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Posts about Autism, Depression

Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression187Acute acidity due to mental depression6Classic Autism10Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression885 year old - mild autism10Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Autism5Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Members
It would be favorable for the patient to take this case in full, and then determine the right remedy to start with.
This will save a lot of time and unnecessary suffering.
Homeopathy is not a hit and miss operation when done correctly.
Hans Weitbrecht last decade
Dear Hans,

i won't mind if you do this case. Please come forward if you are willing. You are most welcome.
kadwa last decade
Somehow our communication took a break.
I really wanted to try Tarentula hispanica for my son.I could get only 30 potency. So I gave him 3 doses last week-2 pellets mixed in an ounce of water= 1 tsp at bedtime for 3 days. Things look promising. Nothing great buta tiny bit calmer.Should i repeat and how?
Please advice.
appeciating your help
ajavm last decade
Please don't repeat the doses if he is improving under the influence of earlier doses. Please wait for another week and give him another three doses if there is no improvement.
kadwa last decade
Thanks Dr.Kadwa,
There seems to be a pinch of difference in calmness and anxiety, but since we deal with so much anxiety, anger and hyperactivity, a pinch gives a glimmer of hope.
Couple of questions-
When I repeat next week,do i do the same way that is put 2 pellets in quarter cup of water and give him 1 tsp for 3 days or continue with the water that is left from last time?
Please let me know.
I was able to get Tarentula Hispanica in 6c potency too.
ajavm last decade
You may give from the earlier water dilution. Some homeopaths suggest shaking water dilution every time before giving the dose. But in my opinion it doesn't make any significant difference. You may also make a new dilution if for some reasons you don't have the old one. There is no need to go to 6 potency now.
kadwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa,
It is another 2 weeks since the last dose of tarentula Hisp panica 30.Nothing significant to report either negative or positive.Maybe the dosing is incorrect the way I did it? I put 2 pellets in a quarter cup of water and gave it for 3 days.Maybe it would work better if I had given 2 pellets each for 3 days?
My son never responded well when the previous homeopath several years back gave him monthly one dose.
In my ignorance and desperation , when he had this persistent cough for 4-5 months i gave him rumex crispus 30 c for a month and it worked well.
Please guide me.
ajavm last decade
Please give him 2 pellets of tarentula hisp 30 every alternate day and report back after 10 days.
kadwa last decade
Reporting after 10 days. I gave my son 2 pellets of tarentla hispanica 30 alternate days-totally 5 doses in the past 10 days.
He seems on the happier side. We have not seen any major temper tantrum in the past 10 days, which is very hopeful.His anxiety level is high still but we are able to talk about it without him getting all angry and guilty about it.
His repetitive behavior and strict adherence to routines is very bothersome.He can hardly function.But when we ask him to stop he would get very upset before but now after some protest he moves on.Hope this is really an improvement, not a passing phase. Restlessness has come down a tiny bit.These differences are quite little but still on the positive side.
Hope I have explained the situation clearly.Please let me know if you have any questions.
What should I do next?
please let me know.
Appreciate all your help.
ajavm last decade
Please give him tarentula hispania 30 once in 3 days i.e. after a gap of every 2 days and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Reporting after 15 days. I gave my son tarentula hisp 30 once in 3 days- a total of 5 doses in the past 15 days.
He has maintained a happy attitude generally. We have been able to talk him through moments of angry tension.His level of anxiety is high still, but we are able to manage him through it.It is still difficult for him to move/transition from one activity to another due to anxiety.An example would be getting out of bed or coming to eat.
About 10 days back he forgot his lunch bag at school and that day he lost it all-anger,hitting ,shouting, biting self -he was in a total panic state.He did not want to go back to school to get it[though he ran out in anger]. Finally his teacher had to get it.He calmed down after talking to the teacher on the phone and waited at the door for the lunch bag.
We keep assuring him he has not done anything wrong generally and that seems to help his anxiety.He seems guilty all the time-specially about changes within his body and the feelings associated with adolescence.Actually he started exhibiting anger/aggression with the onset of puberty-12 to 13 years old.
Restless roaming around has come down.
Sleep has slightly improved-number of hours of sleep has gone up from 6-7 hrs to 7-7.5 hours.
His focus is a pinch better.
It is very difficult to clearly say anything as he does not communicate.At times it seems the fog around him is getting thinner and at times not.
His cough bothers him at times specially while eating.Today he coughed through the day. Should I give him Rumex Crispus again? It has been about 2 months since the last dose of rumex.
Please guide me. Each day is a challenge.
Thanking you.
ajavm last decade
You may give him rumex for his cough. It may be given daily for few days.
Please give him the following bach flower remedies (at a time i.e. together) in the morning and evening for 10 days and report back.
white chestnut
You may give 3 pills of each flower remedy.
kadwa last decade
Thanks for your response.
I was able to get bach flower remedies in liquid form only, not pills. I started giving 3 drops of each one, 2 times a day.Is that sufficient?
How long does it take to show any effect? Should it be taken before or after food?
Right now after 3 days of being on the Flower remedies my son still continues to be on the edge-high tension and obsessive behaviors.Hoping these flower remedies will calm him somehow.
Appreciating your help/
ajavm last decade
Reporting after 10 days of the Bach Flower remedies-Walnut and White Chestnut.
We did not see much of a difference.He has been happier since we started Tarentula Hispanica. It was same with The flower remedies.But high tension and repetitive behaviors and the guilt after that and his inability to accept his own behaviors is very high.
What should we do next? Please guide us.
Thanking you.
ajavm last decade
Please give him a single dose of Tarentula 200 (2 pills or drops). Please give him the flower remedies as earlier from second day onwards and report back after 10 days.
kadwa last decade
Thanks for your response.
I have only 30 or 6 potency of Tarentula Hispanica. I have to order the 200 and it may take about 2-3 weeks to get it.
In my last pos i forgot to mention that my son had couple pf tongue sores last week for which I gave Carbo Veg 30 for 5 days. It got better and the sores have gone. But he keeps chewing on the tongue as if it bothering him-not sure what it is.
Please let me knpw if I ahould order Tarentula 200 and also if I need to order any other remedies,
Thanking you.
ajavm last decade
It seems that higher potency of Tarentula may help him further. You may also procure Tarentula 1M.
kadwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa,
reporting after 10 days- Gave my son a single dose of Tarentula hispanica 200, followed by the Bach flower remedies White chestnut and walnut.
He seems happier. There were couple of situations, when he would have had a tantrum or angry outburst, but he was able to control himself.There is still a lots of stress, but we are able to talk to him about it and he gets a pinch calm, but it seems to be better.
Two of his teachers who had not seen him for a while commented that he is more connected and using more words.
He has very limited vocabulary that he uses and now we heard new ones!
Another teacher said he seemed different and he was not doing too much of OCD type of behaviors.These teachers come home.
This past week he had a school break. Now once he starts school from Monday I have to see what the school teachers have to say.At school he controls himself well but it leads to a lot of bottled up tension.
Generally we feel that we seem to be headed in the right direction-hope my hunch is correct.
Please let me know what to do next.
ajavm last decade
Well it is good to know that Tarentula is working .

Wait till the improvement lasts and then as Mr Kadwa said get Tarentula 1M . Dont give it till improvement holds.
vikas_grower last decade
Any senstivity to touch anywhere .

What is his response to colours .

What is his response to music .

Does he like head massages.
vikas_grower last decade
I have a son who is 15 and was diagnosed with autism and adhd. My advice to you is to always abide with what the doctor has said with regards to medication regimen, it is very important give the right and proper medicine at the right time and I also combined my sons therapy with an to really boost his potential alternative therapy nd it has done good with my child. You should try it. :)
JennaMarshal last decade
Thanks for all your responses.
Vikas Growerji, with so many behaviors going on, will I know when improvements is not holding anymore?
He is sometimes sensitive to touch and at times does not mind. He generally does not like anyone sitting next to him at home. He likes only cotton stretchy clothing.He does like materials like jeans etc.
AS for colours he has not shown anything in particular. Maybe I can observe and let you know.But recently he avoids certain stainless steel plates cups etc if they are losing their brand new shine-he will not even come near them.
About music,he loves it.He is very emotional about music-certain songs send him into an ecstatic state and some he cannot bear to listen.He obsessively listens to some and once we mange to break him from that habit he will move to next obsessive song and will not listen to his old obsession.He has a very keen sense of notes-he can play any tune he knows on the keyboard by himself accurately, but at a high speed.His favorite pass time is listening or watching songs. Now a days when he is about to have tantrum, if possible we play one of his favorite songs and he gets distracted and calms down.He loves to listen music while going in the car.
He can tolerate short head massages.
It is good to hear from you all.
JennaMarshal-what therapies did you try for your son?
Thanks again.
ajavm last decade
Dr. Kadwa,
Hope you were able to read my post 2 days ago.
As I told you earlier last week was school vacation and this week he is back in school and since then his tension level has gone up, which affects all activities and transition from one activity to another.Now I am not sure if it is due to school or if Tarentula';s effect is fading?
I am continuing the Bach Flower remedies. Is that okay?
Please advice.
Thanking you
ajavm last decade
Please give him a single dose of Tarentula 200 and follow it up with flower remedies. Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
What are his chief fears .

What are his weather preferences .

Does he suffer from cold , cough often .
vikas_grower last decade
Since he does not have expressive language it is very difficult to say about his fears.He does not like darkness.
He does not like changes to routines or in the physical environment. Warning him ahead about the changes helps.He always worried he will forget some step in his routine.
He gets anxious when anyone is late coming home.Is it separation anxiety or some other fear?-I am not sure.
Weather- he gets very sad in winter when the days are short-so I assume he likes summer-long hours of sunshine.
He suffers from seasonal allergies which manifests as cough always and wheezing sometimes.Last year he had persistent cough for almost four months. Then I looked up on this website and tried the suggested remedy Rumex Crispus 30 for a month and since then[6 months] he has not had an attack.
Hope that answers your questions Growerji.
ajavm last decade

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