soda-bicarb - one teaspoon full, dissolved in 300 ml water, after heavy meals.

How the nerve endings get irritated : Imagine a Rattle snake (the snake body is the nerve). Now imagine the Tail of the Rattle snake which persistantly vibrates vigrously (only when excited). Here imagine the Tail is the nerve ending point - which to understand is the under-layer END of the skin. Here the nerve ending vibrates at the under-layer of the skin causing the exciting irritation (say - itching). This irritation is the called the itching. This release of irritation is actually the release of emotion the internal phsyical body wants to get rid off - the self preservation factor is the prime concern here for the internal phsyical body.

The Rattle snake, to safeguard itself, rattles its tail, setting off an Audio trigger response by creating an rattling sound. The human body, to safe guard itself, excites the nerve endings n creates itching to get rid of the internal body irritation.

Scratching or rubbing or caressing causes an effect called "counter-irritation". You can slap the skin or apply ice or apply hot bag to create the "counter-irritation". Homoeopathically you can say : to relieve off the old-existing symptom, you create another more powerful symptom (say - stimuli, though only temporarily). The new temporary powerful symptom while curing clears off the old-existing symptom.

HOMOEOPATHICALLY (though unconstitutionally) : PSORINUM-1M, liquid, 4 drops on freshly scrapped clean tongue, early morning one dose only, every fifteen'th day. Total-in-all 4 doses = 16 drops in 60 days.

BIO-CHEMICALLY : Along with Psorinum, must take NATRUM SULPH-6X, 6 tablets every 4 hours, for a long time.

ALLOPATHY'ICALLY : Anti-Histamine drugs - safe for occasional usage. Refrain from calcium blockers or blood thinners.

AYURVEDICALLY : Extract of SENNA leaves + Extract of Emblica officinalis (amla / avala) - a teaspoonful each - just before heavy meals.

BACH FLOWER REMEDIES : Following cocktail of remedies mixed together. CRAB APPLE + SCRALANTHUS + WHITE CHESTNUT. In liquid form - take 10 drops of the above cocktail, every fifth hour (3 doses per day), directly on clean tongue. For many days, even after the symptoms are relieved off.

Incidently - deep breathing and relaxation reduces off itching, faster.

keep smiling ... HA21
HA21 2 decades ago
Woah...thanks. some useful info there.

It's been 5/6 days of ROX and the itching has improved somewhat. I still itch and swell up, but to a lesser extent. Skin feels more 'relexed' and it's been 5 days since an antihistamine. Lets hope it's not all phycological.

Anyway, since this is a chronic condition, am i right in guessing treatment will need to be continued for alot longer? Thanks for all your help. itchy
itchy 2 decades ago
So i guess the question is..How long would someone of my condition typically expect things to clear up while taking effective treatment.

I've had a week of 'lighter' itching and the product seems to be working....

itchy 2 decades ago
Now you are on 12c.Continue for 3 weeks.Report if you experience any new symptoms.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I forgot to add.

Stop the medicine,if the situation suddenly becomes worse.That means no more medicine is required.

It is a sign of homeopathic aggravation,and will subside on its own,and give you long lasting relief.

You may or may not get this aggravation phase.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Sorry, is this after the three weeks treatment or stop NOW. Thanks, itchy
itchy 2 decades ago

I said 'stop the medicine if you become worse.'

Continue for three weeks.In case,you become worse, any time in these three weeks,report back.

Is it clear?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Dear Itchy, do you like sea foods? This could be a hidden problem. URTIACA URENS is for shell fish allergy. Look for something "odd" like this.

What about wheat. MANY people have become allergic to wheat since "they" began the radiated seeds.

Inside the house.
What about certain type of decor. Rugs/paint/ anything that began 5 years ago.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
sea food? not really. I've had a food allergy test so i doubt it's anything of the kind.

Nothing around the house i can think off.

The RHUS TOX is not helping, so i'll give it 2 weeks then try the other treatment.
itchy 2 decades ago
Hi Itchy, no need to wait two weeks. If it has been 5 days since last dost of RHUS TOX.

Try the URTIACA U. on the 6th day. Two doses per day morn and night.

Let us know. I am working on a couple of other remedies.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
No change with the URTIACA.

Shall i try them again or is there no hope from these remedies? Thanks
itchy last decade
Wha'dya think?
itchy last decade
Are you looking for some magic remedy for your itch ? There is no such thing or is there such a thing.

Jumping suddenly into cold water pool will instantly relieve the itching - though only for a few hours.

Read my posting dated 06 February 2005 in your subject forum. Try them too.
HA21 last decade
i also have hives. i have had it for about 2 years now. try getting the doctor to prescribe you with tablets called 'loratadine'. it works a treat!
spowell last decade
also try changing your soap you use in the bath. another thing could be washing up powder. i remember changing washing up powders and it cut the itching and red-patches right down!
spowell last decade
Dear itchy, have reread the whole posting. I am interested in offering another obscure remedy?

NARCISSUS 30C. The Daffodil. This plant has properties that cause many different type of symptoms.

Great for a Bronchial cough. After searching several places, only one book mentioned a skin discription like yours.

One dose 30C every other day for 6 doses. Do not be tempted to take more often as it may increase your discomfort.

Please let us know.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
hi, the itching seems to have got worse since the first day of intake. Is this a good/bad sign?

Thanks, itchy
itchy last decade
Intake of what?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

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