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Posts about Autism, Depression

Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression187Acute acidity due to mental depression6Classic Autism10Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression885 year old - mild autism10Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Autism5Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression/autism Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since he does not have expressive language it is very difficult to say about his fears.He does not like darkness.
He does not like changes to routines or in the physical environment. Warning him ahead about the changes helps.He always worried he will forget some step in his routine.
He gets anxious when anyone is late coming home.Is it separation anxiety or some other fear?-I am not sure.
Weather- he gets very sad in winter when the days are short-so I assume he likes summer-long hours of sunshine.
He suffers from seasonal allergies which manifests as cough always and wheezing sometimes.Last year he had persistent cough for almost four months. Then I looked up on this website and tried the suggested remedy Rumex Crispus 30 for a month and since then[6 months] he has not had an attack.
Hope that answers your questions Growerji.
ajavm last decade
Lets summarize

1)He was always hyper with loud vocals,but happy.

2)His sense of hearing and vision seemed hyper.

3)Turned 11,12 started getting angry and gradually aggressive,hitting or pushing us and throwing things and self injurious-mainly head banging on the floor or wall occasionally biting himself.

4)he is intelligent,understands everything,loves music and can play any tune on the piano by ear.

5)But he has attention span issues,impatient cannot focus for long.

He gets very frustrated when he gets stuck in some of his compulsions. .

6)For the past 6 yrs my son suffers from seasonal allergies and manifests as severe cough.Till today we have not been able to pinpoint to a cause, He does not cooperate for blood work.There is no cold or chest congestion.He will cough all the time. If he catches a cold he will start wheezing sometimes

7)Behaviorally he is the same- hyper anxious,agitated-too tense transitioning from one activity to another, for example getting out of bed to the bathroom, or coming to eat. Eventually he gets upset with himself and does repetitive things like turning on the bathroom light several times[it is never right!]This is just one example-there are many such things during the day and finally he cannot function at all for a simple task even without us guiding him-which makes him anxious again-we get into this vicious circle with him.

Surprisingly he controls himself very well when he is at school and probably lets it all out at home.

8)Tongue sores occur occasionally.Before it was frequent and about 4 years back one lasted for several months.I thought then it was a side effect of the steroids he was given due to some skin rash that lasted for about 3-4 months that discolored his skin and remains lightly till today after all these years.The rashes were on right side of his lower neck and around his right eye

9)He does not give much eye contact and does not respond to anyone-so people can probably know that things are not normal.
10)Physical symptoms-i am not able to say correctly. He seems as if there is some physical discomfort-but he cannot tell where there is pain.
11)Mental symptoms-Mostly anxious,next minute he can be happy too.

12)Angry, aggressive,hyper-moving all the time. He shouts a lot all the time at home.
When it comes to his needs he is very persistent,but indifferent otherwise.

13)He fears darkness.He likes sameness. Changes in the physical environment or family members are late coming home it is difficult for him.

14)Prefers routines for anything, even drinking water or going to the bathroom-which causes more tension if things are different.Transitioning from one activity is major hurdle.
He drinks normal amount of water.He does not prefer hot or cold.
He is a picky eater.
He has a set of home cooked food we rotate.We are vegetarians
He does not like dals much-so now he has stopped eating idli dosa even.He likes mexican flavored foods or pastas.
He dislikes tomatoes and beans.
He loves certain biscuits and sugar treats-occasionally he will have chocolates. He will only
eat the frosting part of the cake.He likes pistachios and cashews.
15)Sleep-It takes about an hour for him to calm down and sleep-the antipsychotic medicine help him sleep to a certain extent. Once he sleeps he does not wake up-he is an alert light sleeper some nights.He sleeps for about 7 hrs.
I am sure he likes summer weather.This time of the year when winter approaches his behaviors seem to get worse.
Time of the day is difficult to say-there is no consistent time he is better or worse.Maybe after lunch he calms down a bit

16)His repetitive behavior and strict adherence to routines is very bothersome

17) He is sometimes sensitive to touch and at times does not mind. He generally does not like anyone sitting next to him at home. He likes only cotton stretchy clothing.He does like materials like jeans etc.
AS for colours he has not shown anything in particular. Maybe I can observe and let you know.But recently he avoids certain stainless steel plates cups etc if they are losing their brand new shine-he will not even come near them.
About music,he loves it.He is very emotional about music-certain songs send him into an ecstatic state and some he cannot bear to listen.He obsessively listens to some and once we mange to break him from that habit he will move to next obsessive song and will not listen to his old obsession.He has a very keen sense of notes-he can play any tune he knows on the keyboard by himself accurately, but at a high speed.His favorite pass time is listening or watching songs. Now a days when he is about to have tantrum, if possible we play one of his favorite songs and he gets distracted and calms down.He loves to listen music while going in the car.
He can tolerate short head massages.
vikas_grower last decade
Does he suffer from excessive gas formation .

He generally does not like anyone sitting next to him at home. - can you explain that in more detail

Surprisingly he controls himself very well when he is at school and probably lets it all out at home.-can you explain that in more detail

Which songs he does not prefer to listen.
vikas_grower last decade
He used to suffer from excessive gas formation several years back-now occasionally.A course of Carbo Veg was helpful. Even now some days he has foul smelling stools.
He prefers to sit alone while watching TV on the sofa and will push away anyone who attempts to sit next to him.Occasionally he will allow.
At school,he controls most of his behaviors,his repetitive patterns,loud shouting and other behaviors well.Some days he will come home and start shouting and be a very tense.Occasionally upon asking he will say that he was not able to play some game, but not sure what exactly bothered him. WE have noticed he gets tense if a light bulb has gone off some where o if there is a crack on the floor or a tear on a chair. He understands what people around him talk but sine he cannot express himself there is a lot of frustration.But he will not show the frustration at school.
We are not sure what kind of songs he does not like.He probably pays attention to details in the song.WE feel he does not like folk drums and shehnai[trumpet] type of sounds.
ajavm last decade
Does he allows caresses or cuddles .

Does he perspire a lot any body part .

Any aversion to water .

Any longing for fresh air .

Is he afraid of people in authority like school teachers .

Can you describe his fear of dark in more detail

You have said Music makes him ecstatic - how do you conclude that
vikas_grower last decade
Yes he allows us to cuddle him but not caress.
His head perspires a lot.
He loves to swim. When he showers we have to give him a few minutes to play with water drops-a visual stimulation that makes him very excited. Every time he uses the bathroom and washes his hands he spends a lot of time playing in water/water drops.
No idea about fresh air.
I do not think he is afraid of people in authority.He has realized that he cannot show any aggression towards male teachers as they are stronger than him. He will lose some priviledges like playing a computer game if he misbehaves at school.Since childhood the teaching method is based on reward system and so he very conditioned to getting rewards like candies or games for any task completed.
At home he knows he is stronger than us.He can push/ hit us very easily. Due to anti-psychotic medications he has gained too much weight-went 4 sizes up very fast. He now weighs about 90 kgs and height 5 feet 2 inches.
Since he was young he will not go alone into a dark room and turn on light.He will come close behind us. Even now he does that sometimes.
But when he sleeps we have to make his room very dark. As it is now a days he sleeps only for a about 6 hours.
Music-Some songs will make him smile ,laugh and shout and run around in joy. We have seen such happiness only with music.
ajavm last decade
Somehow i feel inclined towards Lycopodium .

The reason being Lycopodium covers fear of dark , sensitivity towards music , head perspiration , digestive issues .

By the way are you based in India.
vikas_grower last decade
Thanks Vikas Growerji for taking interest in my sons case.
We live near Boston, US.
Few months back, when I filled out the Remedy Finder grid-Tarentula hispanica came out as most effective and Lycopodium as least.Looking back and comparing, he is surely happier,less aggressive.He was very restless, abrupt and always wildly going around. Even now he is, but a little less.He is quite crafty manipulative guy always bossing us around which suited Tarentula hispanica I thought.But You all should know better.
So what should I do now? What is Dr. Kadwa's opinion?
Please let me know.
He is going to be 18 this month and we are worried beyond words as he can hardly function in this world.
Thanks so much.
ajavm last decade
Well the theme that you selected 'Depression' was not the right one but i think that Tarentula seems to be working good .
Also Tarentula is the indicated remedy when the patient shows strong amelioration of the symptoms due to music .
So tarentula it is . However before any further dosing , please note that only when you start noticing regression in the present improvement , the next dose is to be administered .

Please get Tarentula 1M and 10M but dont dose .

Keep updating and the dosing proceedure can be discussed once the regression happens .
vikas_grower last decade
Well dont you worry , their is master prescriber Mr Sameer Vermani active on this forum . He will surely be of a great help in restoring your sons health .
vikas_grower last decade
Thanks for all the guidance. Will make sure will dose only after discussing here on the forum.
Back then when I was finding the remedy,my son did seem depressed-nothing even music could not make him relax and cheer up. He was tight ball of tension ready to burst out in anger.Since tarentula he has relaxed a bit and can smile. There are tense moments even now but the intensity of the outburst has come down.I even entered 'head banging' in the Remedy Finder and I got tarentula as a good match-because until he banged his head on the wall or floor his anger would not come down. But I am so desperately hoping this will work. There is very little hope left now.
Thanks again
ajavm last decade
Lets wait & watch till there is no deterioration .
vikas_grower last decade
It is only about 10 days since I gave Tarntula hispanica 200. The reason I am here is because things have been rough generally.The first week he was slightly on the angry side and unfocused and hyper as usual, but retaining some of the happiness.But he would make all of us repeat every word we would say. Not sure about some physical discomfort-but 5 days back he developed sore throat[I think],lost appetite and seemed feverish and extremely tired.Even now he keeps clearing his throat and phlegm gets caught in his throat and he gags on it.He coughs sometimes.I gave him a few doses of Rumex Crispus 30c as it helped him last year for the cough that lasted 4-5 months.I am not sure if he has a sinus drip. Locally we get a sinus combination called Alpha SH by Boericke and Tafel. The ingredients are Sanguinaria canadensis 6X, Hydrastis canadensis 6X, Silicea 6X, Kali muriaticum 3X, Pulsatilla 3X. It really very helpful for colds and sinus problems,for all of us. But I am not sure if i can give it to my son at this time.
Right now apart from the phlegm irritating his throat and occasional cough he is okay. his doctor checked his chest and ears and all okay there. He would open his mouth wide enough for the doctor to see in. Otherwise he has not had any major angry outburst.
Please let me know how to deal with the current situation.
Thanking you.
ajavm last decade

Please follow Vikas.

Best Wishes.
kadwa last decade
It is more than 3 weeks since the last dose of tarentula hispanica 200.
My son went through a round of cold, sore throat and severe cough and it came under control after a round of antibiotics.
Behaviorally he was okay, meaning no major anger outbursts. But since 2 days we are seeing some amount of anger and he is finding it difficult to control himself.Is it time for another dose? Right now I have the above remedy in 6c, 30c, 200 and 1m potency.
Please advise.
Thanking all of you for your kind help.
ajavm last decade
It has been almost a month since I last posted and I have not received any response.
Anyone interested in helping us?
Looking forward
and Thanks
ajavm last decade
This case hasn't really been taken in full yet. The Remedy Finder is a terrible way to prescribe. There are guidelines to selecting and weighting symptoms that this program completely ignores.

There does seem to be alot of information scattered throughout the thread. I can have a look at them and see if a more useful remedy appears.

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Registered ATMS 5141
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I will wait to hear from you.
Meanwhile please let me know if you need more information about my son.
ajavm last decade

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