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Itching/bumps/cholinergic urticaria 1


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Chronic 'Urticaria' (Itching) Page 3 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Intake of what?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
narcissus 30c.
itchy last decade
narcissus 30c.
itchy last decade
Your skin condition may very well increase before healing. It seems to be more than a simple case of hives.

Have you checked your foods intake to see if you are allergic to something?? Wheat is in everything we eat. Aspertame comes under 4 names and is complete poison for the body. Eat NOTHING diet!!

NO caffeine. takes the water from the body faster than we can drink 10 cups per day. Bottled only.

Nightshade foods: tomatoes/potatoes/eggplant/all/pepper family and curries have peppers in it. These things are most common aggrivations. Also peas and peanuts are related. Many are sensitive to these also.

Chemicals? Deordrant? Soaps? What I am asking is are you re-irritating your body without realizing it?

Let us know. Read other postings to see that people have increase in symptoms and it subsides and then returns and subsides and finally done.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi, I stopped taking remedies for some time, then just a few days ago started taking 4 drops of Urtica Urens into half a cup of water, twice a day.

There's definitely been slight improvment in my skin but nothing major. Shall i keep taking it (bearing in mind i have a chronic condition and it may take longer to cure? I've read stories of people taking remedies for months before the condition clears 100%.

Any thoughts? Thanks
itchy last decade
If there is improvement and a general sense of well-being, continue. Yes, a chronic condition will take time to cure. Roughly a month for every year of the disease.
Minsa last decade
Okay, do you recommend i continue with my current dose intake or do you think i should make an increase/decrease? Is half a cup too much water, and is there a danger in taking too much remedy? Anyone? Thanks
itchy last decade
Okay, do you recommend i continue with my current dose intake or do you think i should make an increase/decrease? Is half a cup too much water, and is there a danger in taking too much remedy? Anyone? Thanks
itchy last decade
Hello, just wanted to say that I came across this thread doing research for myself because I too have recently been experiencing all of the same symptoms that 'itchy' has. My extreme skin sensitivity started about two months ago and is driving me nuts. I've thought and thought about whats causing it. The only thing I can think of thats really changed in my lifestyle in the last two months is that I've been consuming a lot more green tea and salad than I normally do. I also noticed that i've spent a lot more time indoors.

My off the wall theory is that my new diet may have cause a mild allergic reaction internally or upset my digestive system. I'm going to eat salad less often and stop drinking tea for a month. I'm also going to get more sunlight, I feel this has something to do with it because whenever i'm outside I itch less. I've read some studies related to the disease MS (Multiple Sclorosis) saying that scientists believe a lack of sunlight (ultraviolet light) can be 25% of the cause. MS is a degenerative muscle and nerve disease. I'm thinking that skin needs a good does of sunlight to stay healthy.

I'm starting today for a month. I will report my results....
digitalwav last decade
this blog is a relief to me beacause i to have been experiencing this chronic itching.. i have gone to the doctor where they thought i was allergic to a medication so they took me off. My condition only got worse. Every doctor just throws a medication that is 5 times as strong as benedryl at me, which only makes me fall asleep...i literally itch everywhere! my eyes, nose, ears, face, neck, chest, back, legs, stomach, feet, the palms of my hands. Most people think im crazy when i tell them whats wrong with me. its been about 4 months now, and its really starting to make me crazy. i have all normal lab tests and i have one food allergy which is dairy, which i do not eat. i have no idea what this is from, and i feel hopeless cause doctors basically tell me its nothing.
what do i do?!?!
if anyone can help.. pleeeeease do.
itchy2006 last decade
Before I thought my problem stemmed from my diet or lack of sun. Neither were the case.

I went to a physician and mentioned that Antihistamines such as Claritin (Latoradine) made my symptoms go away for a couple of days, but eventually they creep back. I was started on an allergy program. I've had blood, urine, and allergy tests done. On my next visit the doctor gave me a list of about 20-30 things that I was highly allergic to. Most were pollinating plants, trees, and grasses. Also mentioned were cat/dog hair and skin/dust mites. I inquired as to why I was suddenly sensitive to all these things since my symptoms only started several months ago and I grew up with cats. Their best answer was that it was probably genetic and triggered by a change. What triggered that change is unknown... It could be my age, diet, environmental factors or something completely off the wall.

They have started me on an allergy serum that I believe may be similar to the one mentioned earlier in this fourum. They gave me three dropper bottles, each filled with with a liquid slightly stronger than the previous. I take an increasing dosage of drops every other day, under my tongue. The serum is suppost to help me get use to the things i'm allergic to so that the allergic reactions are less severe. I was told that it will take 2-4 months before I noticed a difference and I will have to take the serum for about 6 months. I've also been reffered to a dermatologist for a second opinion. In the mean time i've been told to keep taking antihistamines as needed until the serum starts to take effect.

I will follow up as I progress through the increasing doses of the serum.
digitalwav last decade
How the serum works:

1. I've been given three bottles so far. Each one a slightly stronger dose than the previous one.

2. Drop are to be taken under the tongue at least 5 mins after eating and you should also not eat for at least 5 minutes after administering. Let the drops sit under the tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow.

3. The first bottle I took every day. Starting at 3 drops and increasing each day till I reached 14 drops.

4. The next bottle I took every other day and the drops increase 1 drop each time till I reached 14 drops again.

5. The third bottle is the same as the second. Taken every other day and increasing one drop.

6. I get a new bottle every month now that is taken the same as the second and third bottles were.

Maybe this will help those that are curious how to administer the serum mentioned in this forum.
digitalwav last decade
i think i have actually figured out what i could have. If you have Chronic Idiopathic Uticaria it could possible be and autoimmune disorder having to do with thyroid antibodies... this only seems logical for me because autoimmune disorders run in my family especially ones having to do with the thyroid.. i know i dont have any other allergies.. already tested.. but i will keep u updated on the outcome of my doctors visit .. cause i assure whoever doesnt have it.. its one of the most terrible things ever..
good luck.
itchy2006 last decade
anyone know how the first girl turned out on here? if it went away after using all that herbal stuff?
itchy2006 last decade
take berberisaquifolium mother tincture 15 drops twice daily for 1 week and report
redrose17 last decade
You presented your detail in not enough for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / Gesture in turn of . I will present you a healthy prescription to you
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried/widow
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. Family History
10. Qualification of patient
11. Nature of working
12. Complexion: Fair/Wheatish/ Darkish
13. Constitution: Well built/Fat/Thin
14. Veg/non veg
15. History of taking Alcohol/Tobacco/coffee/Tea/any drugs addiction
16. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
17. Since how long you are suffering for each complain
18. current medicine you are taking for each complain
19. Diabetic or non Diabetic
20. Desire sweets/sour/salt
21. Thirst –Small quantity/short interval/long interval/large Quantity
22. Tongue color
23. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
24. What exactly is happening ?
25. How do you feel ?
26. How does this affect you ?
27. How does it feel like ?
28. What comes to your mind ?
29. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
30. How did that feel like ?
31. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
32. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
33. desire or like and dislike of food
33. Name of foods which increase your problem
34. Body odor ,/sweating/-
35. Under line the right word for you ----
Morose, Quarrelsome, Hasty, Lachrymose, Anxious, Delirious, Groping, Despairing, Sad, Hopeful, Fearful, Restless, Calm, Drowsy, dullness, Anger, Being overwhelmed, Depression and gloom Despair and faithlessness , Despondency from overwork, Domination of others, Doubt or Discouragement, Easy impressionability, Fear and Shyness, Fear for the others welfare, Fear of losing mental balance, Feeling of powerlessness, Guilty and self-blame, Hard master onto oneself with an urge to inspire others, Hopelessness, Immaturity of Mind/Emotions, failure to learn from mistakes impatience, indecision in difference or boredom Intolerance and criticism lack of mental tranquility, lack of motivation and incentive longing for past happiness, nostsliqia, low self-confidence, Mental Fatigue, Mental torture or worry, Mental/emotional and physical weariness, Overcome for welfare of others, Overenthsiasm, Pride or aloofness, Resentment and bitterness, Sadness, greif, shock, Self centered talkativeness, Self-distrust, Shame or feelings of un cleanliness, Terror, jealousy, Weakness too willing , Fear from known thing, fear from unknown thing. Whether you can able to give public speech or not.
36. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
37. . Details of the adverse features in the Pathological ,ECG, XRay Ultra-Sound's tests already conducted
38. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
omg, i have this and it SUCKS SO MUCH

i cant concentrate on work, and driving sucks, and so does sleeping.

the itchying almost never stops.... if this will last for over 5 years, like the other guy, i would prefer death.

please help me!!!
whiteli0n last decade
My husband has had the same itch condition for 8 years. It has really taken a toll on him. He takes 10mg daily of loratidine but we are looking for a cure not just temporary relief.

The chronic itching is severe and covers every part of his body. He experiences red, raised rash if he scratches but it will dissipate within a few minutes.

Environmental factors do not seem to play into the severity of itching. It is constant!

I would love to hear from folks who've had success in treating their conditions.

Also, my heart goes out to you all suffering from this problem. I really understand how hard it is and regret that some of the posters on this forum don't seem to see how serious the problem is that we are dealing with.


Itchy Man's Wife
stephaknee last decade
Hi, me and my husband urticaria for about 2 years. Initially I thought it had to do somethign with the detergent, tried everything, now using plain old washing soda and vinegar for rinsing. I didnt know it was urticaria, for the past 06 months, it has become chronic for me alone, and my whole body has become red patches, hives everwhere including lower face. We are from Hot place (Chennai, India) but for the past 6 years living in cold area (Michigan, usa)?
I was prescribed claritin (anti-histamine) and it aggravates heavily, I am supposted to see allergist in the coming week.

After this I have examined and found that that external application of turmeric and caladryl is giving relief for some time. Also neem, almond, coconut oil external use for dry skin gives long red patches and aggrevates. I am not using any other store brought due to chemical sensitivity. Apart from this essentail oils/ perfumed cloth etc. all are triggers. I want to know if there is any permanent relif and medications, I dont like to live with this, it is very difficult. Also I have severe migraine. Your help is appreciated. I will be happy to give any more details.
farmhill last decade
I cant do that. I have chronic Migraine. Even if I delay food I will get migraine, how can I be without food. I have lot of restriction on food, lifestyle everything. I get migraine 5 times in a week for more than 14 hrs per day. With this itchy red patch hives my life sucks.
farmhill last decade
I have this condition too. I started about 2 years ago, and became more and more intense. I went to see some doctors, and same thing goes with the antihistamine. I basically became much less active, do virtually no exercises as before, gain some weight, and feel so useless sometimes.

Good luck to all of you out there who suffer this condition. I'm glad Im not alone. Hope that there is a cure some day.
ken777 last decade
Hi Guys

I am drinking lots and lots of apple juice and water daily. Looks red patches have reduced on its own and comes one days after other.
So I am getting relief on some days, no itch at all, especially after bath.

Also found out dust and mold, mildew are main triggers compared to others,

Also I am not able to use any moisturiser. Even the mild ones live aveeno daily moisturizer are making me go red and itchy the next day. any suggestions for daily moisturizers ?
farmhill last decade
If it is confirmed mold and mildew I will move from this place, as most homes in USA dont have windows in kitchen and I have to use chemicals all the time and fight with the non-destructive mold, mildew and the carpet is never ending dust allergy prone. All these problems I never had in India. we had lot of ventilation, sun, plain hard floors.

Is there any state in USA that offers homes like these with good ventilation and air flow. this will help me live a good life. I would like to move and give a new try. Any suggestions of places is highly appreciated.
farmhill last decade
Hi Folks

I am suffering from a itching problem from the last 4 months. It was August when I first encounter this problem. I had taken some medication from the doctor who conduct several type of food allergic test on my blood and also try to check me on some sort of food which she consider might be one reason . And she also prescribed me 2 kind of different tablets and some body oils and lotions. but these did not help me a lot. After 2 month I consult to another doctor who ask me to take some calcium in forum of some SAFT / juice which I did and this also did not help much. I will really appreciate if someone help me on this. I want to mention some more facts about me.

• My skin goes reddish after itching when I scrub skin with something (my hand or something else like cloth). Due to itching even I can not even sleep properly
• I am a pure vegetarian, non-alcoholic, non smoker
• I am an Asian living in Germany from Last 8 months but problem starts since last 4 months.
• I did not try any special food or something like that which can be allergic to my body.
• I already tried tons of external agents like soap , creams and oils which did not help and I strongly believe that there is something wrong inside my body
• Problem first start in August (hot/warm) weather and continue till now Nov (cold) weather

I hope someone will suggest me something which will help me

Regards- JASWANT
jaswantpurba last decade
I have been diagnosed with Urticaria. I have suffered from it since 2007. At first I hadn't realised what I had as I scratched as soon as I itched. Now I know it is Urticaria as I have watched the lesions rise up on my skin. I itch contantly. I take anti histamines mornings with other tablets twice daily and a piriton on the evening. All the medication was prescribed through the doctor. However the itch does not go away. Some parts of the days are not as bad as others, but once it starts it overtakes my life. My body can be covered with lesions. I have also began using E45 anti itch cream to keep the itching as limited as possible. However over the past couple of days I hsve had a burning stinging tongue. Looking this up it could possibly be Angioedema. Is anyone else suffering from this, I would be interested to know.
patcar77 last decade
Hi anyone out there. I would really like to hear from those who are suffering like me. Are there any remedies as doctors seem to be so bliase about this condition. I am sure if they suffered they would go out of their way to help their patients who also suffer from it. I can feel the lesions begin and I can watch them get red. They come up constantly, I have no reprieve. I need help, anyone who has any kind of cure of aid to stop this carrying on minute upon minute I would be so grateful to hear from you.
patcar77 last decade

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